JAVA JQUERY TUTORIALS An accordion in web design is a vertically stacked list of subjects, such as labels or thumbnails. Each subject can be "expanded" or "stretched" to reveal the content associated with that subject. There can be zero expanded subjects, one, or more than one subject expanded at a time, depending on the rules applied. The term stems from the musical accordion in which sections of the bellows can be expanded by pulling outward. Content about subject 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit et volumus vulputate efficiantur. Content about subject 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit et volumus vulputate efficiantur. Content about subject 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit et volumus vulputate efficiantur. Make sure that you have attached your files together and that you have downloaded and attached your jquery library file to your .html after the '/body' tag and before the ending '/html' tag. Now it's time to go to your java script file and write rules for the accordion using jquery.
LOGOTIPO GRATIS What Is Guerrilla Marketing? Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. The original term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book ‘Guerrilla Advertising’. The term guerrilla marketing was inspired by guerrilla warfare which is a form of irregular warfare and relates to the small tactic strategies used by armed civilians. Many of these tactics includes ambushes, sabotage, raids and elements of surprise. This alternative advertising style relies heavily on unconventional marketing strategy, high energy and imagination. Guerrilla marketing is often ideal for small businesses that need to reach a large audience without breaking the bank. The History of Guerrilla Marketing Advertising can be dated back to 4000 BC where the early Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. In 1960, campaigns focuses on heavy advertising spending in different mass media channels such as radio and print.
30 Essential Texas Restaurants to Visit Before You Die Texas is defined in many ways by many different people. But there are at least three things anyone can agree on when it comes to the Lone Star State: barbecue, Tex-Mex and steaks. This is the holy trinity of Texas cuisine — foods that compose our most firmly entrenched food heritage. In tiny Lockhart — a town long known as the Barbecue Capital of Texas — a decade-long family feud was sparked in 1999 at Kreuz Market, just shy of the barbecue joint's 100th anniversary, after patriarch Edgar "Smitty" Schmidt's death. The old Kreuz was renamed Smitty's, and although the feud wasn't particularly fierce, it wasn't uncommon to hear Lockhart residents align themselves with either Smitty's or "The Church of Kreuz," as though barbecue was their one true religion. How They Voted Voters were asked to choose the 30 Texas restaurants that they believed every Texan should eat at once before they die and that any visitor to the state should have on his or her hit list. Gulf Coast Gaido's Gilhooley's Uchi
How To Create A Fantastic Picture Book Emma Blackburn, editorial director for picture books at Bloomsbury Publishing, gives her top tips for getting started on your picture books. READ, READ, READBefore you start your own picture book, take a look at some of the wonderful picture books that are available at your local library, your school and your bookstore. This will help you to get a feel for the kind of stories that work and will open your eyes to a fabulous array of illustration styles and design. Tip: Read lots of picture books for inspiration. Picture books can be about all sorts of things. Think about different characters and scenarios. Leave some time to let the ideas settle. Tip: Brainstorming at the initial stages is really important. There are lots of different picture book characters: aliens, monsters, dinosaurs, children, safari animals, domestic animals. Choose your strongest and most appealing character and think about how he/she might act. Your character's name is important. A satisfying ending is a must.
Creador de Logos Shopify - ¿Cómo Crear Logos Gratis Online? ¿Sabes por qué el creador de diseños personalizados es la mejor opción? Es fácil y rápido de utilizar Introduce el nombre de tu Empresa o Compañía y obtén el diseño Realiza tu diseño tantas veces como quieras !Sin coste adicional! Gran galería de diseños disponible Da el paso y empieza a utilizar nuestro generador de logos profesionales, es rápido y sencillo y apto para todas las industrias y empresas! ¿Sabes por qué el creador de diseños personalizados es la mejor opción? Es fácil y rápido de utilizar Introduce el nombre de tu Empresa o Compañía y obtén el diseño Realiza tu diseño tantas veces como quieras ! Da el paso y empieza a utilizar nuestro generador de logos profesionales, es rápido y sencillo y apto para todas las industrias y empresas!
ACE Homepage | Alliance for Climate Education Analyze your Facebook page How To Develop Children Story Ideas and Create Picture Books “Anyone can write a children’s book!” Yep, that’s the response I get when I tell people I write for kids. “After all, they’re just kids,” they say with a flick of the wrist. As if kids are simpletons. We know this is not true. Kids are smart, and picky about what they read. As a child, I adored Roald Dahl’s fantastical tales, devoured the “Fudge” series by Judy Blume, and discovered a bookish best friend forever in Ramona. I wrote my first fractured fairy tale at age 8, and boasted that a publisher would snatch it up soon. Fast forward 30 years. Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about how to write children’s picture books that I wish I’d known early on. #1. Write about a subject that excites kids—robots, ballerinas, dump trucks, aliens, princesses, super heroes, and so on. Imagine your cover on bookstore shelves. Stay away from overdone topics like getting a pet, having a new baby in the family, moving to a new home, or meeting the tooth fairy. #2. Save #3. Save #4. #5. #6.
LogoSnap, utilidad web gratuita para crear tus propios logos - Soft & Apps Si quieres crear un logotipo, para tu página, blog, compañía o empresa, puedes recurrir a los servicios de un profesional que sin duda es la mejor forma de conseguir un logo de calidad. Aunque si estás empezando, o el presupuesto para gastos ya se ha agotado, siempre puedes crearlo tu mismo sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de diseño. Para ello existen muchas herramientas, una de ellas es LogoSnap. Para empezar seleccionamos el sector al que pertenece nuestro sitio o empresa, hay más de 50 opciones posibles, y elegimos cualquiera de los gráficos disponibles en la galería. Finalmente, podemos guardar el diseño para seguir editándolo en otra ocasión o descargarlo a nuestro disco duro. Enlace | LogoSnap Vía | Recursos Gratis en Internet Artículo relacionado | GraphicSprings, utilidad web gratuita para crear tus propios logotipos Compartir en: