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QRpedia - Language-detecting & mobile-friendly Wikipedia QR codes

QRpedia - Language-detecting & mobile-friendly Wikipedia QR codes

QML/HTML5 Application State Transfer So over the past month I've been working on several modules to provide QtQuick/QML and HTML5 applications with the ability to transfer seamlessly from one device to another. The approach I've taken is to use HTML5's local storage facility, which QtQuick also provides, and simply copy the data-store for any given application from one device to another. This video demonstrates using this technology to transfer the state of a video playing application from one device to another. My TV, powered by my media PC is running a QML application which plays a video from the internet (points if you recognize the content). When the video is paused, the application displays a 2D bar code, or, QR code, which when detected by the software running on another device causes the device to connect to the master (TV) device and clone the applications data-store which contains the applications state. The QR codes are used to notify other devices of an applications' synchronization availability.

QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Business Cards & Stickers How to Create a QR Code In 3 Easy Steps (click above for more sizes & to download) It's been a while since I've added to my Comic Tutorial Collection - not surprising since September & October are always a busy time for teachers, right? But I was asked several times recently not WHAT WAS A QR my previous Comic Tutorial explained (below) ...but exactly HOW to CREATE A QR CODE! This is the coolest thing ever! Included in the comic are optional directions for creating a Text Message using But Mrs. For those of you new to my blog here's my other tutorial on QR Codes. Want to know how I make these lovely Comic Infographics? " @ghartman Gina Hartman to @gwynethjones Wow...your QR Code tutorial is hanging in St. What the What!?? That is SO cool! Snag the whole collection - again...did I mention that they're all Creative Commons?! Beautiful QR Codes In My Urban Decay! A new set I got from Sephora that included QR Code links to makeup videos & a special tiny speaker!

QR Droid The Future of Mobile Marketing with Smartphones Aug 30 2011 As the technology for mobile devices grows, so does the opportunity for development. Many companies are not creating their own apps, but instead utilizing HTML5, Javascript and CSS3 to aid in the creation of web apps and mobile websites. Reducing the initial investment, companies can get the most out of the money they are spending and release it to the public themselves on their own terms. Who wouldn’t want to save money and produce a more expandable product? When building mobile apps with these technologies you no longer have to duplicate efforts for mobile cross-platform flexibility. With the various devices available and variation of screens, developers must consider all user experiences. Once your idea is in place and you have decided that you want to utilize the mobile platform as your base, you must determine several factors to formulate an effective plan. On average, Americans spend 2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile device. Defining a Campaign Icons Video

Turn any Design into a QR Code, its Free | QR-Codes mit eigenem Logo: So geht’s. QR-Codes sind beliebt bei Hackern, Geeks, Nerds, sie finden sich auf Visitenkarten, Hinweisschildern, in Zeitschriften und auf Websites. Eine Opernaufführung oder eine Novalis-Lesegruppe würde man vielleicht nicht mit QR-Code bewerben, wohl aber eine Hack-Night oder Web-Dev-Konferenz. Der neueste Trend ist nun, das eigene Logo in den QR-Code einzubringen. Der Trick besteht darin, die Fehlertoleranz von QR-Codes auszunutzen. So sieht das dann aus: QR-Code-Magic mit Gimp und Photoshop Wichtig ist es, drei Dinge zu beachten: Man muss die QR-Code-Version so wählen, dass der Code von der Größe her ausreicht und genügend Fehlerkorrektur bietet - dieser Online-QR-Code-Generator erlaubt es, detailliert einzustellen, welche Sorte Code man erzeugen will. Und wenn man nur die Zone im Code nutzt, die durch die Fehlerkorrektur ohnehin "egal" ist, kann man sogar hochauflösende Bilder einbauen.

QR-koodit matikan kirjassa « MoMi – Mobiilisti Mikkelissä Neljännellä luokalla tahkotaan jakolaskuja jakokulmalla tai vastaavin tavoin. Aiheen oppiminen vaatii toisilta enemmän, toisilta vähemmän toistoja. Opettajaltakin se vaatii toistoa ”jaa, kerro, vähennä, pudota, jaa, kerro, vähennä…”. Olemme ennen ipadejakin luokassa harrastaneet screencasteja, eli näytöltä otettujen videoiden käyttämistä opettelussa. Matematiikka on herkullinen aihe lyhyisiin klippeihin, jossa joko ope tai oppilas selittää ja tekee samalla laskua eteenpäin. Tällä kertaa ope teki viiteen seuraavaan matematiikan kappaleeseen lyhyen videoklipin, joka ladattiin youtubeen ja sille haettiin myös QR-koodi. Itseopiskeluunkin toimivaa materiaalia; asian voi etkona opiskella itsenäisesti ja edetä omaan tahtiin tai sitten kerrata useamman kerran, pysäyttää ja tutkia miten asia nyt menikään.. PS. Tykkää tästä: Tykkää Lataa...

Keks per Post: Back Dich in´s Nerd-Herz | | ChiliConCharme Eigentlich kann man es kaum glauben. Ausgerechnet aus dem Saarland, dem eine ungenügende Internetnutzung mit wenig Hoffnung auf Besserung bescheinigt wurde, kommt eine Produktidee, die einfach sehr erfrischend nerdig ist. Da kennt sich jemand aus, dort oben, der neugierige und kluge Kopf einer Firma, in der sehr traditionellen Lebensmittelbranche. Eigentlich werden in Großmengen Fett, Getreide und Eier produziert und vertrieben und ist daher eher untypisch für innovative Produktideen (behaupte ich jetzt mal, ich kenne aber wirklich sonst niemanden). Und so geschah es, dass in dem kleinen und beschaulichen, saarländischen Dörfchen Eppelborn, in wissenschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit mit dem DFKI (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz) in Saarbrücken, das Produkt QKies, von der Juchem Gruppe entstand. Qkies sind ganz besondere Kekse. QKies – sag’s mit Keksen from r3 media on Vimeo. Ein Massenprodukt mit individueller Note Guckt auch mal hier rein: QKies Shop

Reader Engagement With Transmedia: How To Use QR Codes I love our little writer’s community, and it’s always a thrill to discover the new and interesting things that people are using to market their books and engage readers. In this post, guest blogger Emily Craven explains how you can use one simple thing – a QR code – to give your readers a more interactive experience. I also have to confess that I had no idea how to use these little squares before I read this post – so thanks Emily! In the modern day it seems like we equate the amount of money we spend to the quality of the experience. Seeing the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower is more prestigious then the view from below. We are the masters of taking advantage of the free, free publicity, social media platforms, free ‘shelf space’, DIY formatting. And yet when it comes to really taking advantage of our media, integrating other forms of storytelling with the written word we pull up short like a kid with a wedgy. The funny thing is, you don’t need money to stand out from the big six …

Shop at a virtual supermarket and more with QR Codes - Social Media QR codes are awesome. I don’t care how geeky that sounds cause it’s true. Clearly we’re not the only ones who think so with the recent and explosive 1200% increase in the use of QR codes in North America. What makes QR codes really cool is the fact that there is literally no end to how they can be used. Fight crime QR codes are going to be put to use by the Vancouver Police in their efforts to catch a sex offender. Shop at a virtual supermarket In Korea, Tesco has created virtual supermarkets using QR Codes. Interact with a hip-hop music video QR codes are slowly making their way it into pop culture. Leave hidden messages Well they wouldn’t be entirely hidden to anyone who knows what a QR code is, but using a basic QR code generator, like this one or this one, you can type whatever you want and leave the message to be found by someone, as an ultra-modern version of a message in a bottle. You can also use this method to create a pre-populated email message. “Like” a pair of jeans Create Art
