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Buscar trabajo como arquitecto joven: Unas cuantas sugerencias. – arquitextonica fotografía cc by-nc by Ro_buk Llevamos tiempo con este tema en la mente. Somos un estudio pequeño y con una trayectoria todavía corta, con lo que cada vez que recibimos un currículum, y recibimos muchos, nos abruma ver tanto potencial que no podemos aprovechar. Y como no podemos contrataros a todos los tremendos arquitectos que nos pedís trabajo, vamos a tratar de ayudaros así, escribiendo esta pequeña lista de recomendaciones. Selecciona tus objetivos. Sin haberlo esperado nos ha salido un decálogo, pero seguro que tenéis más ideas (ya sabéis, a los comentarios), ya sea de vuestra experiencia buscando curro o recibiendo solicitudes. Esperamos que os sea de ayuda.

International Job Databases This is a new site with job advertisements for academic and private positions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Academic Careers Academic Careers Online includes faculty, teacher, research, post doc, adjunct, library, administrative and senior management positions at (community) colleges, universities, research institutes and schools around the world Academic Jobs EU Academic Jobs EU is an independent company which facilitates recruitment and provides career related services to European Academic Institutions Academy of Management The Academy's Career Centre Placement is an interactive searchable database system containing records of applicants and positions. Adjunct Nation This site's Job-List features job openings for adjunct, part-time, full-time temporary, and visiting professors from The Adjunct Advocate magazine. EPSO European Personnel Selection Office EPSO offers information on career opportunities and job openings in the European Institutions EuroBrussels

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