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Mars planet facts news & images

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Kunskapsbanken, Stjärnor och planeter - Unga Fakta Stjärnor och planeter Vår målsättning och syftet med Kunskapsbanken är att tillhandahålla bra, användarvänligt studiematerial, för att öka förståelsen för delar av rymden, för användning i skolår F-9. att med hjälp av webbsajten Unga Fakta kunna överföra kunskapen och delar av materialet till konkreta klassrumsprojekt i grupp eller enskilt. att med hjälp av text, bild och utskriftsvänliga förslag på klassrumsprojekt, skapa en kreativ skolmiljö med ett upplevelsebaserat lärande som både är lärorikt, utvecklande och roligt. Sajten om Stjärnor och planeter kan användas på många olika sätt. Vill man inte använda hela materialet går det självklart bra att endast nyttja delar av detsamma, t ex för vissa moment eller för ett fördjupningsarbete, eller kanske bara använda pysselsidorna som ett komplement till den traditionella undervisningen i klassrummet. Mycket nöje, önskar vi på Unga Faktas redaktion. Skolår I menyn till vänster finner du material och anvisningar för respektive ålderskategori.

USGS Scientific Investigations Map 3292: Geologic Map of Mars Abstract This global geologic map of Mars, which records the distribution of geologic units and landforms on the planet's surface through time, is based on unprecedented variety, quality, and quantity of remotely sensed data acquired since the Viking Orbiters. These data have provided morphologic, topographic, spectral, thermophysical, radar sounding, and other observations for integration, analysis, and interpretation in support of geologic mapping. In particular, the precise topographic mapping now available has enabled consistent morphologic portrayal of the surface for global mapping (whereas previously used visual-range image bases were less effective, because they combined morphologic and albedo information and, locally, atmospheric haze). Also, thermal infrared image bases used for this map tended to be less affected by atmospheric haze and thus are reliable for analysis of surface morphology and texture at even higher resolution than the topographic products.

Latest Mars Weather Captioned Image Release No. MSSS-321 — 16 April 2014 Martian weather between 7 April 2014 and 13 April 2014: The MARCI acquires a global view of the red planet and its weather patterns every day. Local dust storms were observed in Solis, Aonia, and west of Syrtis. This week’s MARCI “movie” can be downloaded HERE (9.1 MB .mov file). Earlier Mars Weather Reports are available HERE. About the Quicktime Movie: The movie (a .mov file that you can click and play, above) was generated from images obtained by the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Citation and CreditThe image(s) and caption are value-added products. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems —or— NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS To cite the image(s) and caption information in a paper or report: Malin, M.

Mars 3D Images - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Panorama from Curiosity's Sol 1000 Location Rock Spire in 'Spirit of St. Experience Just How Big the Universe is, in One Mind-Blowing Interactive You need a more recent version of Adobe Flash Player. Recently, NASA scientists combined data from the Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes to discover the most distant galaxy known to date. The galaxy, named Abell2744 Y1, was formed around 13.2 billion years ago when the universe was extremely young. As the universe is expanding, Abell2744 Y1 is currently closer to 40 billion light years away from us, an astounding distance. Image: Galaxy cluster Abell2744 obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (Credit: NASA) But what does that really mean? Most of us have trouble visualizing the height of buildings, or the distance it takes to get home from work, let alone things on an intergalactic scale. Even cooler are the tidbits of information that are provided when you click on an object. 1. This is the smallest unit of scale in the universe. As you can see from the animation it takes a bit of zooming to reach this scale. 2. 3. 4. Tres-4 is the second largest planet discovered so far. 5. 6. 7.

Comment Mars va perdre sa lune Phobos... mais gagner un anneau Phobos va mourir, tuée à petit feu. Ce n'est pas pour demain, mais l'une des deux lunes de Mars ne sera plus, d'ici 20 à 40 millions d'années. Une étude publiée lundi dans la revue britannique Nature Geoscience suggère que le petit satellite pourrait se désintégrer et ses débris former un anneau autour de la planète rouge. "Les scientifiques savent depuis plusieurs décennies que Phobos se rapproche lentement de Mars, à une vitesse de quelques centimètres par an", explique Benjamin Black, de l'université américaine Berkeley, coauteur de cette étude. Cette proximité deviendra un jour fatale pour Phobos qui, sous l'effet de la force gravitationnelle de Mars, se disloquera. Ses composants les plus résistants percuteront la planète en formant un cratère. Et le processus a déjà commencé. Des "vergetures" comme signe avant-coureur Les scientifiques envisagent donc une autre cause. Or la lune martienne est fragile. Mais pourrait-il arriver la même chose à notre Lune?

SpaceWeather Space facts for kids at Super Brainy Beans The Sun The Sun comes out in the day and sits high in the sky. It gives us light and heat. The moon The moon comes out in at night. The Stars The stars come out at night and twinkle in the night sky. The Sun, the earth and the moon The Earth travels around the Sun. Earth, Sun & Moon Learn about the Earth, Sun & Moon's orbits as you experiment with different dates and times in this fun activity. The moon travels around the earth in the same way. Planets There are 8 planets in our solar system. Explore the Planets Learn about the planets in our solar system and an easy way to remember them! Day and night Day and Night Learn how the movement of the Earth makes day and night-time. Night and Day What can you remember about night and day? The phases of the Moon Phases of the moon Learn about how the positions of the Earth and Sun affect our view of the Moon. Earth & Beyond Learn facts of our solar system if you pass the test you earn credits to play a game. Our solar system Space travel Our Solar System

Radar evidence of subglacial liquid water on Mars Abstract The presence of liquid water at the base of the martian polar caps has long been suspected but not observed. We surveyed the Planum Australe region using the MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) instrument, a low-frequency radar on the Mars Express spacecraft. The presence of liquid water at the base of the martian polar caps was first hypothesized more than 30 years ago (1) and has been inconclusively debated ever since. On Earth, the interpretation of radar data collected above the polar ice sheets is usually based on the combination of qualitative (the morphology of the bedrock) and quantitative (the reflected radar peak power) analyses (3, 9). Between 29 May 2012 and 27 December 2015, MARSIS surveyed a 200-km-wide area of Planum Australe, centered at 193°E, 81°S (Fig. 1), which roughly corresponds to a previous study area (8). We examined other possible explanations for the bright area below the SPLD (supplementary text).

Solar System Scope Space Engine - Home page Mars Express gets festive: A winter wonderland on Mars / Mars Express Perspective view of Korolev crater Mars Express gets festive: A winter wonderland on Mars 20 December 2018 This image shows what appears to be a large patch of fresh, untrodden snow – a dream for any lover of the holiday season. However, it’s a little too distant for a last-minute winter getaway: this feature, known as Korolev crater, is found on Mars, and is shown here in beautiful detail as seen by Mars Express. ESA’s Mars Express mission launched on 2 June 2003, and reached Mars six months later. These images are an excellent celebration of such a milestone. Korolev crater in context Korolev crater is 82 kilometres across and found in the northern lowlands of Mars, just south of a large patch of dune-filled terrain that encircles part of the planet’s northern polar cap (known as Olympia Undae). This ever-icy presence is due to an interesting phenomenon known as a ‘cold trap’, which occurs as the name suggests. Plan view of Korolev crater Topography of Korolev crater
