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Web Ontology Language

The OWL family contains many species, serializations, syntaxes and specifications with similar names. OWL and OWL2 are used to refer to the 2004 and 2009 specifications, respectively. Full species names will be used, including specification version (for example, OWL2 EL). When referring more generally, OWL Family will be used. History[edit] Early ontology languages[edit] Ontology languages for the web[edit] In 2000 in the United States, DARPA started development of DAML led by James Hendler.[12] In March 2001, the Joint EU/US Committee on Agent Markup Languages decided that DAML should be merged with OIL.[12] The EU/US ad hoc Joint Working Group on Agent Markup Languages was convened to develop DAML+OIL as a web ontology language. OWL started as a research-based[14] revision of DAML+OIL aimed at the semantic web. Semantic web standards[edit] The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries.

Friend of a friend (informatique) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Logo FOAF FOAF (de l'anglais Friend of a friend, littéralement « l’ami d’un ami ») est un vocabulaire RDF permettant de décrire des personnes et les relations qu’elles entretiennent entre elles. Le protocole WebID, anciennement FOAF+SSL[1]., est un protocole d'authentification décentralisé utilisant des documents FOAF comme conteneur d'informations de profil et le protocole TLS pour l'authentification. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf=" xmlns:rdfs=" Wales</foaf:name><foaf:title>Mr. (en) Portail du projet(en) FOAF Schema 0.1 : spécification du vocabulaire FOAF. (en) FOAF Corp est une extension de FOAF au domaine des entreprises.On pourra aussi visualiser en Flash l’application expérimentale (en) They rule.

Analytic–synthetic distinction The analytic–synthetic distinction (also called the analytic–synthetic dichotomy) is a conceptual distinction, used primarily in philosophy to distinguish propositions (in particular, statements that are affirmative subject-predicate judgments) into two types: analytic propositions and synthetic propositions. Analytic propositions are true by virtue of their meaning, while synthetic propositions are true by how their meaning relates to the world.[1] However, philosophers have used the terms in very different ways. Furthermore, philosophers have debated whether there is a legitimate distinction. Kant[edit] Conceptual containment[edit] analytic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is contained in its subject conceptsynthetic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is not contained in its subject concept Examples of analytic propositions, on Kant's definition, include: "All bachelors are unmarried."" Kant's own example is: "All bachelors are unhappy."" [edit]

Simple Knowledge Organisation System Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. SKOS ou Simple Knowledge Organization System (Système simple d'organisation des connaissances) est une recommandation du W3C publiée le 18 août 2009 pour représenter des thésaurus, classifications ou d'autres types de vocabulaires contrôlés ou de langages documentaires. S'appuyant sur le modèle de données RDF, son principal objectif est de permettre la publication facile de vocabulaires structurés pour leur utilisation dans le cadre du Web sémantique. Le développement de SKOS a impliqué des acteurs à la fois de la communauté RDF et des experts en Science de l'information. SKOS cherche à être au maximum compatible avec les standards tels ceux des thésaurus, monolingue ou multilingue[1]. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] SWAD Europe (2002-2004) SKOS a d'abord été un produit du projet SWAD-Europe[2], un projet financé par la Communauté européenne, dans le cadre du programme Technologies de la Société de l'Information[3].

RDF Schema Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La première version de RDFS a été proposée en mars 1999, et la recommandation finale publiée par le W3C en février 2004. Les composants principaux de RDFS sont intégrés dans un langage d'ontologie plus expressif, OWL. Principales caractéristiques de RDFS[modifier | modifier le code] Classes et sous-classes[modifier | modifier le code] Un exemple simple de rdfs:Class est foaf:Person dans le vocabulaire FOAF. ex:Jean rdf:type foaf:Person La définition de rdfs:Class est récursive. rdfs:Class est la classe de toutes les classes. rdfs:subClassOf permet de définir des hiérarchies de classes. Par exemple, 'Toute personne est un Agent': foaf:Person rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Agent Propriétés[modifier | modifier le code] RDFS précise la notion de propriété définie par RDF en permettant de donner un type ou une classe au sujet et à l'objet des triplets. rdfs:domain définit la classe des sujets liée à une propriété. ex:travailledans rdfs:domain foaf:Person

Ontologie (informatique) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Par analogie, le terme est repris en informatique et en science de l'information, où une ontologie est l'ensemble structuré des termes et concepts représentant le sens d'un champ d'informations, que ce soit par les métadonnées d'un espace de noms, ou les éléments d'un domaine de connaissances. L'ontologie constitue en soi un modèle de données représentatif d'un ensemble de concepts dans un domaine, ainsi que des relations entre ces concepts. L'objectif premier d'une ontologie est de modéliser un ensemble de connaissances dans un domaine donné, qui peut être réel ou imaginaire. Les ontologies sont employées dans l'intelligence artificielle, le Web sémantique, le génie logiciel, l'informatique biomédicale ou encore l'architecture de l'information comme une forme de représentation de la connaissance au sujet d'un monde ou d'une certaine partie de ce monde. Une des définitions de l'ontologie qui fait autorité est celle de Gruber[2] : Notes

OWL Web Ontology Language Reference W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004 New Version Available: OWL 2 (Document Status Update, 12 November 2009) The OWL Working Group has produced a W3C Recommendation for a new version of OWL which adds features to this 2004 version, while remaining compatible. Please see OWL 2 Document Overview for an introduction to OWL 2 and a guide to the OWL 2 document set. This version: Latest version: Previous version: Editors: Mike Dean, BBN TechnologiesGuus Schreiber, Free University Amsterdam Authors: Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester Frank van Harmelen, Free University AmsterdamJim Hendler, University of MarylandIan Horrocks, University of ManchesterDeborah L. Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. See also translations. Copyright © 2004 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. Abstract Status of this document Contents 1.

FOAF Vocabulary Specification Classes Class: foaf:Agent Agent - An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact). The Agent class is the class of agents; things that do stuff. The Agent class is useful in a few places in FOAF where Person would have been overly specific. [#] [back to top] Class: foaf:Document Document - A document. The Document class represents those things which are, broadly conceived, 'documents'. The Image class is a sub-class of Document, since all images are documents. We do not (currently) distinguish precisely between physical and electronic documents, or between copies of a work and the abstraction those copies embody. [#] [back to top] Class: foaf:Group Group - A class of Agents. The Group class represents a collection of individual agents (and may itself play the role of a Agent, ie. something that can perform actions). This concept is intentionally quite broad, covering informal and ad-hoc groups, long-lived communities, organizational groups within a workplace, etc. Here is an example.

SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Namespace Document - H Status of this Document This document describes the schema available from the SKOS namespace. Introduction The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web.This document provides a brief description of the SKOS Vocabulary. For detailed information about the SKOS Recommendation, please consult the SKOS Reference [SKOS-REFERENCE] or the SKOS Primer [SKOS-PRIMER]. SKOS Schema Overview The following table gives a non-normative overview of the SKOS vocabulary; it replicates a table found in the (normative) SKOS Reference [SKOS-REFERENCE]. See also the SKOS Namespace Document - RDF/XML Variant [SKOS-RDF]. References SKOS Reference, Alistair Miles, Sean Bechhofer, Editors. SKOS Namespace - RDF/XML Variant. SKOS Primer, Antoine Isaac, Ed Summers, Editors. Acknowledgements This document is the result of extensive discussions within the W3C's Semantic Web Deployment Working Group.

OWL Web Ontology Language Guide W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004 New Version Available: OWL 2 (Document Status Update, 12 November 2009) The OWL Working Group has produced a W3C Recommendation for a new version of OWL which adds features to this 2004 version, while remaining compatible. Please see OWL 2 Document Overview for an introduction to OWL 2 and a guide to the OWL 2 document set. This version: Latest version: Previous version: Editors: Michael K. Chris Welty, IBM Research, Deborah L. Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. See also translations. Copyright © 2004 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM , Keio), All Rights Reserved. Abstract The World Wide Web as it is currently constituted resembles a poorly mapped geography. This document demonstrates the use of the OWL language to Status of This Document 1.1. 1.2. OWL is a component of the Semantic Web activity.

SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System - home page SKOS is an area of work developing specifications and standards to support the use of knowledge organization systems (KOS) such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists and taxonomies within the framework of the Semantic Web ... [read more] Alignment between SKOS and new ISO 25964 thesaurus standard (2012-12-13) ISO 25964-1, published in 2011, replaced the previous thesaurus standards ISO 2788 and ISO 5964 (both now withdrawn). From Chaos, Order: SKOS Recommendation Helps Organize Knowledge (2009-08-18) Today W3C announces a new standard that builds a bridge between the world of knowledge organization systems - including thesauri, classifications, subject headings, taxonomies, and folksonomies - and the linked data community, bringing benefits to both. Call for Review: SKOS Reference Proposed Recommendation (2009-06-15) The Semantic Web Deployment Working Group has published the Proposed Recommendation of SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference.
