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PHPPowerPoint PHP : Le tutoriel pour grands débutants pressés Ce tutoriel, comme son nom l'indique, est intégralement conçu pour des grands débutants pressés. Appelons grand débutant celui qui n'a jamais programmé ni entamé aucune initiation sur les notions générales de la programmation. Nous ambitionnons donc de satisfaire ce public, s'il est prêt à travailler régulièrement et à y consacrer une semaine intensive, par exemple... Mais bien entendu, qui peut le plus peut le moins ! Aussi ce tutoriel ne devrait pas rebuter l'informaticien qui connaît déjà un ou plusieurs autres langages, mais souhaiterait se mettre à PHP,langage devenu incontournable pour la programmation web. Dans tous les cas, bonne lecture ! 146 commentaires Lire l'article. Article lu 361864 fois. Vous avez aimé ce tutoriel ? Les sources présentées sur cette page sont libres de droits et vous pouvez les utiliser à votre convenance. Ce tutoriel, comme son nom l'indique, est intégralement conçu pour des grands débutants pressés. Mais bien entendu, qui peut le plus peut le moins !

PHP fonctions, bibliothèque de fonctions PHP AJAX Helper with jQuery (for CakePHP 2.x) Hi! On my site you can find AJAX Helper with jQuery for new version of CakePHP (2.x). All functions that were introduced in last version are supported and compatibile with CakePHP 2.0. Actual function list: link - Returns a link to a remote action that's called in the background using XMLHttpRequest when the link is clicked. The result of that request can then be inserted into a DOM object remoteFunction - This function creates the JavaScript needed to make a remote call. This Helper is replacement for old orginal CakePHP AjaxHelper, but it's not fully compatible with orginal Helper. Contact me if you find any problems.

PHPWord PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Die Hauptunterscheidungs-Merkmale - Online-Tools Das Ziel eines PHP-Frameworks ist, dem Entwickler die Arbeit an Web-Applikationen so einfach wie möglich zu machen. Einige Frameworks versprechen sogar Möglichkeiten darüber hinaus. Beispielsweise können Sie mit dem Seagull Framework Kommandozeilen-, GUI- und Web-Applikationen erstellen. Obwohl alle Frameworks MVC Design-Vorlagen unterstützen, ist die Einbindung unterschiedlich gut gelungen. Die JavaScript und AJAX-Unterstützung ist mal besser und mal schlechter gelungen. Zend und Symfony bieten das breiteste Funktionen-Spektrum aller getesteten Frameworks. Zwar sind Yii und Seagull etwas eingeschränkter im Funktionsumfang, aber für größere Web-Applikationsprojekte ebenfalls gut geeignet. Sollten Sie zu den ganz Ungeduldigen zählen, dann ist CodeIgniter wohl die beste Wahl für Sie. Zuletzt schließt CakePHP noch die Lücke zwischen Groß und Klein. Lesen Sie in diesem Beitrag Videos zum Thema Das PC-WELT Höllen-Notebook - Die Komponenten im Video Höllenmaschine 5 - Die Komponenten im Detail

PHPLinq - LINQ for PHP - Language Integrated Query Examples can be found in the test package in the latest release. A basic example Let's say we have an array of strings and want to select only the strings whose length is < 5. // Create data source $names = array("John", "Peter", "Joe", "Patrick", "Donald", "Eric"); $result = from('$name')->in($names) ->where('$name => strlen($name) < 5') ->select('$name'); Feels familiar to SQL? You may have noticed something strange... An advanced example There are lots of other examples available in the PHPLinq download, but here's an advanced one... First of all, let's define our data source: Now for the PHPLinq query: $result = from('$employee')->in($employees) ->where('$employee => strlen($employee->Name) == 4') ->orderBy('$employee => $employee->Name') ->thenByDescending('$employee => $employee->Age') ->select('new { "EmailAddress" => $employee->Email, "Domain" => substr($employee->Email, strpos($employee->Email, "@") + 1) }'); Again, you may have noticed something strange...

Discussing PHP Frameworks: What, When, Why and Which? Jul 26 2009 What is a PHP Framework? PHP is the world’s most popular scripting language for many different reasons – flexibility, ease-of-use, among others – but often times coding in PHP, or any language for that matter, can get rather monotonous and repetitive. PHP frameworks streamline the the development of web applications written in PHP by providing a basic structure for which to build the web applications. The general idea behind the workings of a PHP framework is referred to as Model View Controller (MVC). Why Should we use a PHP Framework? Developers should utilize PHP frameworks for various reasons, but the number one reason is for speeding up the development process. Stability is another big reason developers are utilizing frameworks. Finally, the availability of PHP frameworks is extensive, and there are many different frameworks to choose from. When to use a PHP Framework? What to Look for in a PHP Framework? Most Common Mistakes When Using a PHP Framework The Zend Framework

PEAR :: The PHP Extension and Application Repository 30 Useful PHP Classes and Components « PHP::Impact ( [str blog] Simplicity and extensibility are the main reasons why PHP became the favourite dynamic language of the Web. In the last decade, PHP has developed from a niche language for adding dynamic functionality to small websites to a powerful tool making strong inroads into large-scale Web systems. Below I present 30 useful PHP classes and components that you can use to test, develop, debug and deploy your PHP applications. Let me know if I missed anything or if you have something to add. Database Creole Creole is a database abstraction layer for PHP5. LINQ for PHP LINQ is a component that adds native data querying capabilities to PHP using a syntax reminiscent of SQL. ADOdb ADOdb Database Abstraction Library for PHP. Propel Propel is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for PHP5. Doctrine Doctrine is a tool for object-relational mapping in PHP. PHPillow PHPillow is an object orientated wrapper for CouchDB. Development phpDocumentor HTML Purifier PHP CodeSniffer GeSHi Unit Testing PHPUnit SimpleTest dBug

Framework: Documentation The YouTube Data API offers read and write access to YouTube's content. Users can perform unauthenticated requests to Google Data feeds to retrieve feeds of popular videos, comments, public information about YouTube user profiles, user playlists, favorites, subscriptions and so on. For more information on the YouTube Data API, please refer to the official » PHP Developer's Guide on Authentication The YouTube Data API allows read-only access to public data, which does not require authentication. Developer Keys and Client ID A developer key identifies the YouTube developer that is submitting an API request. Example #1 Passing a Developer Key and ClientID to Zend_Gdata_YouTube $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient, $applicationId, $clientId, $developerKey); Retrieving public video feeds The YouTube Data API provides numerous feeds that return a list of videos, such as standard feeds, related videos, video responses, user's uploads, and user's favorites. Browser-based upload
