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ScrapBook - Firefox Extension

MozBackup - Backup tool for Firefox and Thunderbird Thunderbird backup, Firefox backup MozBackup is not being developed anymore. There are known issues and there is no time on my side to fix all issues and develop new features. Use MozBackup only on your risk. Download This software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. This software isn't developed by Mozilla Corporation. Latest stable version: 1.5.1 (Changelog), size: 1 MB, PAD file, MD5 Checksums. Older versions you can download from archive. Release notes MozBackup supports these applications: Firefox 1.0 or newer Thunderbird 1.0 or newer Sunbird 0.3 - 0.9 Flock 1.0 - 2.6 Postbox (Express) 1.0 or newer SeaMonkey 1.0a or newer Mozilla Suite 1.7 - 1.7.x Spicebird 0.4 - 0.8 Songbird 1.0 or newer Netscape 7.x, 9.x Wyzo If you have any questions please use support section. Mailing list You can use the official mailing list for announcements of new releases. - Universal Repository 20 Firefox Extensions That Will Save You Money - Blog Immerse yourself in Firefox goodness while indulging your inner frugal fantasies. Here are 20 extensions that are sure to help you save some cash. Cell Phone Minute Minders 1. 2. 3. Sprint Minutes Used: Keeps you up to date on your latest Sprint usage data (thanks David) Grocery List Generator 4. The easiest way to explain how you can save money with GLG is with an example of how I would use it. Later in the week I open GLG when I go through the weekly sales papers online. Product Price Comparison 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. When Book Burro senses you are viewing a book, it will add a small panel to the upper right corner. Mailable Browser Tabs 10. Customizable Charts 11.Chartlet: Chartlet periodically checks places on the Web to extract and store numerical values; you display the history of those values on demand in charts controlled by a chartlet. Travel Price Comparison 12. 13. Deal Alerts 14. 15. 16. Local Deal Finder Be an eBay Sniper Save Money by Saving Time! 19. 20.

Firefoxit, Firefox Widgets 6 Extensions to Make Firefox Even Better A while back, I wrote about Camino, a Mozilla project that brings Gecko rendering goodness to a truly native Mac OS X interface. Since then, Camino has been my primary browser, and I know I'm not alone. I started reading a lot of articles around the Mac web singing Camino's praises shortly after my piece ran. While it would be nice to take credit for Camino gaining popularity, I know the true reason is because it's a fantastic browser. But as I mentioned in the article, Camino's more popular cousin, Firefox, has some features that aren't available elsewhere. All the while I'm using Camino, I'm missing a lot of these extensions. This week I'd like to look at a few of the extensions that make Firefox so fantastic. Web Developer Toolbar This is the one I love the most of all. Power-user web surfers will appreciate the ability to disable Java or JavaScript on the fly. If you're so inclined, you can also edit a site's HTML and CSS just to see what the changes do. Tab Mix Plus Fasterfox Adblock

Explorer Destroyer - Switch to Firefox, Make money from Adsense Referral GTDGmail - The Firefox Extension that Combines Gmail with Getting Things Done - home All-In-One Sidebar :: Sidebar Extension for Mozilla Firefox Firefox Magazine
