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La solitude du thésard de fond

La solitude du thésard de fond
Comme le coureur de fond, le doctorant doit tenir la distance. Mais à la différence du marathonien, personne n’a tracé pour lui de ligne d’arrivée. Le plus dur dans la thèse, c’est de finir. Au début, tout était rose. Comme Sophie, 65 000 personnes sont actuellement embarquées dans une thèse de doctorat en France, dont plus de la moitié, 38 000, en lettres, langues, économie, droit et sciences humaines. Un choix de vie Pourquoi s’engage-t-on dans une telle aventure ? Seuls 10 % des doctorants en sciences humaines touchent une allocation de recherche. Michel Beaud, auteur de L’art de la thèse (3), prévient : « C’est une erreur de se lancer dans une thèse (…) si on n’a pas des raisons sérieuses et profondes de la mener à bien. » De son côté, la sociologue Claudine Herzlich, auteure d’un livre du même type destiné aux apprentis chercheurs en sciences sociales (4), insiste sur l’importance d’un « projet réaliste, simultanément au plan intellectuel et professionnel ». Abandonner ou conclure

Recruitment – Base4 - Home We are particularly interested to hear from highly motivated individuals for the following roles: To be a successful a candidate you must be eligible to work in the UK and be able to thrive in a team of competent, intellectually competitive people. Creative thinking coupled with intellectual curiosity and a desire to tackle substantial problems is essential. To apply for one of these opportunities please email your CV and covering letter to Strictly no agencies as only direct applicants will be considered for these roles.

PostDoc | Job Details - Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Medical and Biological Engineering Research Group, University of Hull Contributing to an exciting new research project, this is an outstanding opportunity to develop your professional research profile. Funded by Action Medical Research, this project focuses on improving the diagnosis of, and ultimately preventing the development of, Perthes’ disease. It is a collaborative project between the Medical and Biological Engineering Research Group at the University of Hull and Paediatric Orthopaedics at the University of Southampton. Over the course of this project, our aim is to develop a computational model of the developing human hip joint. This will be used to examine the changing biomechanical conditions in children with and without Perthes’ disease. Using that model, we will investigate detailed mechanisms that might lead to the collapse of the femoral head observed in children with Perthes’ disease. This is a fixed term position for 36 months. Salary range £31,331 - £36,298 pa. Closing date: 22 February 2013

Marie Curie Actions fellowships for researchers - overview Marie Curie Actions fellowships: illustration image: girl in a library On these pages, you will find practical information on each of the Marie Curie actions including guidance on how to apply for funding, information on progress of calls for proposals, evaluation and funding decisions. Marie Curie Actions are open to researchers of all ages and levels of experience, regardless of nationality. To help you decide which Marie Curie Action is most appropriate for your particular profile and needs, you are advised to consult the Marie Curie Quick-Guide English (en) . We have two categories of researchers: Early Stage Researcher: Less than 4 years of research experience, and without a doctoral degree Experienced Researcher: In possession of a doctoral degree or at least 4 years of research experience Marie Curie Actions are: Jobs for PhDs, graduate school rankings, and career resources Marie Curie Fellowship / Bourse Marie Curie EU FP7 People program | This post aims to help scientists who are about to obtain their PhD, or already have it, and are wondering what to do next? If you want to do a postdoc, then Marie Curie Fellowships are a great opportunity! Ce post a pour but d'aider des scientifiques qui sont sur le point de finir leur thèse, ou qui l'ont déjà finie, et qui se demandent quoi faire après? Si vous voulez faire un postdoc, alors les bourses Marie Curie sont de très bonnes opportunités!Le reste de la page est en Anglais car la plus part des pages du site des bourses Marie Curie est en Anglais, donc je pense qu'une explication en Anglais sera plus efficace. ***Le reste de la page est en anglais *** The aim of a Marie Curie Fellowship is simple: You are a European citizen and you want to go away from your lab but stay in Europe for research? Follow those few steps: Proposals are welcomed from all areas of scientific and technological research. 3. You want to know which Fellowship is suitable for you? 5. 1- Poor. 2- Fair. Yes. .

BIopolymères Interactions Assemblages - ELIPS : Edifices lipoprotéiques et protéopolysaccharidiques Animateur : Didier MARION Membres permanents de l'équipe: Didier MARION, Bénédicte BAKAN, Khalil EMORJANI, Michèle DALGALARRONDO, Nathalie GENEIX, André LELION Secrétariat: Sylvaine Bizon Mots clefs: Protéines, lipides, cuticule, céréales, fruits, développement, agrégation, polymérisation, interactions, biosynthèse Contexte et objectifs: La transformation et la qualité nutritionnelle des produits végétaux dépendent en partie de l’assemblage des différents composants au sein des organes végétaux récoltés. Axes de recherche: - Formation et structure des assises cuticulaires : relation avec la transformation et la qualité des produits végétaux - Formation et structure de la matrice amylo-protéique du grain : relation avec la transformation des produits céréaliers Méthodes et équipements: Clonage, PCR, production et purification de protéines recombinantes Analyses structurales : dichroïsme circulaire, spectroscopies de fluorescence et infrarouge Travaux récents: Publications et Thèses:

Postdoctoral Researcher: Microscopic Origin Of Adhesion, Wageningen University And Research Center, Netherlands We are looking for We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will use single-molecule force experiments to study mechanical properties of polymeric systems. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful technique to measure the strength of single bonds and rupture dynamics. We have recently used AFM to directly measure the strength of ionic bonds between hydrated charges and proposed a molecular rupture model (Spruijt, et al. ACS Nano 6 (2012) 5297-5303). We ask For this position we request an outstanding experimentalist with a PhD degree in chemistry, physics, material science or a related field and with a strong drive to excel in a competitive international environment. We offer We offer a temporary position with an average working time of 38 hours per week for the period of 1 year with the possibility of extension. More information For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Interested? We are Could you be one of these people?

Jobs - EURAXESS Job posted by French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) (05/03/2014 09.35) Marie Curie Actions. More 'HR Excellence in Research' logo awarded to institutions actively implementing the European Charter and Code for Researchers. More European Research Council. AgreenSkills is a European co-funded mobility programme, accepting applications for post-doctoral fellowships from international researchers in the fields of life, agricultural, nutrition, and environmental sciences. Description AgreenSkills fellowships can be both incoming and outgoing in nature. Nr of positions available : 10 Research Fields Agricultural sciences Environmental science Geosciences Biological sciences Career Stage Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) Research Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Benefits Comment/web site for additional job details Map Data Map data ©2014 Google Map GET MORE!
