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Carl Munck - The Code

Carl Munck - The Code
Related:  Knowledge of the Ancient

This Mysterious Ape-Human Just Added a Twist to the Human Story A year and a half after adding a puzzling new member to the human family tree, a team of researchers working in South Africa have offered an additional twist: the species is far younger than its bizarrely primitive body would suggest, and may have shared the landscape with early Homo sapiens. First discovered in 2013 by two cavers exploring the Rising Star cave system near Johannesburg, a stunning trove of hominin remains—the single richest fossil site of its kind ever found in Africa—revealed a tiny-brained species with shoulders and a torso like an ape’s, but with some unshakably humanlike features as well. The mosaic’s name: Homo naledi, after the Sesotho word for “star.” Now, the species’s star shines that much brighter. If these dates hold, it could mean that while our own species was evolving from other, large-brained ancestors, a little-brained shadow lineage was lingering on from a much earlier period, perhaps two million years ago or more. Jamie Shreeve contributed reporting.

THE UNREASONABLE UTILITY OF RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS by Prof. David Singmaster Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics 87 Rodenhurst Road South Bank University London, SW4 8AF, England London, SE1 0AA, England Tel/fax: 0181-674 3676 Tel: 0171-815 7411 Fax: 0171-815 7499 E-mail: ZINGMAST@VAX.SBU.AC.UK THE UNREASONABLE UTILITY OF RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS by Prof. David Singmaster For First European Congress of Mathematics, Paris, July, 1992. Amended on 24 Jan 1993 and 7 Sep 1993. Les hommes ne sont jamais plus ing‚nieux que dans l'invention des jeux. last Web revision:December 22, 1998 Web page processed by Web Master - Mario Velucchi -- Mario Velucchi / Via Emilia, 106 / I-56121 Pisa - Italy Resources provided by Brad Spencer

Ten Mysterious Undeciphered Codes and Inscriptions From Neolithic tablets containing the oldest known system of writing, to a series of letters scrawled on the back of a dead man’s book, some of the most legendary undeciphered codes and texts remain a challenge for even the world’s best cryptographers, code breakers, and linguists. Yet unravelling these mysterious puzzles remains as important as ever, since many of these enigmatic inscriptions could hold the keys to understanding civilizations that have long since faded into the pages of history. Here we feature ten of the most fascinating undeciphered codes and inscriptions throughout history. The enigma of the Shugborough Inscription In the grounds of Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire, England, sits an 18th-Century monument known as the Shepherd’s Monument, which was commissioned by Thomas Anson, a member of the British Parliament, and crafted sometime between 1748 and 1763 by Flemish sculptor Peter Schee. The Mysteries Trapped Within Mayan Hieroglyphs The indecipherable Rohonc Codex

Oesch's die Dritten - Regenbogen - YouTube Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms - A detailed ray-tracing simulation of the high resolution microbeam at the AIFIRA facility 1. Introduction 2. Beam lines 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Acknowledgements References Abstract The AIFIRA (Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d’Ions en Région Aquitaine) ion beam facility at the CENBG (Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan) is being equipped with a high demagnification focused microbeam line. We present the complete beam transport simulation along the chosen configuration for the nanobeam line, which consists of a long working distance doublet–triplet of Oxford Microbeam Ltd. Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V.

Paleogene Period and the Beginning of the Cenozoic Era At the dawn of the Paleogene—the beginning of the Cenozoic era—dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and giant marine reptiles were conspicuously absent from the face of the Earth. Rodent-size (and perhaps larger) mammals emerged, suddenly free to fill the void. Over the next 42 million years, they grew in size, number, and diversity. As the period came to a close, life-forms still common today filled the seas, dominated the land, and had taken to the air. Paleogene Climate During the Paleogene the continents drifted farther apart, heading toward their modern positions. The cooling and drying trend began in earnest following a sudden temperature spike about 55 million years ago. As the climate cooled and dried following the warming, forests gave way to open woodlands and grasslands in the northern hemisphere and started to support thundering herds of grazing mammals. First Whales But the biggest development in the seas was the appearance of whales in the mid- to late Paleogene.

Quaternion Related Topics: Euler's Equation Quaternion is a geometrical operator to represent the relationship (relative length and relative orientation) between two vectors in 3D space. William Hamilton invented Quaternion and completed the calculus of Quaternions to generalize complex numbers in 4 dimension (one real part and 3 imaginary numbers). In this article, we focus on rotations of 3D vectors because Quaternion implementation for 3D rotation is usually simpler, cheaper and better behaved than other methods. Background of Quaternion Euler's equation (formula) can be used to represent a 2D point with a length and angle on a complex plane. However, the set of 3 dimensional complex numbers is not closed under multiplication. The equation c2+1=0 gives the contradiction. Later, Hamilton realized 4 dimensional complex numbers are required for multiplication to be closed by adding an additional imaginary part, k. Now, the above example now satisfies as ij=0+i0+j0+k1. Understanding of Quaternion into

Top 10 Mysteries Surrounding Ancient Aliens Mysteries Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. The idea surrounding ancient aliens is a basic one. This concept is related to the religious practice of a cargo cult, which can be seen in modern day pre-industrial tribal societies. It has been proposed that, with the current age of the universe and its vast number of stars, if the Earth was typical, extraterrestrial life should be common. The idea of ancient alien as astronauts has spawned a UFO religion named Raëlism. The Quran depicts a story of angels that are given minds of their own, found in verse [2:34]. Modern Technical Advancement Many of the accounts include unexplained lights, sounds and UFOs.
