Picasa Web Albums: free photo sharing from Google One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google SurveyMonkey: Kostenloses Softwaretool für Fragebögen & Online-Umfragen Переводчик с транслита С помощью транслитератора translit.ru из букв латинского алфавита получаются буквы кириллицы, иврита, белорусского, греческого, или украинского алфавитов. Этот транслитератор задумывался как сервис для русскоязычных жителей стран СНГ, находящихся за границей и желающих переписываться на родном языке. Если кто-нибудь говорит "Я пользуюсь транслитом", то всем понятно - речь идет о Translit.ru. Иллюстрация к транслиту Набор текста кириллицей на латинской клавиатуре или наоборот Набор текста в других алфавитах Персональная настройка правил транслитерации Виртуальная клавиатура и набор текста «слепым методом» Дополнительные функции Мобильный транслит Если Translit.ru не работает на вашем компьютере Прочие часто задаваемые вопросы Иллюстрация к транслиту Научиться пользоваться Translit.ru еще проще с помощью наглядной инструкции здесь. Набор текста кириллицей на латинской клавиатуре или наоборот, автоматическая перекодировка кириллицы в транслит Набор текста в других алфавитах Дополнительные функции
voTer | Mu's Worklog Google form can be used to make vote or survey. However, it can not prevent multiple submission. So I wrote this script "voTer" to solve this problem. All right, here is the code. // To use this code, you need to check "Require ORGANIZATION sign-in to view this form"; // and "Automatically collect respondent's ORGANIZATION username" // Also you need to add an "on form submit" trigger to this code // Change the email body according to your situation // Check out this video for detail information. function voTer(){ var sss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var form = sss.getSheetByName("Sheet1"); var range = form.getRange(1,2,form.getLastRow(),1); var lastEntry = range.getCell(form.getLastRow(),1).getValue(); var data = form.getRange(1,2,form.getLastRow()-1,1).getValues(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var row = data[i]; var entry = row[0]; if (entry == lastEntry){ var subject = "You Have Submited!" var recipient = lastEntry; if (recipient! break;
How to Choose the Right Words for Best Search Results Digital Tools Diane T. Sands Dear Savvy Searcher, My students keep wanting to enter their entire research question into the search bar. Frustrated Educator Dear Frustrated, I had a particular conversation with a student a while back. “But how do I know what the important words are?” She had a point, of course. Based on how Google ranks search results, typing in a question will be more likely to bring back pages with a question for a title. Explaining how to distinguish the important words has sometimes proven challenging with younger students. Nouns frequently make good search terms, so students can start by drawing the people, places, and things in their questions. The searchable parts of this picture are [George Washington diary]. Compare the results: From an academic standpoint, the second result brought back highly authoritative sources that are specifically about diaries, rather than other books. Verbs and adjectives can also help in many cases. Related
Background | DeepaMehta Concept of knowledge and learning theory As the DeepaMehta Project was founded in February 2000, knowledge management was hype. That was the occasion to reflect on what knowledge is. We believe that knowledge is never stored in computers, but information. Knowledge is created in our minds. Knowledge creation is an individual cognitive process that takes place in humans. Mind Maps and Concept Maps are graphical methods that can help in thinking, learning, memory and idea generation. The problem of the user interface Today's desktop user interface is application-centered. Storing and retrieving: information which is part of one work situation -- eg. eg documents, emails, web links, appointments and contacts -- are not stored in one place, but distributed across many applications. Overall, the user has to spend a significant portion of his time and mental effort to arrange the computer, rather than creative work. The DeepaMehta user interface In DeepaMehta always exists a context. Materials
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RationalSurvey - Create, manage, and distribute questionnaire based surveys and polls online! Инфокарт – все карты сети infogr.am - crear fantásticas infografías En wwwhatsnew.com somos fans incondicionales de las infografías, reconociendo que son una excelente forma de mostrar información de forma intuitiva y agradable. En los últimos años son cientos de infografías de todo tipo las que os hemos comentado, incluyendo alguna que otra herramienta que nos permite crear este tipo de material en poco tiempo (recordad esta recopilación, esta lista de recursos o el recientemente comentado easel.ly). El caso es que hoy se lanza al público una nueva herramienta de creación de infografías extremadamente interesante: infogr.am, siendo necesario identificarse con la cuenta de Facebook o Twitter para poder usarla. Nada más entrar en infogr.am aparece el siguiente menú, permitiendo crear una infografía desde cero o acceder a una colección de diagramas predefinidos. Los diagramas son los básicos: barras, quesitos, lineas, etc): Si decidimos empezar desde cero, tendremos varias plantillas para poder elegir el estilo de la infografía: Link: infogr.am | Vía TNW
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