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Who Do You Want To Be? Create A Character Study For Your Ideal Self |... “I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.” ~Cary Grant Who do you want to be? I’m not asking who you are now or what kind of life you want to have, but what kind of person do you want to be? One of my favorite literary characters of all time is Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird. Role models are a good way to begin defining who we want to be. Sometimes we look at those people and think, “I wish I could be like that.” We feel stuck in our feelings, heartaches, and life events.We want to indulge our anger and feel glued to our pain.We feel incapable of becoming the who we want to be because life throws too much at us, so we must react.We believe that our personality is “set” and that substantial change isn’t really possible. In relationships we seem to step farthest away from the “who” we want to be. But is that really the highest vision we have for ourselves? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write the story of who you want to be. Related Articles:

Douglas LaBier: 5 Steps That Reveal Your Lifes Purpose Like many of us, you might feel that there's a true purpose to your life but you haven't yet found or discovered it, especially when trapped within a life that's unfulfilling or feels out of synch with your true purpose for being. Teachings of Eastern mystics say each of us have a particular purpose in life, though we might not know how to recognize it. Interestingly, some new research suggests ways to discover and pursue your true purpose. Moreover, having a purpose in life is found to help you protect yourself from mental decline -- not a bad byproduct. Some are awakened to it from an event or moment of illumination that opens the way. A recent example: Adam Steltzner, the NASA scientist who headed the team that designed and carried out the successful landing of the Mars rover, Curiosity. "The fact that it was in a different place in the sky at night when I returned home from playing a gig ... Most of us, though, have to work at discovering our purpose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Le Quattro Domande Chiave THIS PAGE HAS BEEN MOVED If you are not redirected to its new location in a few seconds, please click here DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS! di Phil Bartle, PhD tradotto da Alberto Gualtieri e Cecilia Lunati Dedicato a Gert Lüdeking Linee Guida Cosa vogliamo? Il Nucleo Essenziale della gestione e della Pianificazione: Dirigere, come attività, significa prendere decisioni e risolvere problematiche. Queste quattro domande sono: "1. Se i problemi vengono risolti solamente dopo che nascono e diventano pressanti si parla di "gestione per la crisi" ed è meglio di una non-gestione dopo tutto. Sia che il gruppo da sviluppare sia piccolo o grande, sia che sia strutturato come una comunità o che abbia una organizzazione vaga, la sua capacità sarà migliorata se si cerca di dare una risposta a queste quattro domande. Se non ci fossero problemi non si dovrebbero risolvere e non ci sarebbe bisogno di una gestione degli stessi. Cosa Vogliamo? "Qual è il problema principale che deve essere risolto?"

How To REALLY Get Over A Breakup | Dating Tips and Dating Advice by David Wygant The phone rings and you hear the dreaded words “We need to talk.” Then you get the knock on the door, your significant other comes in, and everything spirals down from there. The next thing you know, you’re hearing “We just aren’t connecting the way we need to be” or something similar to that. Whatever the specific phrase is, someone has just broken up with you. Let’s face it, it’s never good to hear any form of the words “We need to breakup.” If you are hearing those words, though, then you need to know two things. So let’s talk about what you can do to not just temporarily feel better, but to really get over a breakup. 1.Ditch The “Poor Me” Syndrome: The first thing you need to do is to stop thinking about all the things you could have done to prevent the breakup. Instead, really think about why the relationship didn’t work out. 2.Avoid The Alcohol: Right after a breakup, it may make you feel better to go out drinking with your friends and ‘trash talk’ your ex.

40 Ways to Feel More Alive “I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” ~Joseph Campbell As I write this, I am two hours away from my first weekly acting class in Los Angeles. I frequently said I wanted to do it, along with painting classes, which I’m starting next week, but I always made excuses not to start either. I was too busy. The list went on and on, but I realized the last two were the big ones for me. Also, I hesitate to give large amounts of time to hobbies I have no intention of pursuing professionally. I realized last month, however, that I want to prioritize more of the things that make me feel passionate and excited—and not just occasionally, but regularly. I don’t know if these classes are “leading” anywhere. That’s what it means to really feel alive—to be so immersed in the passionate bliss of this moment that you don’t think about yesterday or tomorrow. Say Something You’ve Been Meaning to Say 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Detto, fatto! Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Diagramma di flusso del principio logico di raccolta e organizzazione alla base del metodo GTD Detto, fatto! GTD si basa sull'utilizzo di memorie esterne come "sistema fidato" per tener traccia delle cose da fare, e per questo è stato associato alla teoria della memoria esterna e della cognizione distribuita.[2] Dopo la prima pubblicazione nel 2001, il GTD è ormai diventato un vero e proprio modello manageriale per la gestione del tempo e dei progetti, o, seguendo la definizione dell'autore stesso: un metodo "per gestire gli impegni, l'informazione e la comunicazione".[1] Descrizione[modifica | modifica sorgente] I criteri di base del GTD sono rielaborazioni e semplificazioni delle funzioni manageriali, del ciclo di trasmissione dell'informazione del knowledge management e dei principi esposti nei saggi di Henry Mintzberg[3]. Allen scrive nel suo libro: «Fai uscire ogni cosa dalla tua mente. Principi[modifica | modifica sorgente] Regola dei 2-minuti bedtime calculator How to find true friends (and love) in 45 minutes David Rowan Editor of Wired magazine This article was featured in Times Magazine, 5 November. Can you make someone become intimately close to you -- even fall in love with you -- in less than an hour? Dr Aron -- known to friends as Art -- runs the Interpersonal Relationships Lab at Stony Brook University on the north shore of Long Island, east of New York City, and he has love on his mind. Back in 1997, Aron and colleagues published a paper in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin on "The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness". They arranged volunteers in pairs, and gave them a list of 36 questions that, one by one, they were both asked to answer openly over an hour "in a kind of sharing game". But would the "fast friends" experiment also work with more worldly senior executives and entrepreneurs? "Take part in a psychological experiment, and make friends fast," I scribbled on the whiteboard where session hosts competed for delegates' attention.
