US Cameraman Runs For His Life From FEMA — Has Proof 9/11 Was Inside Job - YouRTubeNews (Before It's News) Kurt Sonnenfeld was working for FEMA as a phtographer/videographer. When his videos and photographs proved that 9/11 was an inside job he had to run for his life. He currently lives in Argentina. In the meantime, in order to get him extradited back to the US, the US governement, via the Denver police department, has concocted a story that he murdered his first wife and is insisting Argentia return him to the US to face murder charges. From Wikipedia: Kurt Sonnenfeld (born 1969) is a videographer for FEMA prior to 2002 and was one of four FEMA photographers who were given exclusive access to Ground Zero following the September 11 Attacks in New York in 2001. When Kurt Sonnenfeld went into WTC 6 with FEMA to take photographs, they found the vault door of the US Customs vault open and its contents were empty! Kurt Sonenfield needs to make multiple multiple copies of his footage and get it out there before the US Government can pick him up and silence him.
Tor Stands Tall Against the NSA | Privacy It seems fairly clear that the U.S. security agency has been trying to hack into Tor for some time. "The real question here concerns who the exploit was targeting," suggested Ken Westin, founder of "Was is it people law enforcement had probable cause to monitor, or was it a blanket exploit that targeted all users of Tor?" It's pretty reasonable to assume the latter, Westin opined. The National Security Agency tried to crack the encryption protecting the Tor network -- known as a bulletproof vehicle for anonymous communication -- but was unable to do so, according to news reports based on revelations provided by former NSA systems administrator Edward Snowden. Undaunted, the agency and its British counterpart, GCHQ, then reportedly used a flaw in older versions of Firefox to circumvent Tor and gain access to a small number of communications. "We will never be able to de-anonymize all Tor users all the time," states one top-secret presentation, titled "Tor Stinks."
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES | Rudy2's Multilingual Blog 10-01-2007, 07:00 p.m. SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES. VERSION FRANCAISE ICI : VERSION ESPAÑOLA AQUI : SOSBEE’S NOTE: See the symptoms that I have documented at: sosbee veteran: “Pervert FBI and NSA psychopaths are secretly and illegally conducting non-consensual, sadistic, synthetic telepathy experiments and psychotronic weapon attacks on hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens in the United States and elsewhere. “Covert Operations of the U.S. Reading and broadcasting private thoughts. EEUU 'espía' a través de los servidores de Apple, Google o Facebook | Estados Unidos El Gobierno de Barack Obama no sólo tiene información sensible de millones de llamadas telefónicas, también tiene acceso directo a los datos y a los servidores de todopoderosas empresas de Internet como Google, Facebook o Apple. Una presentación en Powepoint de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA) a la que ha tenido acceso los diarios 'The Guardian' y 'The Washington Post' probaría el control de EEUU sobre el contenido de determinados e-mails, fotografías, vídeos conversaciones de chat o transferencia de archivos. El director de la NSA, James Clapper ha afirmado que este tipo de informaciones amenazan la seguridad nacional. Estas revelaciones son "una amenaza potencial a nuestra capacidad para identificar y abordar los riesgos a los que se enfrenta nuestro país", aseguró en un comunicado difundido esta noche. Sin confirmar oficialmente la existencia de este programa, la Casa Blanca ha asegurado que era esencial para la lucha contra el terrorismo. Las empresas niegan su consentimiento
Paul Walker: Murdered For Digging Too Deep? (Videos) | Conspiracy Theories (Before It's News) By Susan Duclos [Update- 12/5/13] Death Photos and autopsy results. [MAJOR UPDATE] – Two explosions seen on surveillance video footage [END UPDATE] Conspiracy forums have posed an interesting theory on Paul Walker’s untimely death from a car crash on Saturday, where they tie it in, and call it murder to prevent Walker, who was part of the Phillipine relief effort, from exposing “a conspiracy to supply victims of Typhoon Haiyan with a prototype permanent birth control drug hidden in medicinal supplies and food aid.” Via the first thread over at GLP: (Direct quote) Paul Walker and his friend were killed shortly after they discovered a conspiracy to supply victims of Typhon Haiyan with a prototype permanent birth control drug hidden in medicinal supplies and food aid. Now that the loose end has been tied up, and the recording destroyed, the people responsible have nothing to fear as this will become another “conspiracy theory” no one will take seriously. The exemplar:
Heurística La palabra heurística procede del término griego εὑρίσκειν,[1] que significa «hallar, inventar» (etimología que comparte con eureka[2] ). La palabra «heurística» aparece en más de una categoría gramatical. Cuando se usa como sustantivo, identifica el arte o la ciencia del descubrimiento, una disciplina susceptible de ser investigada formalmente. Cuando aparece como adjetivo, se refiere a cosas más concretas, como estrategias heurísticas, reglas heurísticas o silogismos y conclusiones heurísticas. Actualmente se han hecho adaptaciones al término en diferentes áreas, así definen la Heurística como un arte, técnica o procedimiento práctico o informal, para resolver problemas.[3] Alternativamente, Lakatos lo define como un conjunto de reglas metodológicas no necesariamente forzosas, positivas y negativas, que sugieren o establecen cómo proceder y qué problemas evitar a la hora de generar soluciones y elaborar hipótesis.[4] Matemática[editar] La palabra heurus proviene del griego erus.
{Video} NASA’s Big Cover Up of Cities on Mars Visible in This Video?? In this video, released by David Vose, we get a look of Mars that NASA does not want us to see. Vose claims the video is no joke, and that in it, he basically cleans up the murky, scrubbed over images that NASA has released to the public of planet Mars, to show us what it really looks like. Men have dreamed of life on Mars since they understood that Mars was a planet and not a star. Vose claims in this video that there is indeed life on Mars, something that great American author Ray Bradbury wrote of often in his works like “The Martian Chronicles” and his collection of short stories titled “The Illustrated Man.” Watch this video, and pay close attention as Vose points out where we may just be wrong in our assumption that we are alone, even in our own solar system, and that there are indeed cities and highways with bridges just the next planet out from us.
Pensamiento divergente Existen muchos tipos de pensamiento: El pensamiento deductivo, el pensamiento inductivo, el pensamiento sistemático, el pensamiento crítico y el pensamiento analítico son algunos de ellos. El Pensamiento divergente, por su parte, es aquello que diverge (que discrepa, discorda o se separa). El pensamiento divergente o pensamiento lateral, por lo tanto, consiste en la búsqueda de alternativas o posibilidades creativas y diferentes para la resolución de un problema.[1] Estructura unificada del pensamiento divergente[editar] Para tener mayor creatividad, un individuo deberá contar con este tipo de "Pensamiento" ya que los dos se complementan. Una persona que usa el Pensamiento critico resolverá los problemas que se le presenten con un mayor desempeño y creatividad. Se recomienda una vuelta a USIT después han menguado metodologías convencionales. Definición del problema Análisis del problema Técnicas de solución objeto – atributo \objeto Efecto – atributo/ Referencias[editar]
Nikola Tesla - Deathbed Confessions, Photos Support Claims That George H. Scherf(f), Jr Was The 41st U.S. President George Bush Panacea Nikola Tesla Recent evidence has surfacing detailing that Nikola Tesla was murdered the day after he was visited for an all-day interview with two secret service agents, Reinhardt Galen & Otto Skorzeny. After suffocating him, they stole all of Tesla’s blueprints & papers. Otto Skorzeny was Hitler’s bodyguard & also an assassin, one of the many Nazis who ex-filtrated to the USA after WWII, as part of Project Paperclip. Although he supposedly died in 1975, Skorzeny resurfaced in 1999. This man, he said, known as George Scherff Snr was none other than Prescott Bush – the father of the 41st President of the US, and grandfather of the current President. Interestingly, an article published in the Idaho Observer has since been removed - although several copies were made of it before it was taken offline. Part 1: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. By Don Nicoloff A thought problem Who were the designers of this master plan? James Loeb
untitled La vitamina B6 es una vitamina hidrosoluble, esto implica que se elimina a través de la orina, y se ha de reponer diariamente con la dieta. Se encuentra en el germen de trigo, carne, huevos, pescado y verduras, legumbres, nueces, alimentos ricos en granos integrales, al igual que en los panes y cereales enriquecidos. Estructura química[editar] La vitamina B6 es en realidad un grupo de tres compuestos químicos llamados piridoxina (o piridoxol), piridoxal y piridoxamina: Estructura de la piridoxinaEstructura de la piridoxaminaEstructura del fosfato de piridoxal Los derivados fosforilados del piridoxal y la piridoxina (fosfato de piridoxal (PLP) y fosfato de piridoxamina (PMP) respectivamente) desempeñan funciones de coenzima. Funciones[editar] La vitamina B6 interviene en la elaboración de sustancias cerebrales que regulan el estado de ánimo, como la serotonina, pudiendo ayudar, en algunas personas, en casos de depresión, estrés y alteraciones del sueño. Deficiencia[editar] Referencias[editar]