Related: Contemporaneos
El inquietante manicomio de los pájaros de Roger Ballen ‘The Ascension’ © Roger Ballen. Él puede sentirlas como “pesadillas liberadoras”. La mayoría verá estas imágenes, turbadoras escenografías tomadas en una casa de un suburbio de Johannesburgo, como profundamente inquietantes. Su autor, Roger Ballen, neoyorkino afincado en Sudáfrica, nos cuenta qué hay detrás de ellas. Se exponen en Madrid, en La Fábrica, hasta final de mes. Resulta complicado no dejar asomar los prejuicios cuando uno se enfrenta por primera vez cara a cara con un artista.
Pencil Shaving Portraits Coup de coeur pour ces différents portraits qui ont été pensés par l’artiste Kyle Bean pour le magazine de design Wallpaper* Handmade 2011. Utilisant des copeaux de crayons pour composer des visages, ces réalisations très réussies sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Kris Graves Discovered Missing, 2013 Öxarárfoss, 2013 Sirry and Haukur’s Backyard, 2013 Jökulsárlón Ice, 2010 Road to Skaftafell, 2010 Whiteout, 2013 David Lindsey Wade The Wade Brothers shot a selection of famous Portugese footballers in Lisbon for Nike Portugal’s latest campaign – featuring William Carvalho, Raul Meireles, Miguel Veloso, Christiano Ronaldo and Pepe. Share This The Wade Brothers photographed the global above the line campaign for Bacardi with BETC in Panama and Mexico.
PHOTOGRAPHY OF DOROTHEA LANGE Oregon, August 1939. “Unemployed lumber worker goes with his wife to the bean harvest. Note Social Security number tattooed on arm.” AORTA « BRANSCH BLOG BRANSCH EUROPE October 18, 2013 Under the Covers by AORTA BRANSCH artists AORTA were commissioned by C More Entertainment, formerly CANAL+, to showcase their upcoming screenings of Swedish soccer matches.
'Tim Burton' versus 'Art in the Streets': Here's the skinny This summer, two blockbuster exhibitions are dominating the L.A. art scene, both testing the boundary of what constitutes art and both possessing a strong youth appeal. “Tim Burton,” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art through Oct. 31, is an homage to the wild-haired film director of such movies as “Edward Scissorhands” and “Ed Wood.” The show features 700 works from Burton's collections and those of his colleagues. Across town, “Art in the Streets,” at the MOCA Geffen Contemporary through Aug. 8, is a mega-exhibition devoted to the history of graffiti and street art. It features works by noted street artists including Banksy, Shepard Fairey and Space Invader.
The True Reality of War Le photographe Peter Van Agtmael s’intéresse depuis plusieurs années au quotidien des soldats et de la vie de ceux-ci sur le terrain, pendant le conflit, et ensuite le retour à la maison et les traumatismes qui peuvent être s’en suivre. Des images bouleversantes, dont une sélection est à découvrir dans la suite.
Camouflage... Fred Lebain Unique photo series by Fred Lebain, a talented French photographer, features creative camouflage posters that blend into their surroundings. After visiting New York for the first time and taking some pictures, Fred Lebain returned for a second visit with large poster prints and aligned them with their original locations. Also check out: Invisible Man and Camouflage Art by Liu Bolin Man Ray official digital photographic library manray-photo.com, Man Ray official digital photographic library