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FREE InDesign Templates

FREE InDesign Templates

Iconion : Création d'icône gratuit 15 Great Resources for Learning Adobe InDesign Alright vector lovers, let's turn on multiple-pages 'eh! Adobe Illustrator is great, it's my favorite program actually, but even with the new Artboards feature in CS4 it just doesn't compare to InDesign for creating multi-page documents. If you've been meaning to get started with InDesign, but have put it off for whatever reason, well now is the time to get stared! This article rounds up a bunch of great resources on learning Adobe InDesign, which will get users started and keep intermediate users growing. And for any of you advanced InDesign users out there, or professional InDesign craftsmen, drop us a line because we're looking to add more InDesign resources to Vectortuts+. Now let's review these InDesign resources! Blogs and Sites 1. This site is loaded with great features. 2. If you're not familiar with Layers Magazine, well then you should be. 3. This website is meant to accompany the book "Instant InDesign," which focuses exclusively on the art of template design and production.

ISSUU - Digital Publishing Platform for Magazines, Catalogs, and more InDesign Templates Until InDesign CS4, Adobe shipped a number of templates with InDesign. However, when CS5 shipped, those templates mysteriously disappeared. After a year of legal wrangling with Adobe, we have obtained permission to distribute those templates here, at Please note: These templates are saved in the CS4 format, so you can open them in InDesign CS4 and later.We’re distributing the templates “as is” and subject to Adobe’s own licensing agreements (see below).These are templates, which means you may create pretty much any InDesign documents you want based on them. Enjoy! License Agreement (click here for a PDF version) This license and the rights granted herein will terminate automatically upon any breach by you of the terms of this license. You will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Adobe from and against any losses, damages, claims, or lawsuits, including reasonable attorneys?

Digital Publishing Platform for Magazines, Catalogs, and more Lots of Free InDesign Video Training by: David Blatner | December 30, 2009 You know that Anne-Marie and I each present a bunch of InDesign training videos at, right? But if you don’t subscribe you may not realize that offers several free “test” videos on eaach title, just to whet your appetite. But there’s some good stuff in there! For example, click on the links on these pages. Obviously, if you find those useful, you may want to consider subscribing. InDesign Videos on YouTube It has also come to my attention that there’s this new-fangled contraption called YouTube, on which there are a few (or, more accurately, a few bazillion) training videos. Note that even if you’re using CS4, you might still want to watch CS3 movies, because many of the features work exactly the same. Of course, there are many more, which you can find by doing a search at YouTube. (Plus, did you know that you can play videos on your iphone now? InDesignSecrets Videocasts Even More Great Videos at Adobe TV!

Petits livres et mini-livres Pourquoi un format livre ? Ce format livre change le statut de l'écrit, on n'écrit plus seulement pour l'enseignant dans le but d'être corrigé et noté, c'est à dire voir son texte augmenté de quelques remarques en vert (rouge ou violet selon les goûts du professeur) mais on écrit pour les "autres", les lecteurs, on écrit pour être lu. L'écrit prend tout son sens. Le scripteur n'est plus un élève qui a "bon" ou "faux" mais un auteur qui va emmener son public avec des mots. Certes, il est toujours nécessaire de travailler l'orthographe, le vocabulaire, la grammaire etc, mais ce n'est pas suffisant pour apprendre à inventer, à rédiger, à s'approprier la langue écrite. Exemples de livres produits avec Lecriveron La taille de la police et la répartition du texte dépend de la longueur du texte. La mise en page peut être différente de ces exemples. Fonctionnement de l'application Lecriveron met en page votre histoire automatiquement. Et les illustrations ? Mots trop longs Mauvaise impression

17 Tools for Instant Content Ideas Listen to this short clip, then say aloud the first word that comes to mind: Click here to listen. What word did you think first? Stinky? Yellow? Cheddar? Shredded? All five words are related to “cheese,” and yet all five are related in completely different ways. And those words can generate all sorts of ideas related to cheese, like “Where does the color of cheese come from? This article lists 17 great tools for generating instant content ideas, like we just did with our cheese example. Word relationship tools Making word associations and mapping out word relationships are valuable ways of getting content ideas. 1. Let’s get this out of the way up front: Visual Thesaurus costs $19.99 per year. How to use it: Type in any word. Pro tip: If your word generates only one or two relationship spokes, try a related word that’s more broad — you’ll probably get better results. 2. Hands down, Sonar Solo is my new favorite. How to use it: Type in any word. 3. 4. Visual relationship tools 5. iStock

Mazwai, les meilleures vidéos gratuites pour vos créations Le web regorge de ressources proposant des photos gratuites libres de droits pour vos créations. Mais la vidéo dans tout ça ? Mazwai est un très bon élément de réponse… Suivant la mouvance des sites de photos libres de droits et indépendants, Mazwai est une galerie qui regroupant des vidéos HD gratuites, libres d’utilisation soigneusement sélectionnées sur le web. Oui vous avez bien lu, toutes les vidéos présentes sur le site sont du domaine public ou sous Creative Commons 3.0. Vous pouvez donc laisser libre cours à votre imagination ou bien encore suivre les tendances en utilisant la vidéo background sur votre site. (20 exemples sur le Blog du Webdesign) Comment ça marche ? Rendez-vous sur Mazwai, parcourez la galerie, téléchargez vos vidéos en .mp4 et .webm et le tour est joué. Que pensez-vous de la galerie ? Une initiative développée par Les Impertinents

Need To Learn InDesign Fast Peter Spier wrote:I've been staying out of this up to now, but I can't hold myself back any longer.Do you have any experience in print production in Photoshop? Do you know the differences between spot and process colors, and RGB, CMYK, and Lab spaces? Do you understand resolution and resampling, and when it's OK and when it's not? Do you know what bleed is? Imposition? Let's see, I'm currently a digital restoration artist so... yeah, definitely have "experience in print production in Photoshop". I'm not suggesting that I'm going to be an expert at it in no time, but I will be proficient with InDesign by this time next week, one way or another. I appreciate any and all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, though for those for whom this post makes you "LMAO", I suppose I'm glad I could make your day more entertaining.
