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Julia Bacha: Pay attention to nonviolence

Julia Bacha: Pay attention to nonviolence

We Love This British Actor. We Love Him Even More After He Held Up These Bits Of Paper. Last week, dressed in a fully zipped hooded jacket, he sent this message to photographers: Click image to Zoom This week, he took his message even further, holding up more paper signs that attacked the UK government over its abuse of civil liberties. He approached a group of photographers holding a paper addressed to British Prime Minister David Cameron that read: "Questions we have a right to ask in a democracy." Here, one tweeter tells us the story as it happens. "Hard drives smashed, journalists detained at airports. ... Here's what was written on that paper: Here the tweeter continues to decipher what the bits of papers say. And when he finished off his political statement, he returned to filming "Sherlock." Oh look, British actor Martin Freeman joins him at the end as they continue filming.

Assad : prenez les gaz mais laissez-moi les bombes ! Assad : prenez les gaz mais laissez-moi les bombes ! Les autorités syriennes ont accepté, ce 10 septembre, de placer leur arsenal chimique sous contrôle international, conformément à la proposition faite la veille par la Russie, et qui pourrait permettre d'éviter des frappes occidentales. Le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères, Walid Mouallem, a donné cette information en précisant que l'objectif était de "couper l'herbe sous le pied à une agression américaine". A Washington, la proposition russe a été accueillie plutôt favorablement. Elle permet à Barack Obama d'éviter, pour le moment, de risquer de se voir refuser par le Congrès d'engager le pays dans une action militaire contre la Syrie. Reste à savoir dans quel délai et comment l'arsenal chimique syrien peut être totalement neutralisé.

President Obama’s Brilliant Strategy No One Seems To Recognize Article Mirror As the media interprets recent events as Obama’s march to war, America and the world falls for it hook, line and sinker. Say what you want about Obama but he is a very smart man. He would never ask permission he did not need from Congress to launch a strike on Syria unless he knew beyond a doubt he could get it. That is if his real intentions were to actually carry out military operations. But why on earth does it appear he wants this war? After agonizing over this question over and over I began to realize there is only one logical explanation. Cue the British Parliament to provide Obama with the perfect out. So why then does our president appear to be beating the drums of war? If this sounds like an improbable scenario I ask that you to ponder for a moment the potential outcome: And there is even the added bonus that the GOP weakening the push to shut down the government over the debt ceiling will not proceed with the intense battle anticipated.

L'impact de la première guerre mondiale sur les fait divers criminels Portraits of the survivors of the July 22, 2011, massacre in Norway Andrea Gjestvang/Moment On July 22, 2011, a car bomb killed eight people at the executive government building in Oslo, Norway. Shortly thereafter, Anders Behring Breivik, responsible for the bombing in Oslo, opened fire at a summer youth camp for members of the Labor Party on the island of Utøya, killing 69 (mostly young) people and wounding many more; 500 people survived. Working as a photo editor at the time, Andrea Gjestvang started taking photographs of the carnage in Oslo, using her camera to help her navigate through the horrific scene. “I was very scared and confused, almost paralyzed,” she wrote via email about taking the pictures. Focusing on the event was one thing, but Gjestvang wanted to concentrate on the repercussions of the killings in a deeper way. Her series “One Day in History” (and subsequent book En Dag i Historien) focuses on the survivors of the shootings on Utøya. To do that, she traveled around Norway to meet the young people in their homes.

Royaume-Uni : Pourquoi nous déformons notre réalité D'après une étude récente, les Britanniques ont une vision largement faussée de presque tous les sujets de société controversés. C'est peut-être la faute des médias et des responsables politiques qui leur communiquent une vision étroite et anxiogène de leur société. L'étude de la Royal Statistical Society [publiée le 9 juillet] révèle l'immense écart entre ce que les Britanniques pensent de leur pays et la réalité reflétée par les statistiques officielles. S'il n'est pas étonnant que les gens portent parfois un regard quelque peu biaisé sur certaines questions, le gouffre qui sépare leurs perceptions de la réalité n'en est pas moins monumental. On peut par exemple citer le fait que les Britanniques donnent en moyenne une estimation du taux de grossesse chez les adolescentes 25 fois supérieure à la réalité. Plus d'un quart des personnes interrogées placent l'aide internationale parmi les deux ou trois premiers postes du budget. Cynisme endémique Anecdotes individuelles

Jacques Derrida on American Attitude The Syrian Crisis Is Rapidly Becoming The World's Crisis Syria is a country in crisis, and that crisis is rapidly becoming the world’s problem. The civil war in Syria began over three years ago, in March 2011, with popular demonstrations that quickly grew nationwide. The demonstrations were part of the wider Middle Eastern protest movement known as the Arab Spring, and protesters demanded the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, whose family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971. What Has Happened Since March 2011? * More than 100,000 people have been killed, according to United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. * Almost 2 million refugees have fled from Syria in the past two years. * One in six people in Lebanon are now Syrian refugees, while in Jordan the biggest camp has become the country’s fourth-largest city. * At least 4 million Syrians have been displaced within the country, in addition to the 2 million who have fled Syria, meaning that a quarter of the population of Syria have now been driven from their homes.
