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SampleBoard- Digital Mood Board Editor for Creative Industries

SampleBoard- Digital Mood Board Editor for Creative Industries

CLIP STUDIO PAINT | CLIP STUDIO.NET A piece of software, which has acquired 350,000 users in Japan for 1.5 years after the release, with outstanding drawing performance for manga. Evolve with all the functions of ComicStudio, 1.6 million copies of which have been sold around the world. You can see English subtitles by customizing settings on Youtube. CSP is really remarkable for inking and coloring my works! - Santa Fung (Malaysia) CSP is a fantastic digital painting software with a powerful brush customization system and color palette management. - Monica Galentino (Italy) I absolutely adore the natural feeling while coloring in CSP! - Melanie Schober (Austria) I've stopped using all my other graphics software, CSP has every tool I need. - Linus Remahl (Sweden) Inking in CSP is simply fabulous and smooth, as much as coloring. - MissChroma (Italy) CSP is the perfect tool for the digital painting. - Tommaso Renieri (Italy) CSP presents a comprehensive, deep, and artist-friendly tool set, while keeping the performance silky smooth!

Edith Curtain Panel Set by Layla Grayce 1. Your Acceptance Olioboard and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively "") provides service to you subject to the following Terms of Use, which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. These Terms of Use constitute a binding agreement between and you governing your use of the Website. 2. hereby grants you permission to use the Website as set forth in these Terms of Use, provided that: (i) your use of the Website as permitted is solely for your personal, noncommercial use; (ii) you will not copy or distribute any part of the Website in any medium without’s prior written authorization; (iii) you will not alter or modify any part of the Website other than as may be reasonably necessary to use the Website for its intended purpose; and (iv) you will otherwise comply with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use. In order to access some features of the Website, you will have to create an account.

Astonishing Sketchbook Illustration Drawings by Irina Vinnik Impressive sketchbook illustration drawings by artist Irina Vinnik ( previously here,) from St. Petersburg, Russia… Irina Vinnik Jennelise: About Me "Everybody has a secret world inside of them.All of the people of the world, I mean everybody.No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds.Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe." ~Neil Gaiman I haven't drawn any pictures in a little while - it seems like there just hasn't been a lot of time for it! I am sharing with these blog parties:Tuesdays TreasuresA Return to Loveliness

Jenn Olson Makes: What the what? Catch up...pic intensive (again) & A Giveaway!!! I'm probably a broken record when I say "Wow! these last few weeks have been crazy!" Today is the LAST day of school and then all summer breaks loose...As usual, I saw tons of good ideas for teacher gifts--and as usual, spent so much time browsing I got overwhelmed. For my recent birthday my talented friend Andrea sent me one of her darling mug rugs...and she also posted a tutorial on her website. I couldn't go wrong! A super fun scrap buster and once I got the hang of the 'backwards' binding-super easy! Since completely destashing my scrapbook supplies, I have been doing more collage and art journaling. ***************************GIVEAWAY CLOSED--THANK YOUNOW. Interested? Won anything lately?

Murals Composed of Frenetic Linework by DALeast Photo by Spencer Elzey Since we last covered work by DALeast, the artist has painted numerous pieces around the world, particularly a number of bird-themes murals in Poland, Spain, and now New York City where he just completed a towering painting of a bird clutching another bird on the side a Manhattan building. Born in China, the muralist/sculptor/painter is currently based out of Cape Town where his use of frenetic lines to compose animals, people, and other forms is almost instantly recognizable. You can follow his lastest adventures on Facebook. (via StreetArtNews) Paintings by Michael Kerbow Warn of Dire Consequences for Current Actions Their Refinement of the Decline, oil on canvas, 48 x 60 inches Their Refinement of the Decline, detail Diminishing Returns, oil on canvas, 48 × 60 inches Diminishing Returns, detail Witching Hour, acrylic on paper, 34 × 42.5 inches A New Religion, oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches Hollow Pursuits, acrylic on canvas, 54 × 54 inches Fool’s Gold, oil on canvas, 60 × 48 inches Michael Kerbow is an artist based in San Francisco who works in a variety of mediums including painting, assemblage, drawing and digital photography. My work explores the way in which we engage with our surroundings and the possible consequences our actions have upon the world in which we live. Kerbow will have work at an upcoming group show called “Real Surreal” at Sandra Lee Gallery in San Francisco.

Beautiful Animated Cinemagraphs of New York by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burghas Digital artists and photographers Jamie Beck and Kevin Burghas created this breathtaking series of cinematic animated gifs featuring locations in New York… Jamie Beck | Kevin Burg
