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Web Search Strategies

Web Search Strategies
The Web may seem like a vast ocean when it comes to finding something you need. Thankfully, search engines can help turn oceans of information into small pools that make finding information easier. Before we dive in, let’s talk a bit about how search works on the Web. Search engines go out and try to account for every word on every webpage. All this information is then organized for easy reference. When you search for a word, the search engine finds all the pages where the word appears, and displays them in the search results. The problem is that there are often too many results. Say you’re looking for a specific kind of fish, and these represent all the websites on the Web. Try to imagine the exact fish and describe it in the search box. But to be a smart searcher, you should know some basic shortcuts. Here’s another shortcut.

Media Literacy Global rating average: 0.0 out of These sites focus on media literacy. Learn about types of media literacy and their influences, and how to analyze information conveyed by media. Assignments - Rubric Cover Sheets How To Instructions Below you will find links to and descriptions of all the assignments we use for Choose Your Own Adventure. Click on the individual assignment links to get the full instructions and printable worksheets. The assignments are divided into three categories based on what skills you will use to complete them. History assignments for just about any topic!

Quintura - visual search engine Quintura - visual search engine Quintura - visual search engine for hotels ⚫ London hotels ⚫ Manchester hotels California's Velcro Crop Under Challenge by Ken Umbach California's important Velcro crop, vital to the clothing, footwear, and sporting goods industries, has been severely stressed by drought, disease, and pests. Background Velcro®, an engineered crop, consists of two distinct strains: hooks and loops. As any user of Velcro knows, a strip of hooks clings to a strip of loops as the springy hook-shaped fibers latch through tiny but firm loops.

Google Search: 10 Questions & Answers to Help You Search Smarter! At the Google Teacher Academy Lisa Thumann awed me with her lively presentation on Google Search. I must do an average of 15 searches a day on a wide range of topics. I search for articles, images, power points presentations, key words, etc. but I had no idea what Google search could do for me and my students. What I know now will radically change how I teach my students to research in the future, so I wanted to share some cool tips with other educators. First, let’s get the lingo down (since I didn’t know the terminology before I started digging into the resources Lisa provided). Your search is called a “query” and you type it in the “query box.” New Hartford, MN Our direct URL: Come for a visit! Please stay for a lifetime! Welcome to New Hartford, Minnesota. New Hartford is a community of 3027* in south central Minnesota.

Search operators - Search Help You can use symbols or words in your search to make your search results more precise. Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn’t part of a search operator. Don’t put spaces between the symbol or word and your search term. A search for will work, but site: won’t. Ethics for Students Global rating average: 0.0 out of These sites provide background knowledge for students on the importance of copyright. Ignoring copyright can lead to plagiarism or piracy which are both presented through videos, writing activities, case studies, and simulation. Lesson plans are provided to carry out or adapt activities.

Sweet Search Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Help Save The ENDANGERED From EXTINCTION! The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Rare photo of the elusive tree octopus Wikipedia In The Classroom: Teaching Wikipedia as a Research Tool For Wikipedia and the classroom … The National Writing Project published an article, “Wikipedia: Friend, Not Foe,” that outlines the benefits of using Wikipedia in school, and offers advice on how to do it. Find the full text of the article here. Wikipedia Selection for schools is a handpicked and vetted assortment of Wikipedia articles that have been deemed useful for students. Articles are organized topically, and separated from the Wikipedia main page to prevent students from accessing irrelevant or inaccurate information. PBS Teachers has a blog,, with an article that attempts to cull the opinions of educators on Wikipedia’s role in the classroom.

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