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Galerie Magda Danysz

Galerie Magda Danysz
Related:  GALERIES

galerie binôme - photographie contemporaine - - Qui sommes-nous ? Dédiée à la photographie contemporaine, la Galerie Binôme a ouvert en octobre 2010, dans le quartier du Marais à Paris. En parallèle d’une programmation annuelle d’expositions monographiques et collectives, elle participe au Mois de la Photo à Paris et expose régulièrement dans des foires internationales d’art contemporain et de photographie. Membre de Photo District Marais, communauté de galeries autour de la Maison Européenne de la Photographie, la Galerie Binôme développe aussi de nombreuses collaborations avec d’autres personnalités du monde de l’art et de la photographie. La programmation de la Galerie Binôme se partage entre jeunes talents et plus grands noms de la photographie classique. La Galerie Binôme est dirigée par Valérie Cazin. Sur la galerie, deux films pour découvrir le lieu / vernissage Nouveau paysage, janvier 2014 / documentaire La Bibliothèque Frantôme, exposition sept / oct 2012 The Galerie Binôme is headed by Valérie Cazin.

The Studio@620 : A home for the visual and performing arts Community News: We're sorry to report that the evening with Mr. Harry Belafonte has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The Studio@620 and New Roots News are reviewing the submissions for The Next Great Play and are working on selecting the winner to have their play produced at The Studio. Have you heard of yet? Keep Saint Petersburg Local aims to encourage prosperity by supporting small businesses and building community. is the new cafe open adjacent to The Morean Arts Center offering global soul food. has named The Studio@620 the and of 2008, and for 2010 and in 2011. has named The Studio@620 the 2008 Metro's Best Community Involved Art Studio. has named The Studio@620 "Non-Profit of the Year: Art, Cultures, and Humanities" for 2008. Read More : Devoted Head of Hospitality and Volunteers at the Studio@620, aka “620 Mom”, aka “baker of the world’s best apple pie”. Meet Winnie Webcast@620 View The Webcasts Meet Bob & Dave

Flatland Gallery Sarasota Visual Art Exhibitions - Danziger Gallery Current Past About CaFÉ™ [ Back to Help Index ] CaFÉ™ is brought to you by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). WESTAF is a non-profit arts service organization dedicated to the creative advancement and preservation of the arts. WESTAF fulfills its mission to strengthen the financial, organizational, and policy infrastructure of the arts in the West by engaging in arts-policy research and state arts agency development, convening experts and leaders around critical policy issues, developing innovative programs, providing a variety of services, and supporting programming for artists and arts organizations. WESTAF is an experienced developer of technology systems that benefit the field of arts and culture. As a progressive and evolving organization, WESTAF initiates new programs and projects regularly and is proud to have artists and arts administrators on staff.

Black Ship Home | Athr Gallery Aperture Foundation - Photography Publisher and Center for the Photography Community Photographes - Olivier Metzger - Portraits Olivier Metzger 26 / 26 - Portraits Olivier Metzger Présentation | My Darkroom « My Darkroom » « My Darkroom » regroupe 38 photographes d’une grande diversité autour de Nathalie Lopparelli pour promouvoir la photographie argentique et favoriser sa diffusion auprès de collectionneurs, d’institutions et du grand public amateur. L’association organise régulièrement des expositions pour présenter des tirages de collection issus d’un catalogue de photographies très riche et d’un savoir-faire unique dans l’artisanat du tirage. Ce site et les photos qui y sont présentées donnent un aperçu de la richesse et de la diversité de ce fonds photographique réuni autour d’une passion argentique commune. Les tirages de collection sont exclusivement tirés d’après négatif par l’auteur ou par des tireurs professionnels sous son contrôle, sur papier baryté. Tampon à sec: gauffrage du tirage avec le copyright et nom du photographe.Vintage:tirage réalisé dans l’année de prise de vue. N’hésitez pas à envoyer votre demande par le formulaire de contact.

Rose Paris Hasted Kraeutler Art Gallery Hasted Kraeutler is pleased to announce The Dream Goes Over the Time, an exhibition of new photographs by French-born, Madrid-based artist Pierre Gonnord (b. 1963), beginning March 5 and running through April 25, 2015. Working for over a decade as contemporary art’s preeminent documentarian of globalization’s dark underbelly—insular communities, tribes, and clans that exist almost entirely off the grid, from coal miners and punks to immigrants and gypsies—master portraitist Gonnord’s distinctive practice has developed into a lifestyle, taking him on epic journeys through back roads and uncharted terrain in search of characters that live within distinctive social groups, cut off from the rest of civilization. After investing much careful time and energy with these communities, Gonnord takes their pictures, capturing his protagonists against dark backgrounds from the waist up, in the manner of Old Master painting and portraiture.
