The A-Z of video nasties - Weebls Stuff Posted by WilliamsCategory: Articles Any level-headed human with the capacity for reasoned thought would automatically see that this motley selection of shoddily-made US splatter, incomprehensible Italian hippy-crap monster movies, cheap-jack cannibal rubber-chomping gut-fests and nasty Nazi nork-flicks were as genuinely corrupting to public morals as Athena posters soaked in milk. Hell, even the most emotionally immature Iron Maiden devotee would get real bored, real fast, once the thrill of patently fake innards and the odd badly-shaved foreign front bum had worn off. But to a tabloid journalist or an uptight old harridan, these silly, ugly little shockers were the pre-AIDS harbinger of encroaching Armageddon – so come, let us journey back to the halcyon days of 1982, and have a butchers’ at… THE A-Z OF VIDEO NASTIES(This article isn't for kids. Seriously.) ABSURD: ANTHROPOPHAGOUS 2 1981 Italian video by Joe D'Amato You bet your arse it’s absurd! LOVE CAMP 7 1968 US video by R.L.
#3038363 SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these ass-fucks in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News # Social media # Torrent sites # Social networking
Abdominal Exercises List - Crunches, Oblique Exercises and Transverse Abdominal Exercises Abdominal exercises are one of the most sought after strength training exercises. The abs are part of your core muscles and keeping these strong are importat to minimize injuries. Everyone is looking for ways to get the ultimate six pack abs by searching for the most effective and best ab exercises. Here on this site you will find several ab exercises with instructions and a free fitness video demonstration for each stomach exercise to ensure you are doing them correctly. You want to do these exercises properly in order to help strengthen your core and support your body. All the videos are grouped into three different categories. The next group are the oblique exercises. The last group are the transverse abdominal videos. Each group is a series of six different exercises complete with instructions and videos. Abdominal Crunches In the abdominal crunches video series you will find the traditional crunch as well as many variations of crunches. Oblique Exercises Transverse Abdominal Exercises
BBC Radio 4 Programmes - A Strange, Enchanted Boy Recyclebank Vodka has many uses. Some of them are interesting and some are way out there. So read on to discover a countdown of some weird and wonderful uses for vodka. 16 weird and wonderful uses for vodka... and a few drink recipes. At a recent cocktail party, I was surprised to find people favoring brandy and bourbon drinks over vodka drinks. I’m a vodka fan, personally. With vodka out of favor at the local bar, I started to wonder how else vodka might earn its keep, and found out something pretty interesting. Vodka is versatile. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. And the number one, weirdest use for vodka I can come up with is - drum roll please - using it to make a screwdriver... but hey, that’s just me. For me, it’ll always be a martini, James Bond style, please. And in case you, too, really just want to drink your vodka, here are a few really good - but weird and drinkable - ideas for your vodka. You could Make Bacon Infused Vodka and use it in a BLT Bloody Mary
All Documentaries Welcome to the Must Watch section. It is our understanding that for a truly democratic society to exist, there must be a free flow of easily accessible information. For the most part (not including heavy censorship in China), the Internet has allowed for this free flow of information to everyone and anyone with access to the internet and it is imperative that this right continues to be protected. Unfortunately, the principle of free flowing information does not exist in the mainstream media because our governments continue to allow large corporations to consolidate the entire media industry. For this reason, many facts, perspectives, and opinions do not make it to our televisions, movie theatres, newspapers, and radio stations. The documentaries below epitomize the importance of free flowing information and the lack of it in mainstream media. Please take the time to educate yourself and to educate others about the important issues raised in each of the documentaries.
7 Foods You Should Never Eat Sometimes, even foods that seem healthy can harbor hidden problems that can affect our health and our planet. Here are seven foods you should never eat—and easy swaps to help eliminate them from your kitchen. Conventional Apples Right at the top of the “dirty dozen” list, conventional apples are sprayed with the most pesticides of almost any fruit because their growing method means they don’t develop natural pest resistance. Make the switch: Buy organic apples! Conventionally Grown Potatoes Think about it: A potato is a root vegetable, and plants absorb nutrients—and other junk—from the soil through their roots. Make the swap: Buy organic potatoes—even frozen ones. Corn-Fed Beef The biggest problems with corn-fed beef start with the corn, because cows evolved to eat grasses, not grains. Make the swap: Buy grass-fed beef instead of corn-fed and enjoy higher levels of good nutrients like omega-3s and vitamin E, and lower levels of bad stuff like inflammatory omega-6s and saturated fat.
15 Amazing Animated Short films We all love short animated films, but creating short film is very hard task. Putting whole story in 5 to 10 minutes is not easy. Can you imagine? Few films produced after working hard more than 6 years! I bet you will love these short animated movies, do let us know your favorite one, also feel free to share your favorite short film if it’s not present in the list. Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty Oscar-nominated film of ‘Granny O’Grimm’, directed by Nicky Phelan, produced by Brown Bag Films, and written/voiced by Kathleen O’Rourke. Oktapodi (2007) In Oktapodi, these two cuties help each other escape the clutches of a tyrannical restaurant cook. This Side Up – A Short Animation by Liron Topaz A naive music-lover’s patience is tested on his quest to download music online, as his perspective on technology completely changes. Oxygen Oxygen tries to make friends on the playground. “Heavenly Appeals” a short film by David Lisbe After many millennia of being tortured in Hell, Raymond K. Alma
- StumbleUpon - StumbleUpon W. Hunter Roberts: What Matters: Taking Back Your Life Lately I've been talking with a lot of people who feel out of control. I don't mean they feel out of control just regarding the economy and politics. Many of us feel that way, and with good reason. I mean their very own day-to-day lives seem out of their control. Recently I met someone who did something radical about it. He figured it out watching his best friend from the age of 6 die of cancer at 45. We talked of souls and meaning, love and God. Leaving everything is a dramatic move. We make choices we call practical without questioning what it is we wish to practice. So what profits a man who gains the world and loses his soul? That's what matters. For more by W. For more on mindfulness, click here.
Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need to Succeed Albert Einstein’s was estimated at 160, Madonna’s is 140, and John F. Kennedy’s was only 119, but as it turns out, your IQ score pales in comparison with your EQ, MQ, and BQ scores when it comes to predicting your success and professional achievement. [More from 10 Steps You Can Take To Become A Successful Young Leader At Work] IQ tests are used as an indicator of logical reasoning ability and technical intelligence. A high IQ is often a prerequisite for rising to the top ranks of business today. Research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology shows that 85 percent of your financial success is due to skills in “human engineering,” your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. [Related: Habits of Highly Productive People] Emotional Intelligence Top Tip for Improvement: First, become aware of your inner dialogue. [More from How To Change Your Brain For The Better] Moral Intelligence [More from 10 Worst Body Language Mistakes]