Biosphère — Synthèse Rapport Planète Vivante | Overshoot Day Un article de Chaque année, le réseau Global Footprint propose une date à partir de laquelle il estime que les Terriens ont épuisé leur quota de ressources naturelles de l'année. Ce jour est appelé "Overshoot Day". Overshoot Day, ce que cela signifie En 2011, la date de l'"Overshoot Day" était fixée au 21 septembre. Overshoot Day, une planète à crédit La date de l'Overshoot day, c'est avant tout une date symbolique, une date de prise de conscience pour le monde entier. C'est à partir de cette date fixée par le réseau Global Footprint que l'on considère que les Terriens ont épuisé leur quota de ressources naturelles pour l'année, que cela soit le quota de nourritures, de matières premières, de rejets de C02, d'eau... C'est à partir de cette date donc que l'on considère que le monde vit désormais à crédit, continuant à survivre en puisant dans les réserves, des réserves qui s'amenuisent malgrès tout. Un constat mondial provoqué par la consommation de certains
Preservation Institute Home Page What if Ecocide Were a Punishable Crime? Written by Chris Milton, a blogger for the Earth Island Journal Today, a trial in the halls of United Kingdom’s Supreme Court in London will try two top business executives for Ecocide — the destruction of ecosystems to such an extent that people can no longer live in an area in peace. The trial, Living Planet v Ecocide, is not a real one but will be conducted as though ecocide were an International Crime Against Peace, which would place the destruction of ecosystems on a par with genocide. The mock trial is part of a campaign to have ecocide declared the fifth International Crime Against Peace by the United Nations, which could be tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. To ensure the trial is as rigorous as possible a fully qualified legal team will be donating its time free of charge. The importance of the mock trial on future legislation cannot be underestimated, as one of the prosecuting barristers, Jane Russell, explains: Related Stories:
Population Media Center - Acting for Change Pour une cour pénale environnementale internationale - RIO+20 Nicole Bricq Ministre de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable Madame la Ministre, La Conférence de Rio de Janeiro se réunit en Juin 2012. Les problèmes provoqués par la détérioration des ressources de la nature et leurs conséquences sur la santé de l’Homme se manifestaient déjà dans l’Antiquité mais, au cours des siècles, le rapport entre l’Homme et la Nature s’est toutefois transformé en un rapport d’agression mutuelle. A cette agression, souvent criminelle, de la part de l’homme, la nature a répondu en répandant dans la nature sa charge de poisons. Il faut , en effet, constater un impact de plus en plus intrusif des éléments polluants et une plus grave altération des ressources environnementales. Aussi bien, nous souhaiterions que la délégation française soutienne l'initiative prise pour la création d'une Cour Pénale Internationale spécialisée pour examiner les délits les plus graves contre l'environnement et : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dorothée BENOIT-BROWAEYS
Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth Earth Blog: EARTH MEANDERS: This I Know to Be Ecological Truth Abrupt climate change and ecosystem collapse, caused by human industrial growth at expense of ecology, are poised to utterly destroy our one shared biosphere, and thus virtually all life including humanity. "I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole." – Malcolm X By Dr. Earth is an ancient organism, alive for 3.5 billion years. Human history can be summarized as the rich screwing the poor, stealing their work's surplus, while trashing ecosystems, at the point of a gun. It has been routinely claimed that growth and liquidating natural habitat is progress and advancement, when in fact ecosystem loss is ecocide, and is killing us all. Earth without its ecosystems and biosphere is no longer habitable. The human family faces an unprecedented ecological and social emergency, of its own making, and for which it is woefully unprepared.
Connecting the Dots: A Planet-Saving Mentality Facing — and solving — environmental challenges today can seem daunting, to say the least. For example, just when you think the clean energy revolution is taking off, presidential candidates continue to tout domestic drilling for fossil fuels, both on and offshore, in order to “solve” our energy crisis. Huh? Shouldn’t we be pushing for wind, solar and geothermal on a larger scale to create clean energy jobs while meeting our domestic energy needs? Shouldn’t we also be focusing on reducing energy consumption and promoting energy efficiency? Let’s be honest: solving the climate crisis is a massive endeavor that’s going to take much more than political jargon, or turning off the lights before you leave the house. Take car-sharing. Programs like these also foster an enhanced sense of community and wellbeing as sharing is generally shown to benefit one’s psychological, physical and social state. Related Stories: More Americans Believe Climate Change is Real