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Art With Mr. E: Line Design w/ Shading- The Steps Another MNPS art teacher showed me this project several years ago, and I really liked it. I tweeked it a bit here and there, but it is basically as he showed me. The students LOVE IT! I do this with 4th grade, but I guess you could try it with other grade levels. All you need is paper, Sharpie, and colored pencils! Start by drawing a curve line across the paper. Add 8 dots across the line. You will then start connecting the dots. This is a students work that's a great example of what it should look like. Baud and Bui | Origamic Architecture Kirigami Cards for Free ! At the beginning Origamic Architecture is a paper folding and cutting art created in the early 80's by Masahiro Chatani (a Japanese architect). It consists of a simple sheet of paper that the artist cuts and folds to create a pop-up shape as the card is opened. The OA cards frequently represent famous buildings or geometrical figures but there are many other possibilities. M.Chatani and Keiko Nakazawa have published many of early books on this Art. L'Architecture Origamique est un art du pliage-découpage initié au début des années 80 par Masahiro Chatani (un architecte japonais). Featured | Coup de Projecteur IDEES CADEAUXBASIC POP-UPde Jean-Charles Trebbi - aux editions Eyrolles Ce manuel d'initiation a pour but d'apprendre au lecteur "la grammaire" du pliage et de la découpe afin qu'il puisse créer soi-même ses pop-up. Before getting started If you need help or more info, go to the Tips and Tricks section. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou de plus d'info, allez à la section Trucs et Astuces.

Bag Full of Hearts Blooming Zoetrope Sculptures The placement of the appendages on these sculptures is critical to the success of the animation effect. The positions are based on a specific phyllotaxy (i.e. leaf order) used by nature in a number of botanical forms, including pinecones, pineapples, sunflowers, artichokes, palm trees, and many succulents. The photo above shows just such a succulent. I have numbered the leaves from youngest to oldest. In designing the sculptures, I used essentially the same method employed by nature. So when I animate these sculptures by spinning them with a strobe light (or video camera) I am, in a sense, recreating the process that I used to make them in the first place. The first animation shows a self-similar tiling, in which every piece is a unique size, but all pieces are the same shape. (BTW, if you would like to make one of these Fibonacci tilings for yourself, check out my instructable, which includes the cutting file.)

Le périmètre et l'aire - La classe d'Irys Par Irys10 dans Mathématiques le 15 Décembre 2013 à 11:25 Rappel ! On appelle polygone une figure plane fermée, limitée par des lignes droites, et ayant plusieurs côtés. Voici des documents sur les polygones, ils sont excellent ! Le périmètre est la mesure du contour d’une figure. Pour le calculer, on additionne les mesures de tous les côtés. L'aire est la mesure d'une surface. untitled I Heart U Advanced Teachers Program | Stiftelsen Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs Minnesfond Background The Foundation wants to contribute to the advancement of teaching excellence in Swedish schools. For that purpose we envision a long term program that provides devoted teachers challenging, inspiring and advanced teaching experiences and studies overseas. The ”Pilot 2014” made it possible for 6 teachers to participate in the “Stanford Summer Teachers Institute” at Stanford University in California US during one week in combination with talks and presentations from Stanford Faculty, participate in other Stanford Summer activities and visit other schools and laboratories. Invitation For the summer of 2015 the Foundation will invite another group of 6 teachers to participate in the Stanford Center to Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET) program. The Swedish teachers will participate in the CSET courses given the week of July 6-10 2015, which are described on the web-site Stanford CSET Teaching Institute 2015 Course Descriptions

Accueil Nous les Scrapines Bonjour, Mon aînée vient de fêter ses 8 ans. Le thème choisi était celui de la Reine des Neiges. Si vous avez une fille entre 3 et 10 ans, impossible de passer à côté du phénomène Disney ! D’après mes recherches sur le net, c’est un thème d’anniversaire très répandu en ce moment… C’était marrant d’aborder le thème de la neige au printemps et de ressortir ses décos et les emporte-pièces de Noël. L’invitation : J’avais envie de quelque chose de plus original qu’une carte en papier. Super facile et rapide à réaliser même sans matériel de scrap. Matériel : - boule plexi (ici 8 cm de diamètre) - séparateur plexi du même diamètre - neige artificielle - paillettes blanches - sequins ou autres décos - ficelle et rubans Les costumes : Le thème de la Reine des Neiges a tellement de succès que les costumes sont en rupture sur le net (3 mois que je surveille le réapprovisionnement du Disney Store sans succès (mise à part pour les perruques)). - Robe H&M (disponible à partir de la taille 134 et env. € 10.-.
