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33 Free After Effects Templates Free After Effects Templates is what we have for you today. After-Effects are often in the form of unique templates that can be accessed in the web for advertising and adding a distinct touch to our masterpiece. Today, we bring you an additional bonus to all video enthusiasts out there who wish to try out these templates. Since quality is needed and sought out, we have compiled some templates tha can be downloaded for free. Check out our 33 Free After-Effects Templates and have the opportunity to try and test the unique features an After-effect has into your creations. Light Show Free With 1920×1080 full HD resolution and made in CS3 and is cs4 compatible.Source The Peoples Template Made all in After Effects, no plug-ins and with 1920X1080 full HD resolution.Source Free Slide Template wiith voice tutorial and step-by-step procedure written below the video.Source Glowing Logo – FREE The template can be used to showcase a title, image and a slogan with Full HD (1920×1080) resolution.Source Ads

untitled 15 Coolest Firefox Tricks Ever Everybody’s favorite open-source browser, Firefox, is great right out of the box. And by adding some of the awesome extensions available out there, the browser just gets better and better. But look under the hood, and there are a bunch of hidden (and some not-so-secret) tips and tricks available that will crank Firefox up and pimp your browser. Make it faster, cooler, more efficient. Get to be a Jedi master with the following cool Firefox tricks. 1) More screen space. 2) Smart keywords. 3) Keyboard shortcuts. Spacebar (page down)Shift-Spacebar (page up)Ctrl+F (find)Alt-N (find next)Ctrl+D (bookmark page)Ctrl+T (new tab)Ctrl+K (go to search box)Ctrl+L (go to address bar)Ctrl+= (increase text size)Ctrl+- (decrease text size)Ctrl-W (close tab)F5 (reload)Alt-Home (go to home page) 4) Auto-complete. 5) Tab navigation. Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab) 6) Mouse shortcuts. 8) User chrome.

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L'arrivée - 84° SLMM Longwy-Luxembourg Troisième partie : Enfin nous voici dans la mer de Chine, nous allons atteindre la côte indochinoise et terminer en beauté la traversée. Au début de l’après-midi nous apercevons notre première jonque chinoise, magnifique avec ses grandes voiles multicolores et son poste de pilotage en bois sculpté et verni. Puis dans la soirée, nous dépassons la sombre île de POULO-CONDOR ; le bagne indochinois. Bientôt ce sera la nuit, notre dernière à bord. L’aube n’a pas encore fait poindre la clarté que nous arrivons au Cap St Jacques. Un pilote, spécialement entrainé pour cette manœuvre vient d’embarquer. C’est l’eau de la rivière qui nous déçoit par sa teinte jaunâtre et terreuse contrastant étrangement avec la luxuriante végétation . Sur les ponts avant et arrière des sections de mitrailleuses ont été mises en position de combat, les armes braquées face aux rives et seuls leurs servants doivent rester à découvert. Nous apercevons enfin les premiers éléments de SAIGON . Nous sommes le 18 août 1949.

10 More FREE After Effects Templates Looking to add motion design to your video projects but short on time or budget? Here’s 10 free After Effects templates to add bang without the bucks! With the overwhelming interest in our previous post on free After Effects templates, we’ve decided to put together another batch of slick motion design project files that you can get gratis! Hiidefinition Inspired by the title design of the Bourne films, this free After Effects template will give your project a high-tech, futuristic vibe. MotionSquared Need a cool treatment for your logo or network identity? Mihai Panait This free AE template brings a high-tech, futuristic feeling that would be fitting for a crime drama or sci-fi thriller title sequence. FluxVFX Whimsical and cute describe this pop-up book themed free AE project file. FXChannelHouse FXChannelHouse is a YouTube channel of free After Effects templates. Download Template #5 (link in comments) Download Template #4 (link in comments) Lukasz Lindell FreeGraphicsHub Medialark

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