Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people. The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide. Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. The article, written by Alireza Forghani, an analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine. Read the previous report from WND, when Iran warned about a coming great event. Because Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran is justified in launching a pre-emptive, cataclysmic attack against the Jewish state, the doctrine argues. See the video:
The Hacker News – Most Popular Cyber Security, Hacking News Site This Is How Your Fear and Outrage Are Being Sold for Profit One evening in late October 2014, a doctor checked his own pulse and stepped onto a subway car in New York City. He had just returned home from a brief stint volunteering overseas, and was heading to Brooklyn to meet some friends at a bowling alley. He was looking forward to this break — earlier that day he had gone for a run around the city, grabbed coffee on the High Line, and eaten at a local meatball shop. Within 24 hours, he would become the most most feared man in New York. Dr. This did not stop a media explosion declaring an imminent apocalypse. The physical damage done by the disease itself was small. Social Media exploded around the topic, reaching 6,000 tweets per second, leaving the CDC and public health officials scrambling to curtail the misinformation spreading in all directions. Those billions were parlayed directly into advertising revenue. I’m going to tell you a few things you probably already know You will lose this battle. This is not your fault — it is by design.
Dee Ginn | Linnemann Funeral Homes Delois “Dee” Ginn, 76, of Canton, OH passed away Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at Aultman Hospital in Canton, OH. Dee was born April 15, 1943 in Neon, KY to the late Denver and Lexie Nelson. Dee was a pure Matriarch, and she loved being with her family. Spending time with her grandchildren was the light of her life. Anytime she could get the family together, Dee’s heart was full. She also enjoyed traveling and shopping, but her family was her true joy. Address: 3227 Dixie Hwy ERLANGER, KY 41018 Upload Gallery Content There have been no photos uploaded yet. There have been no videos submitted yet.
DRUDGE REPORT 2019® Second Vatican state to be established in Jerusalem – News that matters “The Old City of Jerusalem will become a “special regime”. It will be an autonomous, self-governing entity. The Chief Administrator will have minimum reliance on the existing regimes and structures”. This is a policy proposal from “Jerusalem Old City Initiative”. People are not aware that the planning of a the seat of the last antichrist has reached its final stages. The final push for the end game, started with the formation of The Council of the Religious Institutions of the Holy Land in 2005. When you read their statement of faith, you are introduced to the final One World Religion. Statement of faith: “As religious leaders of different faiths, who share the conviction in the one Creator, Lord of the Universe; we believe that the essence of religion is to worship G-d and respect the life and dignity of all human beings, regardless of religion, nationality and gender”. This is the councils website: And the head of this council is a Norwegian Lutheran priest, Mr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
shington Courts - Search Case Records What is this website? It is a search engine for cases filed in the municipal, district, superior, and appellate courts of the state of Washington. The search results can point you to the official or complete court record. How can I obtain the complete court record? You can contact the court in which the case was filed to view the court record or to order copies of court records. How can I contact the court? Click here for a court directory with information on how to contact every court in the state. Can I find the outcome of a case on this website? How do I verify the information contained in search results? Can I use the search results to find out someone’s criminal record? Where does the information come from? Do the government agencies that provide the information for this site and maintain this site: Guarantee that the information is accurate or complete?
Vinklade budskap I denna övning utgår vi från sju olika metoder som brukar användas för att få människor att tycka på ett visst sätt. Metoderna för påverkan finns presenterade i kopieringsunderlaget. Skriv ut kopieringsunderlaget, klipp ut korten och ge ett kort till varje grupp. Skapa grupptryck genom att ge en känsla av att många tycker på ett visst sätt.Utse en syndabock – ge någon/något skulden för något som den inte bär ansvar för.Använda musik, bilder och snabba klipp för att förstärka en viss känsla.Hänvisa till auktoriteter och trovärdiga källor.Påstå att något är fakta, fastän det bara är en åsikt.Överföring – koppla en negativ känsla från en sak till något annat, för att det andra också ska framstå som negativt (kan också göras för att framställa något på ett positivt sätt).Inte ge en helhetsbild utan använda detaljer så att de stärker en viss tes. Instruktion till deltagarna: Läs in er på kortet för att förstå vad er metod går ut på.Leta upp tre saker på nätet som ni tycker visar på er metod.
Corey Feldman's New Documentary That Will Expose Hollywood's 'Pedophile Ring' Will Be Aired Only ONCE - Next Week - Conservative US Corey Feldman wants the world to know: Pedophilia is “Hollywood’s biggest problem.” In an interview with the Guardian, the ’80s icon claims his long-awaited documentary will expose a child sex ring in which he and late actor Corey Haim were victims. Feldman, 48, who has teased potentially incriminating information for decades, says he plans to finally name the abusers of his “Lost Boys” co-star in the doc, tentatively titled “Truth: The Rape of the Two Coreys.” Corey Feldman says he is living in fear and has hired 24-hour protection ahead of the release of his new documentary that he says will expose the Hollywood pedophile ring he claims abused him and his late friend Corey Haim as children. Feldman says his new documentary – My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys – will reveal the names of the people who victimized him and Haim. Reports state that ‘(My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys’ will air only once and interested viewers across the world will have to watch it at the same time.
The Last Refuge | Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info: TheLastRefuge Matt Drudge Issues Warning: “Have An Exit Plan” His web site may consist of just a single page, but Matt Drudge is arguably the most influential media personality in the world. Garnering nearly one billion readers monthly, the Drudge Report is able to literally shift public sentiment, making it an essential read for D.C. insiders, Wall Street professionals, and anyone who wants to stay on top of the latest global issues. If Matt Drudge headlines a story its viral spread to millions of readers in near real-time is guaranteed. With his established connections to critical spheres of influence that include everything from politics and government to finance and entertainment, when Drudge speaks, people listen. Over the weekend, as noted by Steve Quayle and Susan Duclos, the self made media behemoth took to his Twitter account with a simple warning consisting of just four words… Have an Exit Plan Drudge included no other details with his Tweet. The warning, while cryptic, may be the result of direct insider information.
Totalhost.tk Free Web Hosting Service Näringsministern åkte till VM för 100 tusen skattekronor: ”Jag älskar fotboll” | Samhällsnytt Mikael Damberg (S), regeringens näringsminister, åkte till Sankt Petersburg den 3 juli ”för att stötta landslaget framåt”. Resan blev följden av regeringens beslut att ändra sin hållning i frågan om besök till Ryssland under VM. Tidigare ville regeringen straffa landet genom att bojkotta evenemanget – men ändrade helt sonika sin inställning efter Sveriges seger över Mexiko. Beslutet har visat sig vara en veritabel PR-katastrof, när fokus hamnade på regeringens dubbelmoral istället för glädjen över framgångar för landslaget. LÄS MER: Löfven hånas efter VM-resa: ”Nu har vi markerat” De vanliga svenska fans som ville beskåda VM och fick betala ur egen ficka hade oftast bokat sina biljetter långt i förväg enligt resebranschen – för att spara. I en intervju med Aftonbladet berättade Mikael Damberg (S) att han åker till Ryssland för att ”stötta landslaget framåt”. Samhällsnytt har varit i kontakt med Dambergs pressekreterare Ferreira, som själv var med på resan. – Jag älskar fotboll.
Governor Beshear awards $2 million in grants to Pikeville, Whitesburg, Floyd County (WYMT) - Governor Andy Beshear visited Eastern Kentucky Monday morning to announced more than $2 million in grants to Pikeville, Whitesburg and Floyd County. The grant money will go to several different projects. The City of Pikeville received a $500,000 Appalachian Regional Commission grant for project Health Care Employment Around Resource Training (HEART). This will be used to build a simulated learning environment to educate high school students about careers in the health care industry. "They (students) really don't understand what the program is all about. Officials said they hoped this will help the nursing shortage throughout the region. "Our Eastern Kentucky communities have been devastated by the decline in the coal industry and because of that, we are trying to reinvest," Gov. "So this $500,000 grant is going to help us to train more people right here in Eastern Kentucky," Gov. This grant today will allow the use of the Summit building (downtown Pikeville).
Site d'informations américain géré par un complotiste de droite/ d'extrême droite. Aussi une émission de radio. (chemtrails, théories des "acteurs" de la fusillade de Sandy Hook). by huguesisabel Nov 21