AutoSuggest: An AJAX auto-complete text field : CSS . XHTML . Javascript . DOM, Development : Brand Spanking New
kk said Jeffrey Ropp said Nicely done. For some reason, my results dont appear within a scroll area? I copied most of your CSS and still can't get it to work. I've also found that my results aren't always qualified by the first character provided. Try an "S" first. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks, Jeff Robert said Very interesting. peter said Hi, is it possible to submit the form after clicking on some of the results? Josh said I tried that, I can't seem to get it to respond right. in order for the dropdown to be clickable you must change the code above from: this.fld.addEventListener('blur',function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() },false); to this.fld.addEventListener('blur',function () { setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, 300) },false); I figured out how to make the autosuggest show on when focused and clear when the field loses focus. replace line 24: this.toID = setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, this.oP.timeout); with return element; } Enjoy
[jQ]使用前後的重疊展示效果 | 男丁格爾's 脫殼玩
沒錯!只要 1,600 元就能獲得我們團隊完整的協助,讓效果能迅速的整合到您的網站,並保證瀏覽器的相容性。立刻申請! 各位應該會多會少有收到從朋友的 MSN 傳來不知名的網址,通常這類的網址點了都不是什麼好康的。不過梅干昨天傳了一個網頁過來,其中有個 Flash 的效果是用來展出使用前後的比對: 使用者可以透過滑鼠的移動來控制上層圖片的寬度,這樣的效果是不是像是某功能使用前跟使用後的比對呢? 首先到梅干的網站再 A 幾張圖,接著把 HTML 架構排好: 下一步就是利用 CSS 來排版,並使圖片所在的區塊能重疊: 完成 HTML 及 CSS 的設定之後,就能看出類似的畫面了: 通常筆者都是先把想要的效果畫面排好之後,再補上 jQuery 來使其能"動"起來: 這樣就能利用滑鼠的 x 座標來控制 .first 區塊的寬度囉: 不過這樣在移動時只能仔細的看滑鼠指針的位置,若要做到像原網頁一樣有個控制鈕的話,咱們得在 CSS 中新增: 接著程式中就把原本用來觸發 mousemove() 事件的 $block 改成 $control: 將將~多了個顯示用的控制鈕,是不是移動起來就更有 fu 了呢(圖片是梅干熱情提供的唷)! 啊~不過這圖片效果怎麼會讓我想到了"天蠶變"咧!
Tipped - The Javascript Tooltip Framework
Tipped allows you to easily create beautiful tooltips using the jQuery Javascript library. Evolved from the popular Prototip library, Tipped takes tooltips to the next level by using HTML5 to give you full control over the look and feel of your tooltips. Canvas graphics The entire skin of the tooltip, from shadow to loading icon, is drawn using Canvas. Canvas based tooltips also have the advantage that they look great in every browser, even in IE6! Javascript API With the powerful API provided by Tipped it's possible to quickly create and control tooltips customized to your site, all it takes is a few lines of Javascript. And more... Check out the demonstrations below or head over to the documentation to discover more awesome features.
Evolution des prix de l'immobilier : simulez votre pouvoir d'achat
Mis à jour le , publié le Combien avez-vous perdu ou gagné de mètres carrés depuis 2000 ? C'est ce que francetv info vous propose de calculer grâce à un moteur de recherche exclusif. Comment ça marche ? Puis sélectionnez les dates que vous souhaitez comparer. A noter que nous n'avons pas pris en compte un éventuel apport personnel. Exemple : à Lyon (Rhône), avec un revenu mensuel de 3 000 euros, vous auriez pu acheter 122,51 m2 en 2000 au lieu de 51,8 m2 en 2011.
10 jQuery Transition Effects: Moving Elements with Style
Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 Brilliant techniques using some jQuery magic to grab the attention of your users with a simple, rich user experience that gets them excited about your website. 1. Fluid Navigation – How to create an informative menu-bar with jQuery & CSS Learn how to create a menu that appears like a standard menu bar in it’s default state, but which on rollover pulls down an information area that covers both the original menubar item and has an expanded section containing the text we want to display. 2. Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. 3. A simple image slider using HTML/CSS/Javascript. 4. jQuery Quicksand Plugin With Quicksand you can reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation. 1. 5. jQuery Magic Line Sliding Style Navigation 6. 8. 9. 10.
管理者的印記 - 專案管理的生活思維
甚麼樣的工作經驗最令你難忘?你是否曾經歷過這樣的工作,即使已離開了崗位多年,回頭想起自己曾經付出過的熱血青春,不知不覺就自High了起來?當然,工作帶來的高薪給人滿足,同事間的情誼讓人溫暖(更不用說是辦公室戀情了!),但如果你問我這題,我會說「成就感」才是王道!OK,那甚麼是成就感? 我和Joe的公司裡,其實還有幾位比我們更資深的顧問(他們專業更強,但不像我跟Joe那麼會屁XD)。 不知道各位有沒有類似的經驗? 都江堰? 一般人心中,中國古代最偉大的工程是萬里長城,偉大主要是因為它的量體。 我認為做PM的都該記住李冰這個人,為什麼? 可以想像,在西元前256年的李冰在進行都江堰工程時就知道,一項工程成敗的關鍵,在於能否長久發揮它的功能。 治水六字訣的六個字是:「深淘灘,低作堰」。 「遇灣截角,逢正抽心」也是千年以來流傳後世的治水八字格言。 老僑在上篇「你想成為孔明還是趙括」談起了孔明靠妙計修理曹操,讓我想到三國演義另一段,孔明給劉備三個「錦囊妙計」,讓周渝「賠了夫人又折兵」的故事。 我家裡有位長輩,是位退休的公務員。 寫到這裡,我突然想起以前在美國工作時,公司會發給我們印上個人姓名的專屬便條紙,而且一發就是好幾本。 覺得這篇文章好嗎?
40 Useful jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Smashing Magazine
Over the last year, Smashing Magazine has evolved. We’ve been publishing fewer lists and more in-depth articles about design and Web development. We have invited professionals and high-profile developers to write for us. We’ve been investing more resources in the quality and relevance of our articles. We’ve tried our best to fuel the growing appetite of our readers for more advanced articles, but recently we’ve been receiving more requests for carefully selected, useful round-ups. In this post, we present 40 useful but obscure jQuery plug-ins that will hopefully help you improve the user experience on your websites. TipTip jQuery PluginTipTip detects the edges of the browser window and will make sure the tooltip stays within the current window size. Contextual Slideout Tips With jQuery and CSS31A set of contextual slideout tips with jQuery and CSS3, which are ideal for product pages and online tours. jQuery MegaMenu Plugin8 Forms Link Slideshows and Galleries Link Layouts Link
About Tableau's Products
Tableau Software offers a full range of business intelligence and visualization tools that enable anyone to see, understand and share their data. Solutions range from free visualization software for bloggers and journalists, to a full featured business intelligence suite for organizations. As long as you have a desire to find and share answers with your data, Tableau can help. Tableau Public Visualize and share public data in minutes... for free! Create beautiful visualizations with your dataPublish your creations to the web for freeEmbed your views in any blog or websiteView any visualization through a browser or mobile deviceLearn More About Tableau Public Tableau Public Premium Share findings while protecting your underlying data Utilize all of the storytelling power of Tableau PublicUpgraded storage limits so you can share more dataDisable data download to protect your underlying rowsAccess to Tableau Customer SupportLearn More About Tableau Public Premium
專案管理推理系列:學姊的祕密 - 專案管理的生活思維
我是琳,今年剛升上大二,在學校附近的公館商圈租了一間公寓。台北的租金貴得嚇人,幸好我有一位不錯的室友跟我一起分租。她是比我大一屆的學姊,叫做梅。雖然不像「五姬」那麼誇張,但她在學校也算是挺有名的,人長得漂亮,成績也不錯,但重點是很好相處,甚至有點傻大姊的調調,但或許就是這樣才讓她這麼受男生歡迎吧! 我和梅是同系的,所以和她住第一個好處就是,修課有人罩! 「天哪! 「是是是,妳有比我好嗎? 「咦,學姊,妳明天該不會有考試吧? 「是沒錯,但現在有點小麻煩,我今天忘記帶手機也沒收email,但現在已經這麼晚了,不太好拒絕。 沒頭沒腦,聽不太懂梅在說什麼,總之,我從沙發上爬起來移到她旁邊,她的筆電螢幕上開著email視窗,仔細一看,都是常聊到的那幾個男生寫來的: 寄件人:翔 收件人:梅 主旨:Happy Birthday! Hi 梅: 先祝妳生日快樂! 翔 寄件人:強 主旨:(無) 小梅妳好: 不好意思,明天應該是妳生日對吧? 我白天的時間都可以,聽說天母有間法式料理很不錯,早餐到下午茶都有(但妳不喜歡我們可以換別間)。 強 寄件人:丹 主旨:明天跟我出去吧! 學妹妳今天很忙喔! 丹 看完了三封email,讓我實在忍不住要虧她一下。 「學姊,妳給我看這個是想炫耀吧? 「ㄘㄟ! 「妳終於想到我啦! 「喔,威也要來,他是不是在暗戀妳呀? 「厚~學姊,妳想太多了,我們只是剛好分在同一組,而且他完全不是我的菜!」 「好,那等你們忙完,我們四個就一起去唱歌吧! 我大概花了10分鐘,用梅的電腦排了一個時間表: 「學姊妳看這樣行嗎? 「琳,妳不錯嘛! 我留在客廳,看著梅修改過的時間表,越看越覺得大有玄機,突然間我靈光一閃,我可能知道梅最喜歡的男生是誰了! (約會地點參考圖) 覺得這篇文章好嗎?