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Distimo Publication - How the Most Successful Apps Monetize Globally Distimo provides insights on download and revenue volumes, analyzing the metric Average Revenue per Download (ARPD). This publication includes ARPD analyses by country, business models, and device type. In addition, ARPD values will be compared to average CPI (Cost per Install) values from Chartboost, identifying the markets with most revenue potential for mobile game developers. Published February 2014 | download Distimo Publication - Asia: The Leading App Market in the World This month’s publication takes a granular look at Asia and its countries. Published January 2014 | download Distimo Publication - 2013 Year in Review Distimo provides insights in terms of download and revenue volumes on app and country level and highlights what mattered most in the app stores during 2013. Published December 2013 | download Global Brands in the Mobile Landscape Published October 2013 | download Published September 2013 | download

AdMob Metrics GREE International, Inc - Aurora Observatoire trimestriel des marchés des communications électroniques (services mobiles) en France - 2ème trimestre 2011 - résultats provisoires - Publication le 4 août 2011 Télécharger cet observatoire (pdf) Les données trimestrielles relatives aux chiffres d’affaires et aux trafics sont publiées trois mois après la fin du trimestre dans l'observatoire des marchés des communications électroniques en France (résultats définitifs) à l'adresse suivante : Sauf mention contraire, les indicateurs sont en millions d’unités. Le marché des services mobiles poursuit sa croissance à un rythme rapide. La croissance est portée par l'augmentation du nombre de forfaits : le nombre de clients ayant souscrit un forfait classique atteint à 54,2 millions, en croissance de 1,1 million en un trimestre ; le nombre de forfaits MtoM (6,9 millions au 31 décembre 2013) a progressé de 400 000 en un trimestre. Dans les départements et collectivités d'outre-mer, le nombre de cartes SIM en service s'élève à 2,7 millions à la fin de l'année 2013, en croissance de 50 000 en un trimestre et de 100 000 en un an. Opérateurs

In-App Purchase Revenue Hits Record High: Accounts For 76% Of U.S. iPhone App Revenue, 90% In Asian Markets | TechCrunch - Aurora Though it’s well-known that many of today’s mobile applications generate revenue through in-app purchases, a new report released today shows how powerful this money-making mechanism has become. In January 2012, just over half (53 percent) of iPhone App Store revenue in the U.S. was attributed to in-app purchases, but as of last month, that number has climbed to a record 76 percent. The figure varies by region, however. In Germany, for example, it’s lower – only 61 percent of revenue in February came from these in-app sales. These findings are revealed in the latest report from app store analytics firm Distimo, which took a deep dive into the data in this month’s report. Not surprisingly, Distimo found that the majority (71 percent) of apps were “freemium” applications, meaning that the app itself was free, but other features, virtual goods, extra levels, services, upgrades, and more are available for sale once the app is on the iPhone. More data is in the full report here.

Apple iTunes App Store Metrics, Statistics and Numbers for iPhone Apps We originally created our metrics page in the fall of 2008 to celebrate the App Store reaching a milestone of what at the time seemed amazing, 10,000 apps. There was a tremendous response to that page and to the App Store which is well north of half a million apps now. We’ve added a few more interesting stats and expanded the ones that were there onto this new page. Let us know what else you’d like to see on these page either in the comments below or send us feedback via email. The source of the stats is the iTunes App Store itself. 9/2012: Metrics update. App Store Stats Summary Count of active applications in the App StoreDetails Total Active App (currently available for download): 3,047,937 Total Inactive Apps (no longer available for download): 214,478 Total Apps Seen in US App Store: 3,262,415 Number of Active Publishers in the US App Store: 655,557 Count of application submissionsDetails This Month (Apps): 16,350 ( 711 / day ) This Month (Games): 6,024 ( 262 / day ) Most Popular Categories

Which apps make more money? | VisionMobile - Aurora [How do app developer revenues vary by country, or platform? Does the number of platforms make a difference to app revenues? Which models bring in the most revenues? We revisit our November analysis of app monetisation with more insights from our Developer Economics 2013 survey across 3,400+ developers - while launching our latest survey, which is available here] Back in November, we looked at which apps make money based on research on how app revenues vary by platform, app category, country and more. In this article we update our analysis on app monetisation based on the latest research from Developer Economics 2013 across 3,400+ app developers, including analysis that did not make it into the report. We ‘re also proud to launch our very latest Developer Economics survey, which reaches across thousands of app developers and provides the data for our famous state of the developer nation reports. [ab_testing prettylink='blogDS13'] Developers in North America lead the revenue leaderboard

Which apps make money? | VisionMobile - Aurora [Which apps make money - and how? Andreas Pappas takes another look at the results of VisionMobile's Developer Economics 2012 survey and comes up with interesting new insights on app monetisation: how does app revenue vary by app-category and by country? Is there a correlation between time spent developing an app and they money it makes?] In Developer Economics 2012 we discussed app revenues and how they vary across platforms. But what are those factors that determine how much money an app will make? Solo developers earn a lot less than those working for clients There are significant differences between developers that work on their own projects and those that work for clients, either as direct employees or contractors. Developers working on their own projects reported average app-month revenues of just 30% of revenues reported by commissioned or employed developers. Communication & Social networking apps lead the revenue table We also looked at revenues across different types of apps.
