Questionnaires for Writing Character Profiles - Creative Writing Help Enter your e-mail to get the e-book for FREE. We'll also keep you informed about interesting website news. "I have searched the web and used different worksheets, but none have come close to your worksheets and descriptions of (what to do and what not to do). Both courses I have taken have with Creative Writing Now have been amazing. Each time I have learned something new.
Writing Meaningful Description To the reader? The world of your book is a black box. Devoid of all sensation—no sights, sounds, tastes, smells, or aural pleasantries beyond dialogue. It is up to you and your prowess of description to fill that world out—to let the reader experience it as you would have it experienced. Such power! » 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better “Smile, breathe and go slowly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk Post written by Leo Babauta. Are you simply moving through your day, without fully living? I did this for many years.
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently - Heidi Grant Halvorson - Harvard Business Review - StumbleUpon Learn more about the science of success with Heidi Grant Halvorson’s HBR Single, based on this blog post. Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others? If you aren’t sure, you are far from alone in your confusion.
Poetree: A Funeral Urn That Lets You Plant A Tree From Ashes Images: Margaux Ruyant Though conventional 'deathcare' is hardly green, thanks to the use of embalming chemicals, concrete vaults and non-biodegradable caskets, burials are getting greener each year with various eco-friendly options and smarter approaches. But what about keeping it simple, yet also tying death back into nature's cycle of renewal? 10 Reading Exercises for Fiction Writers I always find it exciting when I discover a book that in some way echoes whatever I happen to be writing at the time. It might share a similarity of style, story, or structure, or any combination of the three. Whatever the similarity, I find it helpful to delve into the writing to see what lessons I can glean. After reading several duds recently, I finally came across such a book–The China Garden by Kristina Olsson. While the story isn’t similar to my current work, the prose captured me from the very first page.
Feelings Character Table Character Feelings You can describe your character's feelings in more exact terms than just "happy" or "sad." Check these lists for the exact nuance to describe your character's intensity of feelings. SF Characters | SF Items | SF Descriptors | SF Places | SF EventsSF Jobs/Occupations | Random Emotions | Emotions List | Intensity of Feelings The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck Ok, I have a confession to make. I have spent almost my whole life– 31 years–  caring far too much about offending people, worrying if I’m cool enough for them, or asking myself if they are judging me. I can’t take it anymore.
ONLINE SUPERHEROES: BATTLE FOR THE INTERNET - StumbleUpon From the creative mind of Caldwell Tanner, illustrator of College Humor, writer of his own captivating and hilarious illustration blog, and graphic artist/comedian extraordinaire, now comes “The Internet League of Justice” illustration series! Imagine if the most popular online websites and social media networks were superheroes! What powers would they have? See Also REAL LIFE DISNEY PRINCESSES Who would their nemeses be? Thanks to Tanner’s amazing wit and humor, we don’t have to guess anymore! The Girl Who Loves to Levitate (14 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon Natsumi Hayashi is a sweet-looking Japanese girl who, one day, decided to take self-portraits..of herself levitating. She can be spotted in and around Tokyo, equipped with her SLR and her self-timer. When she feels the moment strike, she presses the shutter button down and then, quite literally, "jumps" into place. What I love most about her shots is that they don't feel forced. Natsumi has a way of making us feel as though she naturally levitates throughout life. When I asked her how others react to her jumping around Tokyo, here is a funny story that she shared.