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Your Argument is Invalid About Your Argument is Invalid is a popular catchphrase often used as a playful counter-response in online discussions. In debates of logic, the argument tactic is also known as argumentum ad hominem, which describes “any attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.” This meme draws certain parallels to the Pancake Bunny. Origin The Phrase Although this expression predates the internet, many an internet know-it-all has used the phrase in chat, email, and on message boards. Nice ad hominem attack, David. Nic Cage’s Bird Hair The now famous picture of Nicolas Cage’s hair photoshopped into a bird is rumored to have originated on 4chan, although no archived thread exists to confirm this. Spread On May 19th, My Hair is a Bird made the front page of “Your Argument is Invalid” has been since adopted by popular forums and imageboards alike, often used as a reaction image or interruptor in discussion threads. Notable Examples

Twilight in a nutshell 25 situations hilarantes où nos chiens nous font mourir de rire Nos amis à quatre pattes sont de véritables stars sur Internet, mais le chien a beau être le meilleur ami de l’homme, c’est en général le chat qui fait le plus de buzz. Découvrez 25 GIF à mourir de rire de nos toutous préférés ! Les chiens en ont sûrement marre que les chats récoltent tous les lauriers quand il s’agit de faire des vues sur Internet. Ils ont pourtant un tas d’arguments pour concurrencer leurs adversaires ;) Comme des réactions surprenantes, des situations amusantes ou des yeux terrifiants XD Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source : Source :

You're next 35 graphiques qui caricaturent la vie avec beaucoup d’humour Les graphiques nous renseignent sur tout et n’importe quoi, de telle façon qu’ils sont souvent redondants. Heureusement, certains caricaturent la vie avec beaucoup d’humour, comme c’est le cas avec ces 35 graphiques que nous vous faisons découvrir ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. « J’arrive ! 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. « Je pense qu’on devrait rester amis » 33. 34. 35. Tous ces graphiques sont tirés du site Internet Graphjam, sur lequel les internautes peuvent eux-mêmes publier leurs propres graphiques.

Muppets + Muppets = Angry Birds kid paddle - livrepdf Affiche Info sur le livre Auteur(s) : MidamEditeur : Mad Fabrik (14 novembre 2012)ISBN-10 : 2930618272ISBN-13 : 978-2930618272Note : synopsis Les aventures farfelues de Kid Paddle et de ses amis Horace et Benji dit "Big" Bang. Code: Tome 1 : Jeux de vilains Tome 2 : Carnage total Tome 3 : Apocalypse boy Tome 4 : Full Metal Casquette Tome 5 : Alien chantilly Tome 6 : Rodéo blork Tome 7 : Waterminator Tome 8 : Paddle... Info sur le téléchargement Hébergeur : MultiFormat : PDFLangue : Résolution : Découpage : Lien

Women pass judgement on someone within 20 seconds of meeting them By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 03:13 GMT, 28 May 2011 Never mind the hours spent choosing new clothes, applying make-up and getting your hair just right: if you care what other women think, the priority should be squeezing in your waistline. That is the first thing your rivals will be looking at when they size you up, research revealed yesterday. For the study, 2,000 women aged between 18 and 45 were questioned about how they formed first impressions. Does my bum look big in this? The majority admit to reaching an opinion on another woman in a matter of seconds purely by judging their appearance. Eight in ten admitted they judged other women when they met them for the first time, although one in six claimed they didn’t mean to. While 54 per cent said they first looked at the size of a woman’s waist, 45 per cent said they checked whether they wore too much make-up. Four in ten analyse their fashion sense, and the same number look at their hair or beaming smile.

Oh, That's Why Cars In Horror Movies Never Start The First Time LAUNCELOT: We were in the nick of time, you were in great peril. GALAHAD: I don't think I was. LAUNCELOT: Yes you were, you were in terrible peril. GALAHAD: Look, let me go back in there and face the peril. LAUNCELOT: No, it's too perilous. GALAHAD: Look, I'm a knight, I'm supposed to get as much peril as I can. LAUNCELOT: No, we've got to find the Holy Grail. GALAHAD: Well, let me have just a little bit of peril? LAUNCELOT: No, it's unhealthy. GALAHAD: Bet you're gay! LAUNCELOT: No, I'm not. SExpand I believe the answer to that sir, is that the vehicle show is a robot from space, not a car. Also, because Megan Fox. this is an example of the other device in some cool cars the PGT-LD (Possibility of Getting Tail -Laid Device ) it kicks in when you ( a guy) might get tail or laid is near and its turning on will help and not hurt said possibility You need the rear view camera.... lol

20 of your favourite euphemisms A Magazine feature about some well-known euphemisms got readers thinking about some of their favourites. Here is a selection. 1. "Spending more time with the family" is used as a general statement by politicians who have been forced to resign because of some low-level scandal they don't wish to admit / comment on. Neil, Chessington, Surrey 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
