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DriiveMe - Votre voiture pour un euro

Présentation du mouvement Le Mouvement pour l'Economie Positive: une plateforme pour développer des relations et créer de la connaissance sur une économie qui vise plus que le profit. Aujourd’hui un mouvement est né ! Nous pensons que notre système économique et nos institutions ne sont plus en mesure de répondre de manière appropriée aux défis de notre société et aux crises récurrentes. Location de Voitures entre Particuliers Accueil S'inscrire Se connecter MBA: Car Sharing In the third episode of Moving Beyond the Automobile, we take a look at a more efficient way to use a car. Car sharing allows users to evaluate the full cost of each car trip, which encourages them to decide what the most appropriate mode choice is for a specific trip. Zipcar, a leading global car sharing organization, reports that members walk and bike 10-15% more than they did before joining Zipcar. They also report that members save $600 a month when they choose car sharing over owning a private automobile. So while car sharing isn't exactly "Moving Beyond the Automobile," it is a great way for cities and individuals to help make the transportation network more efficient and become less dependent on owning a private cars. (Note: This series is made possible by funding from the Fund for The Environment & Urban Life.)

Le Grand Feu de Saint-Cloud - Feu d'artifice - Spectacle pyrotechnique Apply to FounderDating — Founder Dating Ian Shafer Cofounder, Yabbly Engineer, Amazon "It's amazing to have a site where you can go and connect with other people that you know are high quality and ready to start something." Tom Leung A Creative Community for the Collaborative Economy Location de voiture entre voyageurs UX in Public Transit I had the pleasure of speaking at the Oregon Transit Conference this week in sunny Seaside, OR. This was the conference for representatives of Oregon's many transit agencies. Topics ranged from grant writing how-tos and leadership to the future of public transit itself. I was part of a small panel dedicated to public transit smartphone apps, on account of my work on Transporter, a popular Bay Area public transit app I created in grad school. Also there were Steven Peterson of Routesy fame and Teague Kirkpatrick from RouteShout. The panel was a balanced mix of perspectives: Steven talked about what transit agencies can to do woo developers, Teague demonstrated the simplicity of their transit IT system, and I made the case for a user-centered approach to app design.

Clink Hostel Visualizing the customer experience using customer experience journey maps Too often when we think of a customer, our view is filtered through the lens of our job, profession, department, or specialty. Think of how patients are treated in most hospitals. They are viewed as a disease, an illness, a collection of parts – each with its own specialist. The hospital system is designed for the convenience of the specialists, not for the needs of the patient. How to Make Progress Bars Feel Faster to Users by anthony on 05/29/12 at 1:52 pm In today’s age of instant gratification, making users wait too long for your application to load is a user experience issue. If users get the feeling that your application loads too slow, they’ll grow impatient, and spend their time elsewhere. While there are technical things you can do to speed up load times, some feature-rich applications have no choice but to make users wait a while in order for the application to work properly.

Sweep the Sleaze by Oliver Reichenstein Promising to make you look wired and magically promote your content in social networks, the Like, Retweet, and +1 buttons occupy a good spot on pretty much every page of the World Wide Web. Because of this, almost every major site and world brand is providing free advertising for Twitter and Facebook. But do these buttons work?

How High-Tech Carpooling Saves Gas, Money and Time As gas prices continue to climb along with car maintenance costs and environmental concerns, the concept of carpooling to work and around town has never been more appealing. But there's a lot of hassle and research that goes into finding a reliable person to share a ride with — not to mention the safety concerns. Urban carpooling is becoming more popular not only in the U.S. but also worldwide, thanks to companies that offer commuters safe and affordable ways to share rides on the way to work, to shopping malls and for road trips. Without needing to rely on finding drivers and passengers via classified ads, more high-tech platforms are pairing commuters with like-minded people traveling to similar destinations on the same schedule. Take a look at the concepts below, and let us know if you've been involved in urban carpools.

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