American Concept Cars Showcase, Part 1 "QUANTUM SHOT" #706Link - article by Avi Abrams Beautiful Styling + Extreme Engineering = the Creme de la Creme of Automotive Design Today we're starting new DRB series, Exceptional Concept Cars, which will highlight the absolute best in concept car design from 100 years of automobile history. It is not our aim to present a complete list, or even a comprehensive coverage of particular brands and car shows (there is enough material of this nature available on the web). (image credit: Mechanix Illustrated, 1951) For every model we will include a piece of interesting fact or trivia... and perhaps some highly subjective remarks from the author. (Astra Gnome: "Time and Space Car", 1956 - ) And so, let us begin with a selection of American concept cars - the American Dream cubed, quadrupled and multiplied to infinity by the daring designers of yesterday and today: From way back in 1917 - Behold the Golden Submarine (in its "Silver" incarnation): (image via) 1948 Tucker Torpedo Concept (images via)
'Star-Trek' sick bay detects diseases British engineers have built a £1 million Star Trek-style 'sick bay' for the National Health Service, debuting at the Leicester Royal Infirmary's accident and emergency department. Designed to detect everything from bruising to cancer, the unit was developed as a byproduct of a joint project with NASA aimed at detecting the presence of life on Mars. The unit is equipped with a set of instruments which analyze a patient's breath, as well as another set that uses visual imaging to examine a patient's skin. A third suite of monitors looks inside the body and measures blood-flow and oxygenation in real-time. The team believes the equipment can be used to diagnose over 40 diseases, from sepsis through to bacterial infections such as C. It's the first time all these technologies have been brought together in an integrated way - and developing it involved scientists working in space research, emergency medicine, engineering and IT. "It is hard to predict how this work will develop.
Prophète Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Inscription arabe en style coufique Muḥammad messager d'Allah relative au prophète Mahomet, gravée sur le fût d'une colonne de la Grande Mosquée de Kairouan. Prophète, au féminin prophétesse (grec : προφήτης [profétès], docteur, interprète de la parole divine ; devin) est un mot provenant du latin chrétien et emprunté au grec prophêtês[1] qui désigne une personne qui tient, d'une inspiration que l'on croit être divine, la connaissance d'événements à venir et qui les annonce par ses paroles ou ses écrits. Un faux prophète est un prophète non reconnu par les autres religions ou systèmes de croyances, les critères pour différencier les deux étant déterminés dans des traités sur l’« esprit de discernement » comme celui de Jean de Gerson. Le prophète se dit au service et mû par la divinité, et va souvent à l'encontre de l'opinion de ses concitoyens. Les prophètes dans le Proche-Orient ancien[modifier | modifier le code] — Luc 2,36-38.
Dispositivo transforma qualquer superfície em telas digitais que interagem com celulares Tecnologia| 11 de março de 2015 | 7h 20 Smartmaker faz leitura de conteúdo escritos em espaços de até cinco metros Estadão PME Mais do que economia de papel, as lousas inteligentes estão se transformando em grandes superfícies digitais. Exposição em Florianópolis conta história do sapato no Século XX | Programação - Dia das Mães 2011 Uma verdadeira homenagem ao sapato. Este foi o caminho encontrado pelo Floripa Shopping para atrair a atenção de seus clientes – particularmente as mulheres, neste Dia das Mães. Por isso, o empreendimento monta o evento “Sapato, Arte & Fetiche” para mostrar ao público frequentador um pouco da moda ao longo do tempo, se misturando às novidades das vitrines de suas lojas. Com painéis que ilustram a história do sapato, letras de música e curiosidades sobre o acessório mais desejado da moda, um vasto conteúdo mostra o processo de fabricação de um calçado e relata, passo a passo, a arte da manufatura do objeto, desde o curtume, onde se retira o couro do animal, até a colocação dos pares nas embalagens. Mas a grande homenagem ao sapato está, mesmo, na coleção exposta, que mostra a fascinante e rica trajetória dos calçados no Século XX. Os exemplares ficarão expostos cronologicamente, por décadas, a partir de 1900. A partir do 02 de maio, no Floripa Shopping. Sobre Linda Conde
IBM produces first working chips modeled on the human brain IBM has been shipping computers for more than 65 years, and it is finally on the verge of creating a true electronic brain. Big Blue is announcing today that it, along with four universities and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), have created the basic design of an experimental computer chip that emulates the way the brain processes information. IBM’s so-called cognitive computing chips could one day simulate and emulate the brain’s ability to sense, perceive, interact and recognize — all tasks that humans can currently do much better than computers can. Dharmendra Modha (pictured below right) is the principal investigator of the DARPA project, called Synapse (Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics, or SyNAPSE). “This is the seed for a new generation of computers, using a combination of supercomputing, neuroscience, and nanotechnology,” Modha said in an interview with VentureBeat. This new computing unit, or core, is analogous to the brain.
Coursier (cheval) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Coursier. Cette miniature représente un chevalier sur un cheval qui pourrait être un coursier. Un coursier est un cheval rapide et fort, fréquemment mentionné et utilisé au Moyen Âge comme monture de guerre. Le nom de coursier proviendrait de leur capacité à se déplacer à de grandes vitesses au galop[1], le nom pourrait être tiré de l'ancien français course[2] ou de l'italien corsiero, qui signifie cheval de bataille[3] Le coursier était une monture plus commune que le destrier[4] et son utilisation était plus courante en bataille puisque ces chevaux sont à la fois légers, rapides et puissants[1]. Les coursiers furent occasionnellement montés pour la chasse[3]. Cheval au Moyen Âge Portail du monde équestre
Noteslate /// Noteslate SHIRO - The first pure handwriting device Handwriting is an essential part of any culture and specific for various cultures across the globe. Noteslate brings you a customized global crowd driven handwriting platform for creativity, communication, sharing, networking and a further brand new evolution of handwriting, The Slate platform, a community driven handwritten network. The freedom. We believe handwriting can have a larger positive cultural and social impacts. The progress of digital technology has shifted us backwards from our basic tools - pencil and paper. This way we can influence the human/technology relationship on a much deeper scale. Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next? | Co.Design The decade of Design Thinking is ending and I, for one, am moving on to another conceptual framework: Creative Intelligence, or CQ. I am writing a book about Creative Intelligence, due out from HarperCollins in fall 2012, and I hope to have a conversation with the Fast Company audience on this blog about how we should teach, measure, and use CQ. Why am I, who at Business Week was one of Design Thinking's major advocates, moving on to a new conceptual framework? Simple. Design Thinking has given the design profession and society at large all the benefits it has to offer and is beginning to ossify and actually do harm. Helen Walters, my wonderful colleague at Business Week, lays out many of the pros and cons of Design Thinking in her post on her blog. Design consultancies hoped that a process trick would produce change. I would add that the construction and framing of Design Thinking itself has become a key issue. There were many successes, but far too many more failures in this endeavor.
Subversive apps help citizens fight state silencing - science-in-society - 17 September 2011 By Kat Austen WHEN the Egyptian authorities realised protesters were using the internet to organise themselves in January, they came up with a simple solution: in an instant they disconnected the nation, cutting off anti-government dissidents from an invaluable resource. The outage inspired James Burke and Chris Pinchen – both members of the P2P Foundation, a group that monitors how data is shared online – to begin work on the ChokePoint Project. The idea is to compile a real-time interactive map of the entire internet and identify potential choke points – the physical and virtual locations where internet access could be easily compromised – and who has the power to strangle them. ChokePoint Project’s map would allow people to identify the degree and exact location of a network outage, says Burke. “With every country in the world sending network data, over time we’ll see the trends of big data patterns,” says Burke, comparing the idea to the patterns observable in financial data.
La Poste (entreprise française) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir La Poste. La Poste La Poste est une entreprise française multimétiers, à la fois opérateur de services postaux (courrier, colis et express), banque et opérateur de téléphonie mobile. Avant l'ouverture à la concurrence du secteur postal dans les années 2000, La Poste a le monopole de l’acheminement et de la distribution du courrier en France, ce qui en fait l'opérateur courrier historique. Avec ses filiales elle est le deuxième opérateur (en chiffre d'affaires) du colis-express en Europe et est une importante banque de détail française, La Banque postale comptant 10,6 millions de clients. Le réseau de La Poste compte plus de 17 000 points de contacts. La Poste est issue des relais de poste créés par Louis XI en 1477 pour le transport des messages royaux et surtout des offices de messagers royaux créés en 1576 qui étaient autorisés à transporter le courrier des particuliers [3]. Depuis les années 2000 La Poste :
Caneta dos sonhos: digitaliza tudo o que você escreve e desenha em tempo real - Engenharia é: A tradicional fabricante de cadernos Moleskine, lançou um caderno que ‘transporta’ seus desenhos e notas automaticamente para o computador. Isso é demais, não é mesmo? O processo depende do uso de três aparatos: 1; uma caneta eletrônica, 2; um aplicativo e 3; um híbrido tablet-papel desenvolvido pela empresa, chamado de Moleskine Smart Writing Set (SWS). Como funciona todo o processo? Batizada de Pen+, a caneta ‘escaneia’ todos os movimentos feitos pelo desenhista com uma câmera infravermelha. E então, via Bluetooth, envia simultaneamente todos esses dados para o aplicativo que faz parte do kit. O Moleskine Smart Writing Set já está disponível para venda e pode ser encontrado na loja oficial da marca por 200 dólares – cerca de R$ 730. Abaixo, você pode conferir um tutorial feito pela própria Moleskine: Achou útil essa informação? Deixe-nos a sua opinião aqui nos comentários.
100 Awesome and Original Business Cards from Designers Designers love shiny things, right? Well, if that’s true – or even partially true – you’re bound to love this round up of 100 awesome and original business cards. As designers, we should always be thinking of different ways to stand out and market ourselves better and by creating a stunning business card like the many featured here, you’re bound to stand out in a stack of bland business cards. So have a look around, check out the different styles used and let us know which you like the best! Holographic Business Card | Genix Design Vlade Dimovski Business Card Koji Sueyoshi | Designer Business Card Easel Business Card by Egil Paulsen Adriana Chionetti | Designer Business Card Nation Builder Rhino Studio | Leather Textured Business Cards Yannick Armspach Samuel Arnold | Freelance Designer Business Card Mogibo | Character Designer Business Card Sean Kinberger | Graphic Designer Business Card NinjaBTL Business Card Ruben Alejandro | Marketing and Sales Business Card Colokial Wildlabs – Business Cards Qit