Journal en ligne de Madagascar Actualités du droit - Association France Palestine Solidarité, l'actu sans détour Les Cahiers d’EMAM - Études sur le Monde Arabe et la Méditerranée Medialternatives ABYA YALA Colombian government denounced for violation of political and human rights on the occasion of the 25th session of UN Human Rights Council Eliecer Jiménez Julio The continuing serious violations of human rights, the lack of guarantees to political and social opposition and the lack of international standards of the Colombian government were denounced yet again and continued to generate great concern among ... The truth about Venezuela: a revolt of the well-off, not a 'terror campaign' Mark Weisbrot John Kerry’s rhetoric is divorced from the reality on the ground, where life goes on – even at the barricades A Venezuelan protester poses for a portrait at Altamira square in Caracas. Brazil-6th congress of the Landless Movement: A struggle against the growing hegemony of agribusiness François Houtart From February 10 to 14, some 15,000 campesinos met in Brasilia to celebrate thirty years of struggle.
Israël Flash: informations et analyses sur Israël Terrorisme : Des criminels islamistes veulent faire la peau en France et en Europe à des opposants tunisiens dont Salem Benammar C’est avec stupeur que Salem Benammar m’a appris il y a quelques jours que sa tête était mise à pris, que des menaces de mort lui sont lancées par des islamistes tunisiens. Salem Benammar intervient sur le site Israël-flash, Dreuz, Europe-Israël, Riposte laïque, Tunisie info entres autres. Cet opposant au... Lettre ouverte à Monsieur le Président des Consistoires……. ………….à propos de la Lettre des Communautés juives du 20 mars 2014 – 18 Adar II 5774, concernant le rassemblement républicain de la Place du Trocadéro le 19 Mars 2014 à Paris Rassemblement républicain à la place du Trocadéro A 18 heures avait lieu, place du Trocadéro à Paris,... Humour arabe : Le soleil tourne autour de la terre, dixit le Coran Donc, avec ça on est pas sorti de l’auberge !
Diktacratie - Home La démographie du monde arabe et du Moyen-Orient des années 1950 aux années 2000 Social Media Principles Behind the Khader Adnan and Love Under Apartheid Campaigns The social media efforts which recently brought global attention to Palestinian nonviolent resistance (Khader Adnan) and to the impact of Israeli occupation on Palestinian intimate and family relationships (Love Under Apartheid) did not do so by chance. Neither effort could have succeeded without a sound understanding of several key social media concepts. Although several news articles and blog posts have reported on these campaigns, none have yet explored the question of why the efforts were effective. Comparing the ways in which these two campaigns unfolded can illuminate the extent to which subtle differences in goals, interactivity, and approaches to planning can impact the overall shape of a social media effort. Defining the Goals Activist Tanya Keilani was inspired to organize “Love Under Apartheid” after learning of the many occupation-related obstacles that a Palestinian friend was encountering in the course of planning her wedding. Choosing The Right Channels Achieving Synergy