Xming X Server for Windows - Official Website Xming is the leading X Window System Server for Microsoft Windows®. It is fully featured, lean, fast, simple to install and because it is standalone native Windows, easily made portable (not needing a machine-specific installation or access to the Windows registry). Xming is totally secure when used with SSH and optionally includes an enhanced Plink SSH client and a portable PuTTY replacement package. Mesa with GLX, or Microsoft WGL, provide interactive OpenGL® 2D and 3D network transparent graphics rendering. AIGLX is available for graphics cards that support hardware-accelerated OpenGL. PuTTY is Project Xming's preferred and integrated X terminal emulator for Microsoft Windows: superseding any requirement for a cumbersome POSIX API compatibility layer and simulated directory mount points. Xming is cross-compiled on Linux for Microsoft Windows, using MinGW-w64, mostly from canonical X.Org source code with my patches applied. X.Org, FreeType, PThreads4W, Mesa, PuTTY and xorg group issues in Releases
Comment faire des É majuscules avec accent Il arrive régulièrement de devoir saisir un texte dont la première lettre commence par une lettre accentuée en majuscule. Or, le clavier d'un ordinateur ne permet pas de mettre en majuscule un é (E accent aigu) ou un à (A accent grave). Il existe des solutions permettant de contourner ce problème ! Les options de votre logiciel de bureautique L'insertion des principaux caractères majuscules accentués, en Français, selon votre logiciel de bureautique, peut être réalisée de manière automatique. Exemple de Word : Versions antérieures à 2007 : -Menu Outils, -Onglet Edition : majuscules accentuées Versions postérieures à 2007 : -Bouton Office ou Fichier, -Options Word, -Vérification Dans le paragraphe "Lors de la correction orthographique des programmes de Microsoft Office", cochez la case : Majuscules accentuées en français Notre vidéo Copier-coller La plus simple des solutions, quoi qu'un peu fastidieuse consiste à trouver un texte contenant de tels caractères accentués et à les copier-coller. charmap
Fix "502 Bad Gateway" error on NGINX server after upgrading PHP • JvdC.me I check my servers for upgrades on a regular basis and when I noticed yesterday that PHP was upgraded to version 5.5.12, I backed up everything of course (backup guide) and decided to upgrade which can easily be done with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Unfortunately I’ve ran into quite an annoying issue which I had not encountered before, all pages returned “502 Bad Gateway” errors. I’ve done this a numerous time and the upgrade went very smoothly. I was even asked if I wanted to keep local configuration files or not. I choose yes and the installation proceeded. What does this error message mean? Problem Solving 1: is PHP-FPM running? As you can see I am also running the latest version of NGINX (1.6.0 as of May 10th 2014) which was updated a few days earlier. ps aux will output all processes that are running, so we add | grep php to only output processes with php in the name. If there are still no PHP-FPM processes running, you might try to remove PHP and reinstall it. Conclusion
tutoriel:comment_integrer_machine_ubuntu_domaine_nt_samba Beaucoup de vieux réseaux gérés par un contrôleur de domaine NT4 ont été remplacés à moindre coût par des serveurs avec Samba paramétré en PDC. Ainsi, les utilisateurs des différentes versions de MS Windows (98 à XP) peuvent continuer à s'authentifier et partager des ressources. Mais si vous désirez également remplacer ou intégrer des machines équipées d'Ubuntu (K/X/Ed/Ubuntu compris) il serait intéressant qu'elles aient accès au même réseau et service. Si c'est la connexion à un domaine Microsoft Active Directory qui vous intéresse reportez vous au tutoriel « Comment ajouter une machine Ubuntu dans un domaine Microsoft Active Directory ? ». Si vous avez besoin de mettre en place un contrôleur de domaine Active Directory, Samba4 offre cette possibilité et plus encore ! Installation Pour pouvoir intégrer un PC Ubuntu à un domaine Samba, il vous faut installer le paquet winbind seul. Configuration Plusieurs fichiers doivent être modifiés pour que l'authentification se fasse grâce au domaine.
How to backup and transfer a Proxmox VM to another Proxmox Node | Linux Tutorials and Guides Moving proxmox virtual machines between different servers became very easy with recent proxmox updates. You can use proxmox web GUI or command line interface to create a proxmox virtual machine backup and than move to a remove server. In this article we will see how to backup and transfer a proxmox vm to another proxmox node, both using GUI and command line. Step 1: Enable your disk to store backups Normally your hardisk is enabled to be used for: Disk ImageIso ImageContainer TemplateContainer That means currently you can not store your virtual machine backup on your hardisk, so you need to make sure that your hard disk can store VZDump Backup File (file that is created after we initiate a virtual machine backup). Now your storage medium is ready to store backups. Step 2: Create Backup Their are two ways you can create backups, from GUI and command line as well, we will first discuss the command line version because its very easy. Create backup from command line Create backup from Proxmox GUI
Running Graphical Apps from Putty SSH - Raspberry Pi Wiki This is the procedure for running X11 applications through an SSH tunnel. I use PuTTY SSH client to connect to Raspbian, and I miss the graphical interface. Prerequisites: PuTTY SSH client on my laptop RaspberryPi with Raspbian installed Xming from I connect to the RPi with PuTTY SSH as usual, but in addition, set up X11 forwarding: From PuTTY new connection screen: Category > Connection > SSH > X11: [x] Enable SSH forwarding X display location: [localhost:0] Then connect to RPi as usual. Make sure Xming is running in the background. From the PuTTY shell, now you can run any X11 application.
Hébergement Web 100% illimité 3,95€/mois - Hébergeur illimité situé en France materiel:connaitre_son_materiel Prérequis Il faut tout d'abord vérifier la présence des paquetage suivants : pciutils usbutils Smartmontools Pour avoir toutes les informations utiles sur sa carte mère et quelques informations diverses sur votre matériel. Utilisez la commande en root ( su ou en mode sudo ): dmidecode et vous obtiendrez ceci (bref exemple ): Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes System Information Manufacturer: System manufacturer Product Name: P5Q DELUXE Version: System Version Serial Number: System Serial Number UUID: A041001E-8C00-01...etc ..... Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes Base Board Information Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC. une autre méthode pour connaitre sa version de bios est en mode ROOT : dd if=/dev/mem bs=32k skip=31 count=1 | strings -n 8 | grep -i bios et vous obtiendrez donc : AMIBIOS 080012 1+0 enregistrements lus 1+0 enregistrements écrits 32768 octets (33 kB) copiésAMIBIOS(C)2006 American Megatrends, Inc. En console: Type de processeur pour lequel est compilé le noyau : $ uname -p top
serveur En informatique, un serveur est un ordinateur, dont le rôle est de répondre de manière automatique à des demandes envoyées par des clients (ordinateur et logiciel), via un réseau ( local ou externe ) . La mise en place d'un serveur se fait en deux étapes : Installation (et configuration) du système d'exploitation Installation (et configuration) de l'une ou des application(s) adaptée(s) au(x) service(s) désiré(s) Dans le cas d'Ubuntu, n'importe quelle variante peut donc servir de base pour mettre en place un serveur. Ainsi, la variante serveur d'Ubuntu (Ubuntu server) possède un noyau optimisé et est dépourvue d'environnement graphique, gourmand en ressources et superflu dans le cas d'un serveur amené à être manipulé assez rarement. Exemples de la mise en place d'un serveur : network_tpme - Comment installer un serveur complet pour une PME ou une TPE
Support subscription pricing for Proxmox VE Proxmox Virtual Environment's source code is published under the free software license GNU AGPL, v3 and thus is freely available via code repository (git) for download, use and share. A Proxmox VE Subscription is an additional service program designed to help IT professionals and businesses to keep their Proxmox VE deployments up-to-date. It also provides access to professional support services: You get access to the Proxmox VE Enterprise repository with stable software updates and security enhancements, as well as to technical support and other services. Choose the subscription that's best for you. Download Subscription Agreement (PDF)
Raspberry Pi DC Motor Driver | File Exchange Pick of the Week May 3rd, 2013 Raspberry Pi DC Motor Driver Doug 's pick this week is Raspberry Pi DC Motor H-Bridge Driver Block by Joshua Hurst . As my previous posts may suggest, I've been a long-time fan of the Arduino platform. Enter R2013a which introduced support for a number of new target platforms which Jiro pointed out earlier this year. Looking at the blocks that are included with the target, however, you'll notice that there is nothing included for sending voltages to a DC Motor like you can do with the Arduino PWM Output blocks. After some breadboard work, I built and downloaded the model and I was controlling my motor in minutes by simply changing the Input Volts value in External Mode. I was happy to see that Joshua was inspired by Giampiero's Device Driver guide that explains how to create custom drivers for the hardware support packages. One minor suggestion I would have for Joshua is to include the pin numbers that correspond to the PWM outputs for this model. By Guest Picker
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