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iPad Applications In Bloom’s Taxonomy

iPad Applications In Bloom’s Taxonomy
This has bubbled up in my feeds not once, but several times now. It’s an interesting graphic that actually places example iPad applications into Bloom’s levels of performance in the cognitive domain. Focussed around students, and not really workplace learning, but interesting nonetheless. Check it out. October 2 & 3 (NEC Birmingham), Booth #D250 | Register (Free) Leave a Reply

39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom Pages - Menu This Blog Linked From Here Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom One question that comes into my inbox or on Twitter a lot lately is one dealing with iPads. Many schools and classrooms all over are investing in these devices and educators want to know how to use them effectively, apps to consider and more. In keeping with the "My Favorite Resources" theme (last week I listed my favorite resources for talking about Twitter) here are my go-to resources when people ask me about iPads in the Classroom. ISTE iPad In Education Webinar Resources-A while back ISTE ran a great webinar with some fabulous educators on using iPads in the classroom. This site has loads of information, a collection of articles, lists of apps and information on Apple's Volume Purchasing Program. iPads For Education- While this site comes courtesy of the Department Of Education in Victoria Australia, there is lots of information that can cross the Pacific that you can use in your classroom.

The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study In the first two terms of implementing an iPad programme, Longfield Academy in Kent have noticed a great impact on teaching and learning. Research carried out on behalf of Naace and supported by 9ine consulting is published here. It’s really exciting to be able to announce our research into the use of iPads. After a successful implementation at Longfield Academy in Kent and two terms of embedded use, the research shows some incredibly positive impacts on teaching and learning. The iPad's most useful apps, updated for 2012 While the iPad has its limitations, it's really good at a few basic functions. These 22 apps play to the iPad's strengths. I previously said that the Apple iPad is only good for two things (I later added a third), but it's really good at those things.

The Step-By-Step iPad Workflow For Teachers I recently stumbled across this handy infographic from Oakdome that shows a step by step guide to using your iPad for a paperless workflow/classroom. Since its no secret that paper is no longer the staple of the classroom, and since we’ve been looking recently at a few ways to make your classroom greener this year , we thought this step-by-step guide would be particularly useful! It tells you what you need and how to distribute, submit, grade, and return assignments using Google Drive . Riverwalk School iPad Resources There are many reasons for using an iPad. We have found that an iPad - Encourages and promotes active personalised learning It stimulates pupil engagement, attention and interaction It encourages active communication Ease of access – it is good for pupils with poor fine motor control as they are still able to activate the screen, it is portable and can be placed in the correct position for individual pupils to use The back lit screen is very important for pupils who have visual impairment It is flexible as it does not need too be plugged into the mains It allows instant feedback via video and photos It is very motivating and fun to use Apps range from basic to complex enabling pupils of all levels.

Khan Academy Enters Next Era With iPad App Khan Academy, the wildly popular YouTube lecture series, has launched its free, new iPad app in Apple's store. The enhanced version of Khan Academy includes time-syncing between devices--no Internet connection required--an interactive transcript of the lectures for easy searching, and a handy scrubber for moving between parts of the lectures. Perhaps more importantly, now that more schools have begun adopting Khan's lectures for their own classrooms, the iPad app could possibly replace or supplement textbooks, saving cash-strapped schools and students a lot of money. The major benefit of the app is offline learning. "If you're going on a road trip or if you're taking mass transit and you don't have cell service, or whatever, you can get the content," says Khan Academy Lead Designer Jason Rosoff.

Meet your child’s new teacher: the iPad Not long ago, I was horrified to learn children were allowed to use mobile phones in the playground. Now they’re actually being encouraged to bring smartphones out in the classroom, not to mention Kindles, iPads, Wiis and hand-held games consoles such as Nintendo DSs. Even exams are changing out of all recognition. Children will take internet-connected devices into exam halls, meaning no more need for memorisation. “The entire system will change,” writes Sugata Mitra, professor of education technology at Newcastle University. “Teachers are intelligent people; they will teach differently.
