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Programming Languages Weblog

Programming Languages Weblog
It is not generally proper to post call-for-papers on LtU. Exceptions have been made, for broad workshops likely to appeal to many LtU readers. I hope the 2014 ML Family workshop also qualifies. The ML Family workshop intends to attract the entire family of ML languages, whether related by blood to the original ML or not. Our slogan is ``Higher-order, Typed, Inferred, Strict''. Designers and users of the languages fitting the description have many issues in common, from data representation and garbage collection to fancy type system features.

ometa/ OMeta is a new object-oriented language for pattern matching. It is based on a variant of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) which we have extended to handle arbitrary data types. OMeta's general-purpose pattern matching facilities provide a natural and convenient way for programmers to implement tokenizers, parsers, visitors, and tree transformers, all of which can be extended in interesting ways using familiar object-oriented mechanisms. I am about to release a new version of OMeta/Squeak. Read all about it (and download the release candidate) here.

Uncle Sam: If It Ends in .Com, It's .Seizable When U.S. authorities shuttered sports-wagering site last week, it raised eyebrows across the net because the domain name was registered with a Canadian company, ostensibly putting it beyond the reach of the U.S. government. Working around that, the feds went directly to VeriSign, a U.S.-based internet backbone company that has the contract to manage the coveted .com and other “generic” top-level domains. EasyDNS, an internet infrastructure company, protested that the “ramifications of this are no less than chilling and every single organization branded or operating under .com, .net, .org, .biz etc. needs to ask themselves about their vulnerability to the whims of U.S. federal and state lawmakers.” But despite EasyDNS and others’ outrage, the U.S. government says it’s gone that route hundreds of times.

Difference Between equals() method and == Operator In java In java language it is a very important question to learn. It is asked in so many interviews and so many placements test. Both equals() and "==" operator in Java is used to compare objects to check equality but main difference between equals method and == operator is that former is method and later is operator.

Lua Implementations LuaDirectory > LuaAddons > LuaImplementations There are quite a few reimplementations of Lua. The simplicity of Lua is a factor in this. Reimplementations of Lua compilers and interpreters: (sorted by target/host platform) ANSI C / Lua Bytecodes [Lua] (5.1) - Compiles Lua source to standard Lua bytecodes. Lua VM interprets Lua bytecodes.

India Railways, and the Indian Train - everything you want to know, from the Indian Railways section on - The India Travel Forum By ranjan154 Let's share practical knowledge about the India railway system, the Indian train, and Indian travel ‘culture’. The information in this article tries to cover what to expect when travelling on the India Railway system (as well as what not to expect), types of Indian train classes, railway facilities, cost of travel, and an introduction to making reservations. It is practically impossible to fully explain the Indian railway system in one article. Even for an experienced traveller, there are many unknown though useful aspects of train travel in India.

Writing java programs on a remote server - Carpe diem (Felix's blog) Recently I started to work on hadoop and big data processing, but I was frustrated on eclipse and the development environment. We run hadoop on a remote cluster, but develop map-reduce programs on laptop. The development cycle was pretty slow because we need to upload the jar for every release. Another thing is Eclipse is too inefficient for a Vim and Emacs hacker like me. JSONP JSONP or "JSON with padding" is a communication technique used in JavaScript programs running in web browsers to request data from a server in a different domain, something prohibited by typical web browsers because of the same-origin policy. JSONP takes advantage of the fact that browsers do not enforce the same-origin policy on <script> tags. Note that for JSONP to work, a server must know how to reply with JSONP-formatted results.

Tail Recursion In Clojure The ability of lisp programs to manipulate themselves is beautiful. When we take into account the amount of the language that is implemeneted by manipulating itself, it becomes even more interesting. As a user of the language we also have the power to extend the language in interesting ways. Getting Started: gadgets.* API - Gadgets API Welcome to the gadgets API! To learn more about different types of gadgets and where they run, see the gadgets API Overview. This developers guide is intended for people who want to use the gadgets API to write gadgets. Gadgets are so easy to create that they are a good starting point if you are just learning about web programming. Contents "Hello, World"

eight golden rules of interface design As we dedicate an increasing fraction of our time interacting with software — from airport check-in terminals and parking meters, to desktop and mobile applications — digital interface design is becoming as important as physical architecture in improving our experience of the world. Here are Professor Ben Schneiderman’s Eight Golden rules for optimally designing that experience (drawn from his classic text, Designing the User Interface): 1 Strive for consistency.Consistent sequences of actions should be required in similar situations; identical terminology should be used in prompts, menus, and help screens; and consistent commands should be employed throughout.
