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Paper Replika

Paper Replika

Paper Model Building Tips Basic Tools and Materials Scissors & Cutting Tools A good pair of sharp scissors is one of the most important tools you will need. Dull scissors can rip the paper, make uneven cuts, and they can be hard to control when precision cutting is key. You can also invest in scissor sharpeners. Having a few different scissors for different tasks can also be helpful. For cutting out tiny, delicate cone shapes, you might try a good pair of fingernail clippers. Knives/Blades A favored tool for cutting small details and cutting holes is a craft knife (X-acto is a popular brand). A craft knife can be your best friend, but it can't live up to its full potential without its partner, a cutting mat. Glues and Other Adhesives DO NOT USE RUBBER CEMENT! Every person has their own glue preference. Paper Paper is also up to each individual. Building General Take your time; paper models are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Keep your hands clean. Printing The ideal settings for Adobe Reader are . . . Cutting Folding

キリンビバレッジ | ペーパークラフト ペーパークラフトをえらぼう 季節にあわせたペーパークラフトや、手軽につくれるペーパークラフトなど盛りだくさん。みんなで楽しくつくって飾って楽しもう♪夏休みの自由工作にもピッタリ! 七夕~星に願いを~ おりひめ・ひこぼしなどの七夕かざりをつくってかざろう! 夏の風物詩 夏にぴったりのクラフト「夏の風物詩」をつくろう! ラテちゃんのペーパークラフト 意外とカンタン♪親子でチャレンジしてみよう! 定番のペーパークラフト 手軽につくれるペーパークラフト 手軽につくれるペーパークラフトには、ロゴマークがついています。 ※スマートフォン・タブレットからは、プリント機器に接続の上、プリントして下さい。 ペーパークラフトが完成したら、写真を撮ってみんなでシェアしよう! ハッシュタグ「#kirinpapercraft」をコメントにつけてInstagramやTwitterに投稿してみてね。 Maquette en carton Pour cela il faut réaliser, sur les feuilles de papier ou carton, le « développement plan » de l'objet à construire : c'est en quelque sorte le patron 2D de l'objet 3D qui est assimilé à un assemblage de surfaces développables. Le patron sera ensuite découpé et l'objet sera obtenu par pliage et assemblage (en général collage). Ce type de modèle est fréquemment appelé découpage ou construction en carton. Les termes anglais papercraft ou cardmodel sont parfois utilisés. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Il semble que l'un des premiers modèles connu soit un crucifix allemand du XVIe siècle Mais ce type de construction a connu une très forte extension à la fin du XIXe siècle sous forme de lithographies diffusées par des imprimeurs/éditeurs européens et en particulier allemands. En France, ce sont des éditeurs d'images populaires comme Jean Frédéric Wentzel, imprimeur à Wissembourg et Charles Nicolas Pellerin, imprimeur à Épinal, qui lancèrent vers 1850 ce type de jouets.

Origami X-Wing instructions Here are step-by-step instructions for how to make an origami x-wing, as seen at Picocon 22, and demonstrated by Alex Crosse. He is a proper Origami club person; the terribly un-technical descriptions are entirely my (Dormouse's) fault. This was done using a 15cm-square of thin paper, coloured on one side and white on the other - the x-wing ends up coloured all over. When making folds, try to be as precise as possible, particularly when folding a corner in half! Start with the coloured side (here blue) face up. Fold along one diagonal, open it up, then fold along the other. Turn the paper over, and fold horizontally, open up again, then vertically. Squash the paper together, inwards along the folds, so that this square shape is formed. Fold one of the closed flaps towards the centre Then unfold the flap, and fold it back on itself, the other way. Unfold the flap again, and open up the inside and squash it flat. Fold one white side down to the centre. Unfold it. Repeat on the left. Finished!

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Erick's Models Johan Scherft
