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Let's read together! - Billy Elliot - Mia Smith Jag är ingen litteraturmänniska. Jag vet inte hur många gånger jag sagt dessa ord. Under lärarutbildningen valde jag i största möjliga utsträckning de kurser som fokuserade på lingvistik, snarare än litteratur. Är det för att jag inte tycker om att läsa? Inom ramen för läslyftet arbetar jag och mina kollegor just nu med modulen Samtal om text. En kollega upplyste mig om att vi hade en klassuppsättning av en enkel version av Billy Elliot. Boken är en så kallad easy reader på nivå 3. Läsning Eleverna fick, efter att jag läst på ordentligt inom ramen för Läslyftet, skriva läsloggar, där de svarar på frågorna enskilt. I koppling till detta har jag också visat korta snuttar ur filmen och från musikalen som är baserad på filmen. Skrivande Projektet är ännu inte avslutat. Muntlig presentation En ytterligare uppgift eleverna ska få är att skapa ett kort videomeddelande till mig kopplat till filmen. Så, kunde jag gjort annorlunda?
Literature.org - The Online Literature Library Free Public Domain Books from the Classic Literature Library pmwiki.php?n=Novels To view the details of an annotation, use the '+' sign to expand an entry. If an entry is in boldface, this indicates it is also a link; clicking on those words will open the associated link for your view. "Blank Map of Europe" Before reading The Boy in the Striped Pajamas it is important for the students to have an understanding of what the holocaust was. “Holocaust Terms Glossary” About.com. I feel that it is very important to discuss as a class the holocaust in general before beginning the study of the novel, and in order to initiate a discussion I would have the class work together to create an ABC’s of the holocaust book. “Introduction to the Holocuast.” Another option for teaching about the holocaust would be to have the students read the “Introduction to the Holocaust” page located on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, www.ushmm.org. Sanders, Jessica. Sanders, Jessica. I would introduce the theme of clothes and status in the novel. Bernard, J. Shaw, Sarah Dennis.
Wikibooks The Online Books Page: Search Examples: Entering austen, jane in the Author field finds books by Jane Austen. Entering Baum in the Author field and and oz in the Title field finds L. Frank Baum's Oz books. If you have an old browser that does not understand forms, the old author search and title search are still available. Home -- Search -- New Listings -- Authors -- Titles -- Subjects -- Serials Books -- News -- Features -- Archives -- The Inside Story Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebooks@pobox.upenn.edu) OBP copyrights and licenses London Short Fiction: The Fingernail Fairy Continuing our series of short fiction set in, or influenced by London. This week’s story by Tracy Kuhn is one of the finalists in our competition with the British Academy’s Literature Week to find a new modern fairy tale for London. To explore the Literature Week programme and register visit the British Academy’s website. Alana pulled her coat around her and shivered. Those days were long gone. She shifted around on the windowsill to look at her reflection and flinched. Not that she hadn’t been warned. He’d talked his way out of it of course, with a flash of snug fitting emerald green slacks; typical leprechaun. She reached into her pocket, pulled out the small metal tool she used to open windows and slid it along the edge of the glass, carefully removing it. “You’re here! “Yeah, whatever, go back to sleep, kid.” He’d pulled out a piece of tissue from under his pillow, unwrapping it to reveal a blood-streaked tooth. “Here you are.” She’d stepped back in horror. His lower lip wobbled. “OK.
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