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How To Create a Realistic Money Effect in Photoshop

How To Create a Realistic Money Effect in Photoshop
The classic illustration style used on money is something I’ve always wanted to figure out how to replicate in Photoshop. There’s plenty of Photoshop tutorials that show how to create a basic halftone line effect, but they never quite capture that authentic engraved look with plenty of shading and tone. After lots of trial and error I finally managed to figure it out, so here’s an in depth tutorial on how to create a realistic money illustration effect in Photoshop (with some help from Illustrator!). The effect we’ll be creating in today’s tutorial is this vintage engraved or etched illustration style that builds up the tonal areas of an image with lots of tiny lines. Unlike the basic halftone line effect used in other tutorials, this method actually uses curved and wavy lines that vary in weight to produce an accurate replica of this classic illustration technique. Enter 4mm in the Size option and apply 11 ridges in the settings. Change the Selection option to Shadows then hit OK. Related:  Da foto a disegno

Talented Artist Combines Photography and Illustration to Capture 'The Sketch of a Life' Paris-based artist Sébastien Del Grosso combines his talents as an illustrator and photographer to create incredibly creative self-portraits. Taking on an almost cartoon-like aesthetic, the series is titled “L’esquisse d’une vie,” translating to “The Sketch of a Life.” As you can see from the image below, creating one of these images takes several steps and requires that Del Grosso ply his skills in several artistic arenas. What’s left when all is said and done is a unique hybrid between photography, sketching, and digital art: But this series is about more than just creating interesting self-portraits — something that, admittedly, he does better than many other skilled artists we’ve seen and featured — it draws from Del Grosso’s own life. “I wanted to illustrate the main stages of my life,” he writes on his Behance.

Gimptalk - Premier Gimp Community Free Engraved Illustration Effect Action for Photoshop My most popular tutorial of 2014 was my guide to creating a realistic money effect in Photoshop, which explained the steps to achieve an authentic engraved illustration style. The process is quite time consuming, so I figured it would be useful to follow it up with a ready made Photoshop Action that produces the effect automatically with just the click of a button. Choose from 3 levels of detail for your image, then the Action will transform your photo into a realistic engraved illustration. This free Photoshop Action transforms your photographs into realistic engraved illustrations with the click of a button, allowing you to easily create money or wood cut style effects. An unwanted moire effect has appeared on these scaled down preview images, but at 100% scale you can see the fine detail of the engraving lines that build up the illustration with multiple tonal layers. The download package contains the Photoshop .atn Action file and a .pat Pattern file.

Tutorial: How To Create Self-Portrait Sketches Want to turn your self-portrait photos into fine art? Paris-based photographer and graphic designer Sébastien Del Grosso has some techniques he’d like to share with you! Photography and drawing are Sébastien’s biggest passions in life, and he skillfully combines the two disciplines in his self-portrait sketch series on 500px, “The Sketch of A Life”. Scroll down to check out his tutorial, so you can learn how to shoot and process your images just like his self-portraits below! How To Create Self-Portrait Sketches by Sebastian Del Grosso I have always been drawn to artistic creation. While traveling with my first Canon EOS in 2011, I also became interested in photography. Because of my work in graphic design, I learned how to be rigorous about details, colors, and emotions that give us an image. My self-portrait sketches are taken inside my apartment, shot in natural light with a Canon 7D, WA 16-35mm f/2.8 or a 50mm f/1.4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

[Tutorial] How to Convert PhotoShop Brushes to Gimp Hello class well today i am gonna let out the big secret. Ok it isn’t that big! Most of us at one point have seen a set of Photshop brushes and wished Gimp had some thing like it. Well now you can have it. Alll you need is a little time and when I say little I mean little. Before i get started with this tutorial i would like to thank Fencepost from Gimptalk for orginaly showing me how to convert brushes and being pacent enuff to answer all my silly questions. I would also like to thank Vnt87 from GBD for showing me the abrView program. A huge THANK YOU goes out to Kward1979uk from Gimptalk with out his awesome scripting ability this whole process would still take a lot of time. I would also like to thank fotocomics of gimptalk for providing the links for MS .Net Framework 2.0. Ok now i shall explain what all of these are. abrView is a sweet little program written in C# to view and export ABR files. Now i am not saying you can’t get abrView to run under diffrent OS’s I just don’ know how!

Creating a custom brush in Photoshop | FlyingArchitecture Description Hi, welcome to yet another novice tutorial containing very basic prep steps in Photoshop, which must be done at least once in a lifetime. Otherwise you'll miss a thing. Or two ;) This tutorial is dedicated to creating a custom brush preset of a grass in Photoshop, which might be easily used to recreate lawn/meadow edges without any effort. Once the brush is created, you can save it for later use and use it whenever you want to! First I wanted to get out and take my own photos, but when one finds out he doesn't have to even stand up a walk away from the computer... life suddenly gets easier. Start now

Trasformare una foto in disegno a matita con Photoshop | Camera Obscura Da molto tempo stavo facendo esperimenti per convertire una fotografia in un disegno, o più precisamente, per mettere in piedi una procedura di ritocco con photoshop che permetta di simulare un disegno a matita, carboncino, sanguigna, a partire da una fotografia. La maggior parte dei tutorial disponibili online fanno uso di filtri automatici di Photoshop, che per il mio gusto personale sono tutti pessimi, sia quelli artistici, che di stilizzazione, o identificazione bordi. L’immagine ha sempre un che di artificiale, ricorda solo lontanamente le tecniche artistiche cui si ispira, si vede subito che è una foto che è stata filtrata e non un vero disegno e infine tutte le immagini di questo tipo si assomigliano tutte terribilmente fra di loro. La preparazione della fotografia La prima cosa da fare è partire da un’immagine adeguata. Ne consegue che le immagini più adatte sono le immagini grafiche, che funzionerebbero anche solo con bianchi e neri e poche scale di grigi. Il disegno Conclusioni

Adobe Photoshop plugins and plug-ins, filters and effects for Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo-Paint, Adobe Premiere means recently added means that the plugin(s) is available for the Mac, too. means very useful means useful means less useful No star means that I haven't tested it yet. - Not available anymore !!! Alf's Border FX, Alf's Power Toys and Alf's Decolorizer Dozens of filters for creating b/w or colored gradient images and patterns. Andrew's Filters 1 - 62 More than 1200 filters with mostly psychedelic color effects and modern-art-like patterns. Balder Olrik 7 filters with various effects Button Duo 2 filters for creating round and square buttons. Convert - Currently Down!!! Corrective A spot light filter. CPK Design 14 filters with bevel, distortion and convolver effects Crescent Moon, Two Moon 8 filters with various effects David Blend Filters The collection consist of 13 plugins. David Hull's Dither Filters (Mac only) 3 filters for creating dithering effects DC Layer and DCspecial - No Filter Factory plugins 2 filters for manipulating the Alpha Channel, 13 filters with various effects Dynasty Software Ecosse Enki
