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EbookFoundation – Free Programming Books

EbookFoundation – Free Programming Books
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Aquatic Commons Divulgamat Télécharger de la musique libre et gratuite Making Money When all the Industry Wants is Free Beer – The Business Behind jOOQ I was terrified. After 5 years of doing jOOQ as an all Open Source project between 2008 – 2013, I suddenly switched to commercial licensing. Will I be ripped to pieces?Will the community hate me?Will there be an unfriendly fork? This blog post will show that my fears 5 years ago were completely unjustified. What I did may not work for everyone. Or, you have not even started yet, and think about how to proceed. Trust me. Open Source Software For ages, I have profited myself from the abundance of free, quality software in the developer ecosystems. The employer that did PHP ran on… PHP, which is Open Source. The same is true for the employers that did Java, which is Open Source, these days more than ever. Open Source is so abundant, that commercial software has become extremely rare among libraries. The Business of Enterprise Software Bill Janeway said in his talk at Business of Software 2018 in London: Once upon a time, enterprise software was a safe bet for entrepreneurs and investors.

Observatorio Nacional de la Degradación de Tierras y Desertificación – Publicaciones Bastin, J.-F.; Berrahmouni, N.; Grainger, A.; Maniatis, D.; Mollicone, D.; Moore, R.; Patriarca, C.; Picard, N.; Sparrow, B.; Abraham, E.M. ; Aloui, K.; Atesoglu, A.; Attore, F.; Bassüllü, C.; Bey, A.; Garzuglia, M.; García-Montero, L.G.; Groot, N.; Guerin, G.; Laestadius, L.; Lowe, A.J.; Mamane, B.; Marchi, G.; Patterson, P.; Rezende, M.; Ricci, S.; Salcedo, I.; Sanchez-Paus Diaz, A.; Stolle, F.; Surappaeva, V.; Castroet, R. (2017): The extent of forest in dryland biomes.- Science 356 (6338), pp. 635-638. Borrás, G. ; Herrera, L. ; Auer, A. ; Videla, C. (2016): Construcción de observatorios ambientales: experiencia participativa en la cuenca alta del arroyo Malacara.- Revista Estudios Ambientales del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Ambientales (CINEA), perteneciente a la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Vol 4, No 1, pp 19-41, ISSN: 2347-0941.

Biblioteca Digital Exactas Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre Organicity in abstract strategy games – Nick Bentley Games Note: This post wasn’t written by me (Nick Bentley), but rather by one of my game design mentors, Christian Freeling: Christian is an éminence grise in the world of combinatorial games and I wouldn’t be the designer I am without him. He’s designed some of the best games in the world, imo, but deep combinatorial games are rarely published, so his accomplishments aren’t widely known. In any case, it’s an honor to present the essay below. You can read more by Christian at his website, Mindsports. Organization of this Essay Chess and Go Organicity in abstract strategy games may be defined as “the degree to which a game’s behaviour may be perceived as organic, or ‘life like'”. If we look at both games in fast-forward, the behaviour of Chess looks mechanical. Go actually is about growth and life and death so seeing it as something alive isn’t totally weird, but in my case it was the first time it came to me and it instantly made me understand the game on a different level. Cycles and suicide

Repositorio Institucional – Bolsa de Cereales La Biblioteca Digital de la Bolsa de Cereales es un proyecto desarrollado por la Biblioteca Institucional de la Entidad. Brinda acceso abierto a su colección de documentos especializados en la temática agropecuaria, agroindustrial y agroalimentaria, disponibles en texto completo. La Biblioteca Digital posee las características de un Repositorio Institucional que, con el fin de preservar y difundir, reúne la producción intelectual de la Bolsa de Cereales, además de aumentar la visibilidad y diseminación de los trabajos publicados por nuestra Institución. El Repositorio está constituído por cuatro colecciones: Documentos, Publicaciones Periódicas, Multimedia y la Colección Histórica, que alberga los números de la primera publicación editada por la Sala de Comercio del Mercado “Once de Setiembre”, nombre adoptado en sus orígenes por la actual Bolsa de Cereales.

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Chatbots were the next big thing: what happened? Oh, how the headlines blared: “…the 2016 bot paradigm shift is going to be far more disruptive and interesting than the last decade’s move from Web to mobile apps.” Chatbots were The Next Big Thing. Our hopes were sky high. And why wouldn’t they be? Messaging was huge! Plus, it was becoming clear that supply massively exceeded demand when it came to those pesky, hard-to-build apps. At the Mobile World Congress 2017, chatbots were the main headliners. In fact, the only significant question around chatbots was who would monopolize the field, not whether chatbots would take off in the first place: “Will a single platform emerge to dominate the chatbot and personal assistant ecosystem?” One year on, we have an answer to that question. No. Because there isn’t even an ecosystem for a platform to dominate. Fooled by another hype cycle Chatbots weren’t the first technological development to be talked up in grandiose terms and then slump spectacularly. The age-old hype cycle unfolded in familiar fashion…

Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino – Repositorio Institucional
