Curation Can Create A Snapshot Of Our Digital Lives Posted by Tom Foremski - March 17, 2011 As our lives become increasingly digital curation tools can provide a good way to document our activities, capturing a snapshot of key events and moments. For example, the South by South West Interactive conference that is winding down in Austin, Texas attracted a lot of people, sharing lots of ideas, conversations, product launches, and more. Take at look at MobyNow's real-time aggregation of all the social media at SXSW and you'll see what I mean, the masses of tweets, photos, etc. But aggregation isn't that great at documenting a unique experience of an event such as SXSW in digital form. Curation can help to create a specific snapshot. For example: In the future, kids might ask "What did grandpa do at SXSW in 2011?" However, if grandpa had curated his time at SXSW using some of the many digital curation tools available, the answer would be much richer and much more interesting.
9 content curation tools that better organise the web. Content curation is a huge deal on the web today. As content on the web grows exponentially, our ability to make sense of it is inversely proportional. In other words, we are fast sinking under the sheer amount of content pouring onto the web every day. The social web hasn’t made life any easier on content production either – in fact its lowered the barrier to entry. According to Facebook, 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news blogs etc) are shared each month on the social network, with no sign of slowing. URL: Redux has over the past year grown organically to become one of the web’s best places for finding great content. URL: A new startup still in Beta, again allows you to create topic centric information, and share with others. URL: Curated.By offers twitter integration right from the get-go, although you can signup without an account. URL: URL: URL:
Future of News - Vertical News Environment Future of News Portal Our traditional news media are in trouble. Newspapers are losing advertising revenue, television is losing viewers to the Internet, and journalists are losing their jobs due to rampant cost-cutting. So what is the future of journalism? What are the winning online models? Hundreds of academics, journalists, business leaders and concerned citizens around the world are debating these issues. The Eqentia Future of News Portal is a neutral super-aggregator that collects, organizes and curates the complete set of conversations, thoughts and developments from the web (online, mainstream & social media) and key Twitter stakeholders. Registered users may opt to receive a customizable daily news digest covering the last 24 hours of published content. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Curator: Neil Sanderson Neil Sanderson Neil has worked in the news media for more than 30 years, including radio, television, print and digital. Average # of articles per day: 40 Key Links:
Exploring the 'Net and Star Trek with Pearltrees Over the past few days, you may have noticed that we've embedded a new tool known as Pearltrees in certain articles on TG Daily. As you can see, Pearltrees embeds a significant amount of supplemental information related to a post in a way that is easy to navigate, while giving you a chance to preview content before you even click a link. There's a lot more to Pearltrees, though. During a recent interview, the company told us they are engaged in building an expanding a comprehensive "social curation" community. What does this mean for you? Well, you can "team-up" with people who share your interests to curate a topic, thereby providing improved context, more depth and high-quality information. "Obviously, it would be pretty difficult to find all of this content in any reasonable amount of time using Google or another search tool," Pearltrees rep Oliver Starr told TG Daily. To collaborate on a topic, simply click the "team-up" button in an embedded pearltree, like the Star Trek one above.
Eclairages pour le 21e siècle : Google, le monde et moi Le 9 mars avait lieu à la Bibliothèque publique d’information du Centre Pompidou, dans le cadre du cycle « Eclairage pour le 21e siècle », un débat sur Google, organisé en partenariat avec Place de la Toile, Chronique de la rentrée littéraire et Animé par Abeline Majorel, le débat réunissait Ariel Kyrou, l’auteur de Google God, cette déclaration d’amour et de haine, de fascination et de rejet sur ce monstre du quotidien, également rédacteur en chef du site Culture Mobile et membre du collectif de rédaction de la revue Multitudes ;Daniel Ichbiah rédacteur en chef du magazine Comment ça marche, écrivain, auteur notamment de Comment Google mangera le monde ? Comment et en quoi Google est-il pertinent ? La principale qualité de Google repose sur celle de son moteur. Pour Matthieu Lecomte, Google cherche sans cesse à améliorer l’expérience utilisateur, alors que les éditeurs cherchent à contourner les règles mises en place par le moteur. Le risque du profilage
Orchestr8 Adding Some Magic To Sentiment Analysis and Managing Semantic Output One of the issues organizations confront when they take to semantically processing data is how to handle all the results of that work. The output of extracting entities, tagging concepts, classifying page topics and parsing sentiment makes its way to a data store that can get pretty big, making for intense storage and analytics demands. Orchestr8’s NLP- and machine learning-based AlchemyAPI service, which just last week added sentiment analysis to its retinue, gives content providers, social media monitoring companies, and contextual advertising sectors the tools for all of the above that leads to those big data stores, and now it has in beta a solution for dealing with the demands that creates, too. “We process and store and give them the tools to find trends to go with that data,” says project engineer Shaun Roach.
Quel outil de curation pour votre marque ? — Curiouser Quel outil de curation pour votre marque ? Méthodologie Pour réaliser cette infographie, nous avons privilégié les outils qui permettent à la marque de se présenter comme expert en proposant une ligne éditoriale propre, nous avons donc écarté les outils de curation automatique. Lors de nos observations, nous avons pu constater que parmi le nombre très important d’outils existants, peu sont en réalité directement utilisables par une marque car peu proposent une réelle éditorialisation et dans un but de publication : c’est à dire la possibilité de choisir exactement les contenus, de les catégoriser, les tagger, les annoter ou les commenter mais aussi d’être maître de leur mise en forme. Nous avons étudié les outils que nous avions jugés adéquats selon plusieurs critères : La marge de manœuvre concernant l’éditorialisation Le niveau d’interaction possible des lecteurs L’intérêt de la curation pour les marques Les marques ont intérêt à se prêter au jeu de la curation et pour plusieurs raisons.
Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence? By Neicole Crepeau, Contributing {grow} Columnist Are you overlooking some of the most powerful influencers on the social web? Let’s find out. Traditionally, there has been a 1-9-90 rule when it come to creating and consuming content: There’s a new element in this equation, though: Content Curators — people who make a practice of finding content relevant to their friends and followers, and then sharing links to that content. I am making a distinction between a curator and an aggregator who pulls content from around the web, usually related to a specific topic, to display on websites generally to enhance search engine optimization. Of course, we’re all curators to some extent, consuming content and, on occasion, sharing what we find interesting or entertaining. ExactTarget calls these people “megaphones” and says: “Megaphones want to connect, educate, and share resources and information online with others. ExactTarget’s research shows that only 7% of online users are megaphones.
Is Content Curation the New Community Builder? Content curation has drawn my interest. I was at a tech conference last week and saw a couple of pretty cool applications for curating content. Setting a side the debate of right or wrong, these new content curation tools will make their mark. Content curation, which involves human filtering and organizing is much different than content aggregation. Content aggregation sites use algorithms to find and link to content. Over a year ago Mashable reported Why Content Curation Is Here To Stay; The debate pits creators against curators, asking big questions about the rules and ethical questions around content aggregation. Media Curation is the emerging trend toward integrating and pondering media content using a mix of machine and human resources. Media Curation is a complex subject among media professionals, with notable professionals both for and against the practice. “If I was starting The Village Voice today, I would not print anything. So, Where are you with this?
3 Reasons Curation is Here to Stay Perhaps you won't believe me since it's my job to spread the gospel of curation as the Chief Evangelist of Pearltrees, but I think curation is here to stay. These are the reasons why I believe this is the case. This year there has been a tremendous amount of buzz in Silicon Valley about curation. CEO Steven Rosenbaum recently published a book, Curation Nation that has sparked a tremendous amount of conversation on the topic. Likewise a post by Brian Solis has been retweeted thousands of times. Oliver Starr is the Chief Evangelist for Pearltrees. With all the attention curation has suddenly received, people are probably wondering if this is just another fad or is it something bigger? First, curation is one of the underlying principles of the Web. Allow anyone to access any type of documentAllow everyone to disseminate his or her own documentsAllow everyone to organize the entire collection of documents The graphic above illustrates this process of democratization.
Journalistes: hackez pour survivre! Hackear el periodismo. C'est le titre du dernier livre de Pablo Mancini, lui-même journaliste en Argentine. L'auteur juge inévitable l'intégration des hackers dans les rédactions ou, mieux encore, l'arrivée de journalistes-hackers. Hackear el periodismo, de l’argentin Pablo Mancini, est un livre essentiel, car il aborde de front —et sans ménagement— les questions auxquelles sont confrontées les médias et les journalistes aujourd’hui : comment créer de la valeur? Pablo Mancini est journaliste jusqu’au bout des ongles. Mais d’abord une définition. Passion, liberté, conscience sociale, vérité, lutte contre la corruption, lutte contre l’aliénation de l’homme, égalité sociale, accès gratuit à l’information (liberté de savoir), valeur sociale (reconnaissance entre pairs), accessibilité, activité, soucis de responsabilité, curiosité, créativité. La proposition centrale du livre est articulée autour de quatre concepts clés —temps, audience, valeur, organisation—, liés entre eux. Notes
Really great insight's, thank you. by netbillboards Mar 28
thanks ! good kind of reading for this week-end ! by agnesdelmotte Mar 25
Here's an example of the algorithim side of things by joecardillo Mar 25
"I think the next big theme is basically curation [...] and my guess is that its probably going to be 50% driven by your network and 50% driven by algorithms.” by agnesdelmotte Mar 24