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Future Cities Laboratory

Future Cities Laboratory
Related:  Digital city

Concept | GIFT Gujarat,Gujarat International Tec City,Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) Source: Master Plan Documents, ECADI/Fairwood * 120 mt height permission received from AAI, various studies underway as to recommend height relaxation in GIFT up to 400 mt. GIFT is planned as a financial Central Business District (CBD) between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar as a greenfield development. GIFT shall be a part of the future urban complex of Ahmedabad & Gandhinagar. GIFT is designed as a hub for the global financial services sector. GIFT Master Plan reflects a sophisticated planning approach that integrates the intended program into the existing context of both the site and the region. The vision for GIFT is achieved through the objectives which are enumerated as follows:

Insitut of Urban Design The aim of the Institute of Urban Design is to develop and impart knowledge of new principles and methods of urban design. It is organized in three professorships, each with its own research emphasis. Chair of Architecture and Urban Design - Prof. The emphasis Design Strategies and Instruments in Urban Space concentrates on the observation of urban phenomena and the development of methods and tools at the interface between architecture and urban design. Chair of the History of Urban Design - Prof. The research emphasis Systematics of Urban Design focuses on developing urban strategies for the 21st century based on the aesthetic and functional qualities of existing or planned urban forms, which are able to serve as guidelines for urban developments. Chair of Architecture and Design - Prof. The third research emphasis Edgecity Morphology focuses on contemporary urban territories and their potential sustainable development.

Six projets pour protéger New York de la montée des eaux LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Stéphane Lauer (New York, correspondant) Deux ans après le passage de Sandy, les Etats-Unis vont consacrer près d'un milliard de dollars (738 millions d'euros) au réaménagement des rives de New York, de Long Island et du New Jersey, dévastées par le super ouragan en octobre 2012. Le secrétaire au logement et au développement urbain, Shaun Donovan, et le maire de New York, Bill de Blasio, ont annoncé, lundi 2 juin, les noms des lauréats d'un concours de design, Rebuild by Design, qui se partageront la dotation. Lancé en novembre 2013, il s'agit du plus grand concours jamais organisé aux Etats-Unis. Il fait partie des 60 milliards de dollars débloqués par le gouvernement américain après l'ouragan.

Branch Office Cairo - Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Proposal Writing GERLS The DAAD Kairo Akademie is kindly encouraging you to apply for the upcoming Module "Proposal Writing GERLS” by Dr. Astrid Loff When: 9th OR 10th September 2014, from 9 am to 4 pm Where: premises of the DAAD Office, 11, Sh. Info Sheet Registration Form As places are limited we kindly ask you to fill out the attached registration sheet and send it with your CV till the 22nd of July 2014 to Kindly choose only ONE date in the registration form.Please note that incomplete applications cannot be considered.Please note the attached "Registration Form & Info Sheet”. When: 16th July 2014 – Time: 14:30 pm to 16:30 pm Where: Seminarroom 9.06 Faculty Building (K1) ,Keplerstraße, 11, 70174, Stuttgart. Graduates from the first intake 2011 will talk about where they came from study, work experience, why they decided to join IUSD and where it took them. More information can be found here. Contacts:

Defining A City By Its Professional Skill Set with Data From LinkedIn By their very design and origins, cities have always been linked closely to opportunity. In addition to providing concentrated access to a more diverse set of cultural, culinary, and educational options, cities also attract and nurture clusters of workers with complementary and contrasting skills. For workers considering a move, the professional attributes of a city can matter just as much as the attributes of a particular company or opportunity. Some professionals considering their next career move may be interested in an area that has a rich ecosystem of talent in their specialty. Over 175 million LinkedIn members are located in the United States and Europe, and by mining the skills and location data in their profiles, we built two maps that highlight the skills which define almost every major city in each region. A few things stood out when looking at our map of the US. Follow the oil! As with the US map, we noted a few interesting trends in Europe. Interactive maps by Skye Riley

PARTICIPATORY SENSING 1/4 – the data-citizen driven city This post is the first of 4 posts about Participatory Sensing (projects and research) that are going to be published weekly for the next 4 Fridays. In these posts I will share my research on participatory sensing, open data and smartcities that I started about 6 months ago. The first post is about The data-citizen driven city project which I developed with César García, Jorge Medal and Sara Thomson on September 2011. We presented The data-citizen driven city project for the 4Th ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE CONTEST “CITY-SENSE: Shaping our environment with real-time data” by The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia on the 26Th September. Below I present the original texts and images of our proposal where main ideas are discussed along a whole decade timeline: Understanding reality with data, changing personal habits. Collective intelligence and critical mass. Renovation of the Social Contract. Conclusion: A more sustainable and democratic city.

Monmouth, première ville Wikipédia Les projets wikimédia font partie intégrante de notre vie quotidienne. Consulter un article, découvrir une image, vérifier une information sont devenus des gestes courants, presque banals. Pour autant, l’intégration de ces projets dans le quotidien vient peut-être de franchir un nouveau cap. On assiste ainsi depuis quelques mois à la naissance d’une entité nouvelle : la Wikipedia Town ou Ville Wikipédia. Désireuse de mettre en valeur un fond patrimonial pluriséculaire, la municipalité a contracté un partenariat ambitieux avec Wikimédia UK. Ce partenariat découle d’un pari un peu fou. World’s First Wikipedia Town (John Cummings, CC-BY-SA) Monmouthpedia fait appel au savoir-faire et aux efforts conjoints de centaines de contributeurs bénévoles. De son côté, Monmouth se métamorphose en Wikipedia Town. Codes QR dans les livres de la Monmouth Library (Victuallers, CC-BY-SA) Les codes ne font pas qu’apporter un supplément d’information. Je suis vraiment fasciné par le projet Monmouthpedia.

MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD) | Home Public Safety and Wall Street | Limn Issue Number Two: Crowds and Clouds Compstat and the Real Time Crime Center are at the epicenter of Bloomberg’s New York. Emmanuel Didier explores how they are turning public safety into a commodity for Wall Street. In 1994, Rudolph Giuliani was elected Mayor of New York following a campaign centered entirely on the problem of public safety. After the September 11 attacks, all the attention was shifted to the fight against terrorism, which completely overshadowed the link between Wall Street and the regulation of public safety in New York. Then, in 2005, new mayor Michael Bloomberg willingly accepted police chief Ray Kelly’s implementation of another device called the Real Time Crime Center (RTCC). The conference center of the Real Time Crime Center Another view on the RTCC Conference Center Despite these temporal coincidences, the connection between finance in New York and the new public security measures is rarely noted. Compstat He calls them "the statistical crimes" The Plan of RTCC

Urban Agents & Citizen Apps, Towards an Autonomous Interactive Urban Planning Platform Fabio Carrera (MIT Ph.D.) will present some real-world applications that begin to demonstrate how it is now becoming practical to “fill the City Knowledge pipeline” from data collection, to information visualization, to modeling and interactive participation in urban planning decisions. What is emerging is the potential for an Autonomous Interactive Urban Planning Platform that: - leverages mobile applications for straight-to-the-cloud citizensourcing of urban phenomena- harvests sensor networks for real-time information- captures information as it flows through municipal administrative processes- visualizes information in multiple dimensions- models synthetic populations and their behaviors- provides instant feedback about the urban and environmental impacts in planning scenarios- allows tangible interaction in participatory planning contexts Would you like to put a link to this lecture on your homepage? Go ahead!

When companies break the law and people pay: The scary lesson of the Google Bus Ever since Rebecca Solnit took to the London Review of Books to ruminate on the meaning of the private chartered buses that transport tech industry workers around the San Francisco Bay Area (she called them, among other things, “the spaceships on which our alien overlords have landed to rule us,”) the Google Bus has become the go-to symbol for discord in Silicon Valley. First a Google Bus piñata was smashed to pieces at a rally in San Francisco’s Mission district last May. Then protesters drove a fake Google Bus in the annual Pride Parade with props linking the shuttles to gentrification, eviction and displacement. By December, when activists blockaded an actual Google bus on the street, the city and media were primed for the street theater stunt heard round the world. The Google Bus (I use the term, as most Bay Area residents do, to refer generally to private buses chartered by employers, including Facebook, Genentech, Apple, Yahoo and others) means something different to everyone.

Urban Models + Spatial Complexity + Smart Cities + | Mainly Based on my Lectures at ASU, Ritsumeikan, and UCL
