Watch How First-Time Readers Use Your Blog First time readers make almost instantaneous decisions on whether they’ll be subscribing to your blog, leaving a comment, and making their way back for a return visit. Abby Kerr has a great post on this over on her site. And it’s true, much like a good first impression matters during an interview for a new job or going out on a date, a good first impression matters online to new blog readers. Today’s Task: Perform a first time reader audit on your blog. First: submit your URL. Second: share your memory test URL with your network. Basically, the way it works is when people click on the Clue Memory Test URL, Clueapp shares a screenshot of your website for just a few seconds. What’s the goal here? Is your site memorable? I took this test. You can even take it a step further by asking a friend or two (someone who doesn’t visit your site on a regular basis) spend 5-10 minutes navigating your content. What was your first impression? For yourself, take note of things like: Where did they click?
Creative Business Card Designs Even the most creative business card design cannot guarantee your business success, however it is one of those very first things that make a very long lasting impression. So, make the best use of it, and never limit your imagination to a plain rectangle! Also, don’t forget to include some interactivity – people love to play and solve puzzles. More creative business cards here You might also like Comments Michael Dachstein Inspiration junkie :)
American Institute for Innovation Excellence: Home Packaging and Shipping Your Lovely Creations: Guest Post from Monster Kookies A lot of people tend to think that because they have done all the hard work to get a sale online, they can take a breath and worry not because all the work is done. But realistically, posting and selling your items are only half of it. You have an impression to make! Packing and shipping your items might seem like a meagre task, but what you are doing is sending the buyer a piece of your personality. These ten thorough tips will get you started on packaging your beautiful products in a way that will make an everlasting good impression on your buyers. Packaging should reflect you! Monster Kookies is a blog dedicated to the creations of Monster Kookies, tips and tricks for working with polymer clay, as well as the featuring of unique & independent artist-run shops online. Tagged as: customer service, monster kookies, packaging, polymer clay, product packaging, shipping, tips and tricks
17 Tools For Making Awesome Client Presentations Ask five designers how they handle client design presentations and you’ll get five different answers. Some like to do their presentations in person, accompanying their designs with printouts detailing specific highlights. Others prefer utilizing an online screen sharing experience and talking their clients through their design in real time. Discover how to use the best web design tools on the market plus increase your income to $125+ per hour. Calls and Screen Sharing It’s simple, easy, and free. Skype Skype has over 600 million users, so chances are high that even your client will have an account that he/she can hop on to at any time. GotoMeeting GotoMeeting is a familiar business go-to for conference calls and screen shares. Google Video Chat You probably already have your Gmail inbox open, so why not hop on a video or audio call with your clients within the same workspace? Presenting: Information Architecture and Prototypes Presenting: Designs Feedback and Collaboration Tools
¿Por qué no añadir una pizca de ciencia en la cocina? | BBC Mundo Desde suciedad comestible a espuma de miso, la influencia de la ciencia en la alta cocina ha cambiado la forma en que se concibe la comida. Pero las técnicas gastronómicas que utilizan los grandes chefs también se pueden aplicar en el hogar. Es cuestión de añadirle al guiso una pizca de ciencia. "Somos capaces de medir la temperatura de la atmósfera de Venus pero no sabemos qué hay dentro de un soufflé, y eso es un triste reflejo de nuestra civilización", dijo en 1969 Nicholas Kurti, profesor de física de la Universidad de Oxford y amante de la comida. Pero la ciencia ya no está tan lejos de ollas y sartenes, y muchos cocineros han transformado sus cocinas en laboratorios. Aunque la cocina casera no esté aún preparada para la experimentación científica, la aplicación de algunos principios científicos puede convertir los alimentos de todos los días en algo especial. ¿Cómo crear platos soprendentes sin necesidad de tener un equipo costoso? Salmón sous-vide en el fregadero
Tax allowances and reliefs if you're self-employed If you're self-employed there are various reliefs, allowances and expenses you can claim to reduce your tax bill. You can take away from your business income various running costs and expenses associated with your business to work out your profits - but you can't take away any private expenses. And you can claim special reliefs for certain 'capital items' - one-off costs to buy or improve an asset you keep and use for your business. You can usually claim expenses, reliefs and allowances for the current tax year and for the previous four years - but there are some where you have a shorter time limit for claiming. This guide tells you about the tax allowances and reliefs you can get as a self-employed business person - including the expenses you can claim - and when and how to claim. This guide tells you about the tax allowances, deductions and reliefs you can get as a self-employed business person. On this page: Expenses at a glance What are 'allowable expenses'? Each business is different.
Creator / Home - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers Photography lighting diagrams made easy with this online tool: use the drop down menus, select objects, drag them, rotate them, change their layers then export your diagram to JPEG or save its URL. v3 beta is now public with iPad support, it includes ability to add notes. Select an image set and objet to add: Online Lighting Diagram Creator by Your donation is greatly appreciated. A minimum donation of $10 USD is asked for each commercial project (except the use on a photographer website, blog or gallery). The Online Lighting Diagram Creator is a personal project that requires a lot of resources to be developed and maintained. If you use the OLDC and are happy with it, I'd love if you would consider donating. Known issues : You can now export to JPEG and generate a URL that allows you to bookmark your diagram. v3 beta is now public with iPad support, it includes ability to add notes. Select an image set and objet to add: Online Lighting Diagram Creator by