École nationale de la Protection judiciaire de la L’école des professionnels de la justice des mineurs Au même titre que dans les autres écoles du ministère de la Justice - l’Ecole nationale de la magistrature (ENM), l'Ecole nationale de l'administration pénitentiaire (ENAP) et l'Ecole nationale des greffes (ENG) - les formations à l'Ecole nationale de protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (ENPJJ) ont pour objectif de donner aux agents les capacités nécessaires pour exercer pleinement leur métier, puis de maintenir et de développer celles-ci tout au long de leur carrière. L’ENPJJ forme, chaque année, plus de 5000 professionnels de la justice des mineurs. Une école en perpétuelle évolution L’ENPJJ trouve son origine dans le Centre de formation et d’études de Vaucresson, créé en 1952 pour former les éducateurs. Une mission de formation initiale et continue L’ENPJJ est en charge de la formation initiale et continue de l’ensemble des personnels de la Protection judiciaire de la Jeunesse. Une école professionnalisante Une approche partenariale
Rich Morris, Auckland Freelance Web Designer Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police See Wolfram Alpha in Action: Our Screenshots - ReadWriteWeb Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new "computational knowledge engine" based on the work of Stephen Wolfram. Some have dubbed Alpha a "Google killer," but, in reality, it is very different from the standard search engines that we are all familiar with today. When we got the demo, Wolfram asked us to refrain from publishing any screenshots. Today, however, the Berkman Center posted a video of the public demo Wolfram gave earlier this week, so we think it's only fair that we share our own screenshots with our readers at this point. Homepage Query #1: internet users in Europe Query #2: weather oakland Query #3: oakland Query #4: uncle's uncle's brother's son Query #5: water 550C 3 atm Query #6: integrate x^3 sin^2 x dx Query #7: bob Example of a copy and paste dialog: Embedding Search Results: Here is the video of the public demo at the Berkman Center. And if you really want a look behind the scenes, here is a look behind the scenes of the Wolfram Alpha datacenter:
What every usability test moderator ought to know about good lis Roles moderators play Usability test moderators need to play several roles, such as ensuring the technology is working properly, ensuring the session runs to schedule and schmoozing the client. But the moderator’s most important role is to ensure that the participant is heard. 15 Tips for good listening Do try to read the participant’s “non-verbals” — inflections, gestures, posture and facial expression. What next? I hope I’ve convinced you that listening is different from hearing. About the author Anna-Gret Higgins holds a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Counselling Psychology.
WordPress News: WordPress 2.7 Awesome, WordPress.com 5 Million, There was a lot of WordPress news this week, including the release last week of WordPress 2.7, which has been heralded by many as one of the easiest upgrades and enthusiasm for the new interface. Applause for the whole WordPress development team and community that worked so hard to make WordPress 2.7 so awesome. A lot of WordPress Plugins have been updated, and some thought discontinued by incorporation of their features into WordPress 2.7 are back and better than ever. Lots of WordPress.com news, including crossing the 5 million blog mark. WordPress News Things You Need to Know About WordPress 2.7: Last week’s issue, WordPress News: WordPress 2.7 Released , covered a ton of information you needed to know about the latest version of WordPress. Ryan Boren announced that there have been 100,000 downloads in the first 20 hours of release, followed by a hint that WordPress 2.7.1 work in progress and will be out soon with many of the fixes found during the first week of the release.
Danbury Library Goods | DarienLibrary.org Dixon crossing Niagara below the Great Cantilever Bridge, U.S.A. 1895-1903 -photo courtesy of NYPL NYPL gives viewers the opportunity to take 19th century images and turn them into 21st century GIF files. Stereograms, invented in 1838 by Charles Wheatstone, are pairs of two dimensional images shot from different angles in such a way that they mimic the vantage points of our left and right eyes. When viewed through a stereoscope, the combined images pop out in 3D. Stereograms were hugely popular in the 19th century and often used to give audiences glimpses of parts of the world they may never have been able to see before. Last month, the New York Public Library's experimental Labs department ( unveiled its latest digitization project, the Stereogranimator. Check out NYPL's website for other low tech to high tech projects and start making your own animated images today!
SlideSix: A Guerrilla Presentation Sharing System At last night’s meet-up I met a guy named Todd Sharp who created SlideSix.com, a presentation sharing system that supports PowerPoint/PowerPoint 2007, PDF, OpenOffice, and MOV files. It supports uploading and embedding of slides in any web page. It’s not much to look at right now, but I works correctly and it’s a testament to what one man with a dream can accomplish in this dirty, harsh world. Todd built the service from the ground up and it works using a Flash-based interface with plenty of additional features including on-the-fly video and audio recording. What’s really important is that Todd is basically creating this in a vacuum in Medina, Ohio and it just goes to show you that good programmers and ideas aren’t just coming from the confines of some programmer cage in the Valley. Note: Please think before you troll.
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