Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool – A complete, free online Christian homeschool curriculum for your family and mine Compteur de lettres - Compte-caractères Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities High School Financial Literacy Curriculum: Building Your Future The Actuarial Foundation is proud to make Building Your Future, an award-winning financial literacy curriculum resource, available to U.S. high schools. Building Your Future is designed to help teens master the elements of personal finance and prepare for life on their own. Building Your Future gives students multiple opportunities to practice core skills and showcases the real-world impact of the financial decisions they make. Each of the four books in the series are classroom-ready with a teacher's guide that includes handouts, answer keys, instruction and assessment suggestions. Get your FREE individual set of Building Your Future! Thanks to a generous donation from the New York Life Foundation, free individual sets of Building Your Future materials are available to U.S. high schools for a limited time. To get your free materials, please click here and complete the request form. Download the Materials Click here to order Building Your Future Actuaries!
Some Basic Active Learning Strategies Engaging students in individual or small group activities–pairs or trios especially–is a low-risk strategy that ensures the participation of all. The sampling of basic activities below can be adapted to almost any discussion or lecture setting. Using these strategies, or variations on them, ensures that you'll hold your students' attention in class and throughout the semester. Ice Breakers Those things that get people talking quickly and personally about their goals, fears, expectations for the session before them. top Think/Pair/Share Have attendees turn to someone near them to summarize what they're learning, to answer a question posed during the discussion, or to consider how and why and when they might apply a concept to their own situations. Write/Pair/Share The format for this strategy is identical to the think-pair-share, except that students process the question asked of them by writing about it rather than reflecting. Student Summaries Question and Answer Pairs Focused Listing Corners
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ESL Listening Comprehension Exercises: Movie clips to practice English | ELL/ELT SECTION 1: Movie Clips Learning through media (movies, music, etc.) is one of the best ways to learn a new language. The exercises below use movie clips to help you to better understand spoken English. Here's what you do: Click on the video you want to watch below.Watch the video, and pay attention to it! The Great Gatsby Moonrise Kingdom Silver Linings Playbook Away We Go Bolt Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Chronicle The Avengers Adventureland The Royal Tenenbaums NOTE: All of these videos are protected by copyright.
MIT Open Courseware SimCityEDU | A game-based learning and assessment tool for middle school students covering the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. Georgia Virtual Learning New Microcourse on Digital Learning Days! Digital Learning Days Badge: Just in Time for Teachers: Digital Learning Days Course will introduce digital learning basics and will assist in planning for digital learning days. As Georgia's trusted partner for innovative digital learning experiences, emphasizing skills to prepare students for success in the global world, this course will share critical best practices, tools and knowledge based on 15 years of virtual education experience at Georgia Virtual to assist educators who are planning for and transitioning to an online format to support digital learning days. Just in Time for Teachers: Digital Learning Days Course Access GaVirtual Learning's Effective Online Teaching Course The Effective Online Teaching Course from Georgia Virtual is thorough, and the material is focused on the basic skills necessary to be an effective online instructor. The Effective Online Teaching Course Access Archived Online Teaching Webinars
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities
This website is great for viewing lesson plans and resources regarding topics for K-12 graders. by jessica_harder Feb 27
This website offers access to textbooks, simulations, webinars, study guides, etc.. This is a useful web tool to use because student can access hundreds of learning and practice resources to help them further their knowledge. by lwagner16 Feb 28