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Tibetan book of the dead «

Lucid Dreaming is an Ancient Practice Introduction Lucid dreaming was taken very seriously by some cultures during ancient times. For example, in the 8th Century, TheTibetan Book of the Dead described of a form of Yoga designed to become conscious while dreaming. Yoga of the Dream State “Milam,” the Yoga of the Dream State is one of many different types of Yogas practiced by Tibetan Buddhists. The intention of this form of Yoga is to help to attain spiritual power and enlightenment or “awakening.” The word “Buddha” means “one who has awakened.” The Yoga of the Dream State or Tibetan dream Yoga is a philosophical practice that includes lucid dreaming. The goal of the Yoga of the Dream State is to control the power of the lucid dream and then complete tasks to enter into a higher level of consciousness. The Practice of Yoga of the Dream State A common element in Eastern and Western lucid dreaming preparedness is to compare your dreams to waking reality and understand what it feels like to be conscious.

Meditation May Protect Your Brain | Miller-McCune Online For thousands of years, Buddhist meditators have claimed that the simple act of sitting down and following their breath while letting go of intrusive thoughts can free one from the entanglements of neurotic suffering. Now, scientists are using cutting-edge scanning technology to watch the meditating mind at work. They are finding that regular meditation has a measurable effect on a variety of brain structures related to attention — an example of what is known as neuroplasticity, where the brain physically changes in response to an intentional exercise. A team of Emory University scientists reported in early September that experienced Zen meditators were much better than control subjects at dropping extraneous thoughts and returning to the breath. The same researchers reported last year that longtime meditators don’t lose gray matter in their brains with age the way most people do, suggesting that meditation may have a neuro-protective effect. Where does all this lead?

Hypnagogia and Hypnopompia | The Dream Studies Portal Hypnagogia is the imagery, sounds and strange bodily feelings that are felt at “sleep onset.” This is a simplification though, as researchers have noted hypnagogic imagery in the lab at periods of quiet wakefulness as well as stage 1 sleep. Others have correlated hypnagogia with pre-sleep alpha waves and also REM intrusion into sleep onset. whispy lights, multi-dimentional geometric objects, or a sudden image like a stranger’s face Few people remember hypnagogic imagery. Strange noises, voices and rushing sounds are typical, as well as weird mechanistic sounds like beeps and boops. Some hear music — I personally have had lucid hypnagogic orchestras from time to time, with the ability to listen passively or focus on a particular instrument to induce a solo. Entoptica - by Ryan Hurd, 2005, acrylic: inspired by my hypnagogic imagery Lastly, the bodily sensations felt during hypnagogia are just bizarr-o. Some people are haunted by the hypnagogic imagery. Creativity and Discovery Reference

How to have a Lucid Dream Lucid dreaming allows you to have complete control over the events that occur in your dreams. You are able to experience anything you can imagine without any consequence. Since emotions and everyday, logical thinking are more relaxed and less interfering in dreams, lucid dreaming can even serve as an aid in overcoming mental blocks. Think beyond these words and really take in how phenomenal it is that you have the option to explore your mind to such a depth that you are able to create a universe that is completely autonomous. (Thanks to the people on deviantART and People of the Internet for the pictures) The following is a great tip from AFuriousPenguin: A few more tips for Lucid Dreaming that i have found to work quite well: When you want something to happen in your dream, sometimes it wont just happen JUST because your thinking about it. Backspace Tab q w e r t y u i o p capslock a s d f g h j k l shift z x c v b n m alt

Living Inside Your Dreams: Astral Projection Dream Awareness, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection By Robert Zucker "Living Inside of Your Dreams" is a condensed version of two manuscripts developed during a college independent study in the late 1970s. The subjects of dreams, hermetics and cultural similarities were explored. Hundreds of pages were condensed from thousands of pages of notes. The University of Arizona department of Anthropology, Journalism, Judaic Studies, Psychology and Sociology provided sponsorship for three years to allow me to compile this massive information. Over the course of those years, I produced three manuscripts entitled, "Hermetics" (1976) and "The Magic of Your Mind" (1977). A reprint is reprinted on this web site. Email author: Robert Zucker Read more about this project Full bio Astral project while you sleep Every night while your body is asleep, your mind is making its way through a world of imagery and activity. The twilight of consciousness is the period in between falling alseep and being awake.

Making a dream date - Dream Gates "At the Foothills of Mt Helen". B.K.Connelly, 1981 You’re separated from your sweetheart and you’d like to have some good private time together. If you are embarking on shared dreaming as home entertainment, you get to choose your category. I know what I am talking about. Want to try this? But shared dreaming doesn’t require you to start out from the same place, or even on the same continent. To keep this simple, let’s assume you have a friend who is not physically present, with whom you’d like to share a dream adventure. 1. You might simply agree to try to meet in your dreams on (say) Wednesday night. 2. If you’re new to this kind of thing, it’s probably best to start out with a place in the physical world that one or both of you know. 3. The idea of simply hanging out with your partner in a delightful locale – and not having to pay for the plane ticket or the five-star hotel suite – may be juicy enough. 4. 5. 6. Give your partner your raw report, unedited and uncensored.

Crab Animal Symbolism Symbolic Crab Meaning Animal symbolism of the crab deals primarily with elements of water, moon and carries themes of protection. Crabs are strong lunar symbols, and we see the crab's connection with the moon astrologically, esoterically and universally. For example, the crab is featured in the Tarot where a crab (or sometimes a lobster or crayfish) is indicated on the Moon card and enhances the overall symbolism this card represents. Indeed, the moon symbolically serves as a matronly guardian of the crab, and oversees its wellbeing amidst its watery world. Astrologically, the sign of Cancer carries the symbol of the crab. Crabs cast off their shells for new ones, and this is where the rebirth/cycling association plays its part. The protective animal symbolism is evident in the hard, spiny exo-skeleton found with these creatures. When the crab crawls into our consciousness we're reminded of the cyclical nature in our lives and what protection we may need for the path on which we embark.

Cosmic Energy by Spiritual Reality, India The Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos. It is the Bond between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules. It is the 'space' between each and everything. It is the bond, which keeps the whole cosmos in order. This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our Consciousness. We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence. This limited energy gained through sleep is not sufficient for these activities. The only way to over come this is to get more and more Cosmic Energy. Cosmic Energy is essential to: Maintain the order of our life To lead a healthy and happy life To totally involve in all situations we are in To obtain Knowledge And finally For expansion of our Consciousness. Abundant Cosmic Energy is obtained, only through Meditation.

What Is A Dreamwalker? What is a Dreamwalker? dreamwalker shapeshifter skinwalker shaman shapeshifter story medicine wheel what is a mystic For an example of dreamwalking through Yoga techniques go to six yogas This page is about defining terms. "Dreamwalker" A dreamwalker is one who works with and within the dream to understand, to create, to heal, to meet with elderhearts, to journey this realm (out of body), to work with other worlds and realms, to teach, … to be one with the ultimate ONE. Ways to enter the dreamtime are many. So, what is this thing called "dream realm"? "Shapeshifter" This term, like many of the terms I use, has multiple layers of meanings. anymore than I understand the term angel. Other perspectives on shapeshifters include merging with our spirit totem, animal spirit, or "non-human" spirit self in order to do some "work" that we cannot do in human form. "Shaman" A Shaman is one of many terms to describe those individuals who activate the wisdom that lies outside the mind. "Shapeshifter story"

s Homemade Soap Recipe by Robert Wayne Atkins Grandpappy's Homemade Soap Recipe Copyright © 2007,2008 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E. All rights reserved and all rights protected under international copyright law. Click Here for a Microsoft WORD printer friendly copy of this article. Introduction During hard times sooner or later everyone runs out of soap. To make soap you only need three things: rainwater,cold ashes from any hardwood fire, andanimal fat from almost any type of animal, such as a cow, pig, goat, sheep, bear, beaver, raccoon, opossum, groundhog, etc. Soap is not difficult to make and it does not require any special equipment. Soap is a "perfect consumer product" for the following five reasons: Soap is a legal product.Everyone everywhere uses soap.Soap is completely used up in a short period of time.When people run out of soap they want to buy more.Soap is relatively low in price so almost everyone can afford it. There are three major differences between homemade soap and commercial quality soap: Basic Soap Making Equipment

Penn study shows why sleep is needed to form memories PHILADELPHIA – If you ever argued with your mother when she told you to get some sleep after studying for an exam instead of pulling an all-nighter, you owe her an apology, because it turns out she's right. And now, scientists are beginning to understand why. In research published this week in Neuron, Marcos Frank, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, postdoctoral researcher Sara Aton, PhD, and colleagues describe for the first time how cellular changes in the sleeping brain promote the formation of memories. "This is the first real direct insight into how the brain, on a cellular level, changes the strength of its connections during sleep," Frank says. The findings, says Frank, reveal that the brain during sleep is fundamentally different from the brain during wakefulness. "We find that the biochemical changes are simply not happening in the neurons of animals that are awake," Frank says. A molecular explanation is emerging.

The World’s Most Stunning Crop Circles Of course there is also that well publicised event of 2 men (Doug Bower and Dave Chorley) from Southampton in England who confessed in 1991 that they created a few of them as a prank. Whatever your belief, crop circles are undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and stunningly beautiful patterns made without the stroke of a paint brush. Most of these circles are found in England, and the patterns are made by flattening crops like wheat, rapeseed, barley, corn and rye, but not to the point of breaking them entirely, thus the crops then go on to grow normally. Cambridgeshire, 2001 Wiltshire, 2004 The earliest crop circle seems to have been in the 17th century in England. This is a very unusual one found in Payerne in Switzerland in 2007. In the late 1980s the English countryside became alive with regular occurrences of crop circles. To date there have been more than 12,000 crop circles discovered around the world. Here is a fabulous, but rare one from Tennessee in America.

EWLD6 [From: S. LaBerge & H. Rheingold, (1990). EXPLORING THE WORLD OF LUCID DREAMING. Investigate the Effects of Genetically Modified Crops On Human Health Target: United States Food and Drug Administration Goal: To prioritize research on genetically modified organisms and their effect on mammal reproductive systems and infertility. A new study from Russia conducted independently from the biotechnology industry has unveiled startling new evidence on the implicit dangers associated with consuming genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with specific concerns on mammal reproduction and infertility. Presented by scientists from the National Association for Gene Security and the Institute of Ecological and Evolutional Problems at Russia’s Days of Defense Against Environmental Hazards conference, the new evidence shows how animals fed a diet consisting of GMO foods eventually lose the ability to reproduce. Such a negative and biologically altering effect raises a call of concern that all governments should take seriously, especially within our nation where the struggle between health advocates and Big Agriculture is at an all-time high. Sincerely,
