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Free Flowchart Software & Flowchart Examples

Free Flowchart Software & Flowchart Examples
Related:  Mindmap & Carte mentales

Aepryus Software Oovium makes my geek heart flutter. ♥ - Anne Wind This app is a thing of beauty. - W Smith Jr Wow I love this - OkeyMor57 22nd century calculating - bill knighton This will become Hari Seldon's Prime Radiant some day. - nicked off Oovium is not an attempt to rehash old outdated inventions, but it subsumes much of their functionality. Oovium is a Math sandbox. At its heart, Oovium aspires to make powerful, sophisticated and complex abilities (such as those currently available only to programmers) accessible to a wider audience. The workspace of Oovium is a two-dimensional surface known as the Aether. These bubbles can be connected to each other in order to render sophisticated calculations in a visual (and aesthetic) way. The concept of Oovium has six different aspects; in its current form it contains only one of these six aspects.

30 Web Apps in Making Charts, Graphs, Flowcharts, and Diagrams Creative Can A picture paints a thousand words, so the saying goes. Thus, if you have lots of textual and numerical data and you want to present them in a clear, organized and concise method, the best way to do it is to use either charts, graphs, flowcharts, or diagrams. Unlike a narrative, charts, graphs and diagrams, translate facts and information into something that can be visually compared thus, automatically giving the viewer an idea as to which of the elements present has the highest or lowest data, or in the case of a flowchart which goes first, and which is last. Making charts, graphs, diagrams and flowcharts however is not easy. This is true especially if you don’t have the right tools to use. Fortunately, there are web apps that you can use to make attractive data presentations in a hassle-free and convenient manner. Here, we are attempting to cover every visual data presentation method that you might use depending on your needs. SmartDraw JS Charts Barchart Generator Chart Demo GraphCharts

Flubaroo – Let Google Grade That! Wishing you had a Teacher’s Assistant to help with your stacks of ungraded assignments? Google has made your life a little bit easier. If you are a Google Drive (formerly known as Docs) fan, you may already be familiar with using Google Forms for easy data collection. Now, if you create a Form to collect quiz or test answers, you can sit back as the grading happens instantly! The tool is called Flubaroo, and it is a Script within Google Spreadsheets. Simply search for “Flubaroo,” choose “Install” and then from the Flubaroo Menu option, choose “Grade Assignment.” Flubaroo will instantly grade the students’ responses, flag low-scoring questions, show you a grade distribution graph, and even give you an option to instantly e-mail the students’ their grades. Check out for details and a quick tutorial.

Network Administration | Admin Tools | Yammer Simple Rollout & Automatic Upgrades Say goodbye to complex implementation and upgrade processes. Yammer rolls out with minimal setup and users get access to new features instantly – including the occasional bug fix or security patch – so there’s no need to install or upgrade anything. Scalability & Uptime Whether you have ten or ten thousand users, Yammer reliably scales to your company needs. Instant Onboarding Yammer’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for new users to start collaborating right away – without intensive training.

Software | iMindMap Here’s why our customers love iMindMap. Get started today to unlock your full potential. “Your Mind Mapping software has transformed our business & become a part of our cultural DNA.” Wheaton Wealth Partners, USA “iMindMap’s Mind Mapping software is the most creative piece of technology I’ve ever used.” Graham Cullen, Head Teacher, Porchester School, UK “It helps me immeasurably at work, and keeps me focused managing risks for the international space station.” Trent Keeble, International Space Station, USA “iMindMap is one of the most useful organisational tools that I use on a daily basis. Neil Quiogue, PopCap Games, Ireland “iMindMap gives a professional edge to a creative and fun process. Alison Jones, Accountancy Lecturer, UK “No other Mind Map software affords the ability to quickly gather thoughts, brainstorm, develop and flesh out new ideas. Tom McDermott, UCD Michael Smurfit Business School Here’s why our customers love iMindMap. Wheaton Wealth Partners, USA

aiCharts for Android v1.5.3 Shareware Download - ArtfulBits aiCharts for Android OS is the professional solution with comprehensive features set. aiCharts for Android v1.5.3 aiCharts for Android Desciption: ArtfulBits aiCharts for Android is product that visualizing wide range of financial, business, engineering, and mathematical charts. Easy to learn API and tutorials allow quick start of the new component using and finishing integration in an hour. Advertisements ArtfulBits aiCharts for Android OS is the professional solution with comprehensive features set. aiCharts is the complete framework that allows developer to enhance applications with slick interactive charts in mere hours (with available technical support, samples and tutorials). aiCharts provides excellent visual experience with flexible customization abilities. aiCharts is product that visualizing wide range of financial, business, engineering, and mathematical charts. In several simple lines of code developers can achieve integration with charts. Support of XML templates made process of customization even easier then you can expect. Change History:

Best Online Collaboration Tools 2012 - Robin Good... Cnverg. Un autre tableau blanc collaboratif Cnverg est le dernier venu dans le marché déjà bien encombré des tableaux blancs en ligne pour le travail collaboratif. Cnverg tire bien son épingle du jeu avec une mise en oeuvre excessivement simple et une compatibilité totale avec tous les dispositifs fixes ou mobiles. Cnverg fonctionne sur votre ordinateur mais aussi sur votre tablette ou sur votre smartphone sans avoir besoin d’installer ni application, ni plugin ni quoi que ce soit. Après une rapide inscription, vous pouvez créer un premier tableau blanc et inviter d’autres personnes à le consulter ou l’éditer. Tout est modifiable et adaptable du bout de la souris avec une réelle simplicité. Cnverg est une solution gratuite pour des groupes jusqu’à cinq collaborateurs pouvant partager et travailler sur cinq tableaux blancs virtuels et avec un espace de stockage limité à cinq gigas. A tester pour vous faire une petite idée. Lien: Cnverg
