- Toute l'actualité des plateformes sociales (blogs, wikis, réseaux sociaux, microblog…) et du Social Business (marketing + CRM + commerce) Cloud Computing Computers used to work alone, inside a home or business. But thanks to the Internet, we can now use the power of computers at a completely different location - what we call "in the cloud". To start, meet Lucy from Lucy's Lilies, a new florist. She's a florist, not a mechanic - delivery is a distraction. Then she learned about a new kind of delivery company that has an unlimited fleet of drivers and vans that she can use on an as-needed basis - and she only pay for what she uses. A few years later, her business savvy paid off. Then she learned about cloud computing, which works a lot like her deliveries. They have all the computing power she needs and it's all secure, backed up at another location and accessible through the Web - what people call "in the cloud." This means she can depend on a cloud company's computers to help her business run and focus her energy on fantastic flowers. But that's not all. But what she really loves is only paying for what she uses.
How to remove related videos from the end of an embedded YouTube video | illuminea As I’m sure you’ve seen, YouTube displays related videos at the end of videos you have viewed. This can be useful, but this can also be problematic. For example, we were recently working on a very personal project for a client. I remembered that I had seen that you can remove related videos from the end of a YouTube video. Let’s say I want to embed this adorable kitten video in my site to share it with my readers: You see all those supposedly related cute kitten videos at the end? Go to the video’s individual page on YouTube. <img style="display: inline; border: 0px;" title="image" src=" alt="image" width="450" height="205" border="0" />Copy the embed code and paste wherever you want the video to appear! While I was searching for this solution, I came across a list of parameters that you can add to YouTube embed code to customize the player: YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters. to
À propos du Web 2.0 Liste d'applications WEB 2.0 Cartes conceptuelles Web 2.0 Tableau synthèse Web 2.0 Contribuez à notre tableau synthèse des applications web 2.0 (Hiv2010) Textes Web 2.0 Petites descriptions d'applications Web 2.0 Audacity BoxNet Bonet est une application web 2.0 où sa principale fonction est l’organisation de fichiers sur le web. Comiqs Comiqs Comiqs est une application qui vous permet de créer différentes bandes dessinées et de les partager avec vos amis ainsi qu'avec d'autres personnes qui sont inscrites sur le site. DeliCious DeliCious est un site de "Bookmarking" social qui permet d'accéder à ses liens favoris peut importe sur quel ordinateur l'utilisateur travaille. Didapages "Voilà un outil qui devrait intéresser les professeurs ou formateurs dans tous les domaines. Digg Digg est un site Internet communautaire qui se veut être un outil collaboratif (social bookmarking). Diigo DiiGo est une abréviation pour "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff." DimDim DimDim par TeamPasserelle EtherPad Facebook Flickr Jing
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