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The Big List of RPG Plots, by S. John Ross

The Big List of RPG Plots, by S. John Ross

Seventh Sanctum Serendipity - NAME & CITY GENERTORS Mana Obscura | Tales of Magic from Strange Worlds Chaotic Shiny - Writing and RPG-Related Generators HNG: 16th C. Gaelic Names Introduction This is a simple historical name generator suitable for selecting a Gaelic language name for a sixteenth century character or persona who is an Irish or Scottish Gael. All names listed are known to have been used by Gaels in the relevant region in the sixteenth century or else are known to have been used in the fifteenth century and it is probable that they were also used at least in the early sixteenth century. A normalized Gaelic spelling for the sixteenth century has been used for all names; capitalization follows modern editorial conventions. Note that this name generator deals only with the names of Gaels in Gaelic. For more detailed information about how to form whole Gaelic names, see the article Quick and Easy Gaelic Names. How to Use the Historical Name Generator The Historical Name Generator is very easy to use. 1. Is this name for an Irish Gael or a Scottish Gael? Scottish Gael Irish Gael Glossary Medieval Scotland is published by Sharon L.

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