MindMeister - Logiciel de cartographie mentale NowComment 15 Excellent YouTube Channels for Language Teachers and ESL Learners January 13, 2017 YouTube hosts a treasure trove of excellent educational content that speaks to the learning needs of a wide variety of audiences. Some of this content is created by dedicated teachers and educators who took it upon themselves to promote learning beyond the traditional walls of their classrooms. For instance, in the area of English language learning, there are numerous language teachers (including EFL and ESL) who have set their own YouTube channels and provide video lessons covering almost everything related to language learning. 1- BBC Learning English BBC Learning English provides ‘great grammar, drama, news, study, pronunciation, vocabulary, music, interviews and celebrity videos.’2- Best of Learning English Another good channel that provides video lessons covering different topics related to English learning. the playlists include: The English We Speak, 6 Minute Vocabulary and Grammar, English at Work…3- BBC Learning English Listening Skills 7- EF podEnglish
Chemistry Worksheets Home > Chemistry > Chemistry Worksheets Chemistry Worksheets Reaction Types Worksheets Chemistry Worksheets Balancing Chemical Equations Worksheets Periodic Table Worksheets Stoichiometry Worksheets Back To States of Matter Worksheets More Topics Educational Videos Heads Up! on the App Store La cartographie: nouvel outil de productivité "Le principe d'une carte heuristique est de mettre le thème principal au centre de la feuille en le représentant par un mot ou un dessin puis, à partir de là, développer des branches comportant les idées forces se rapportant aux thèmes. L'intérêt de ces schémas est qu'ils permettent une grande liberté de construction et que les mots peuvent être remplacés par des images, des dessins ou des photos", résume Stéphane Seuret, auteur d'une thèse sur le mindmapping. Simple. Voire. Chrysler, BNP Paribas ou PSA utilisent cette méthode de manière intensive pour de multiples usages : prise de notes lors d'un brainstorming; présentation d'une activité; description d'un processus ou d'une méthode; création d'une base de connaissance, menée d'un projet ou encore conception de A à Z d'un produit. Autant d'applications rendues possibles par l'évolution des logiciels de cartographie, Xmind, Mindomo, Novamind, mais surtout le quasi standard du genre, Mindmanager édité par l'Allemand Mindjet.
timeline maker Collection iParcours - Manuels et Cahiers WiseMapping - Visual Thinking Evolution Tools for the Reading Classroom Last week I made my third trip to Nebraska for the Nebraska State Reading Conference. It was so much fun meeting new teachers and sharing plenty of my favorites technology tools for reading. You might have seen the picture of the tiny plane that took me to Kearney, NE in the graphic of this post. One of my sessions last week include 15 of my favorite technology tools for the reading classroom. When presenting a list like this to teachers I try to give lots of classroom examples and time to try out some of the tools I picked out to share. Click here to download the free poster 15 Technology Tools for the Reading Classroom! Join the ClassTechTips.com newsletter! Sign up for my weekly newsletter and special messages... and you'll get INSTANT access to my eBooks, freebies and more! I can't wait to share my favorite EdTech tips, tools and lesson ideas with you! Yours in Learning, Monica :) Fantastic, you're almost finished! Monica