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Find the Future at NYPL: The Game

Find the Future at NYPL: The Game

A Night at the New York Public Library | Wired Magazine On May 20, 500 people will spend the night at the New York Public Library for an exclusive, invitation-only event designed to bring players in contact with some of the many inspirational artifacts housed at the library as part of a game called Find the Future. The New York Public Library is hosting the game during its Centennial celebration, and players worldwide can participate starting May 21. By Kris Nordgren, originally posted at ARGNet According to Jane McGonigal, gamers tend to read books more than they watch TV. The New York Public Library wants to change that perception. To do this, the library has developed Find the Future, an interactive experience that guides visitors through the many artifacts housed at the New York Public Library. Find the Future will initially be played by 500 participants who will be locked into the Stephen A. If you want to join the lucky few selected for Find the Futureā€˜s inaugural run, go to the website and enter to win.

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