Brand Guidelines If you do not have our express written agreement/permission to use the Skype Brand Elements, you may still use certain restricted Skype Brand Elements in specific limited circumstances, but ONLY as set out below in this section 3 and section 4 below. You should not use any Skype Brand Elements in any way that expresses or implies Skype affiliation, association, sponsorship, endorsement, certification, or approval. (a) Use of Skype Word Marks to refer factually to our company or our products You may use certain of our Word Marks (see selected list of Word Marks at the end of this document) in order to identify the Skype group of companies or its products, but you may not use our icons, logos, taglines or any other features of the Skype Brand Elements. "I use the Skype software." "I use the software." "Skype provides Internet communications products." If you have any questions or are uncertain about how to use our Word Marks, please contact (b) Your Skype contact details
12 magically meticulous design style guides | Branding This is heading directly into geek territory. But we are self-confessed geeks, particularly when it comes to logo design, typography and pictograms. And that leads us to the meticulously regulated world of brand style manuals... A style manual, or style guide, is a set of standards for the design of documents, signage, and any other form of other brand identifier. We love the obsessive nature of these, and so here we've gathered 12 of the best to inspire you when you create your own brand style guides... The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Graphics Standards Manual was created by Danne & Blackburn in 1974 when NASA changed from its original crest-based logo to the 'worm' logotype that we are now familar with. The manual has recently been revived thanks to a Kickstarter campaign to fund its reissue. 02. Certain members of the Creative Bloq team have spent hours poring over the British Rail corporate identity manual (okay, it's me) and it is easy to see why. 03. 04. 05. 06.
World’s First Skype Phone Booth Open at Tallinn Airport 21. March 2011 The world’s first Skype telephone booth, which enables people to make free worldwide calls to other users of the popular internet telephony application, was opened to the public at Tallinn Airport on March 18. Skype is a computer application that allows users to make voice calls over the internet free of charge. "We wanted to introduce Estonia foremost as a smart e-solution country – small but innovative – which led to the logical idea to make a Skype phone booth," Merilin Pärli, communications coordinator at Enterprise Estonia told ETV. Pärli recalled that Tallinn Airport is named after the former Estonian president Lennart Meri, who never missed a chance to say that the country must seek its personal trademark. "And if Skype isn’t one, then what is?"
50 Meticulous Style Guides Every Startup Should See Before Launching All good brands have a great style guide. Creating a simple booklet that catalogues the specific colors, type, logos, imagery, patterns, taglines, etc. of a brand makes sure the brand machine runs smoothly. To prove why you shouldn’t let your style guide go by the wayside, we’re going to take a look at 50 stunning and detailed examples of style guides that are sure to encourage you to begin compiling your own. And when you’re ready to put that style guide to work, trial it the fun way, by designing a branded social media graphic in Canva (click here). 01. Check out this brand manual for Foursquare that gives detailed rundowns for the rules and guides to each of the design elements a brand needs to be consistent. What better way for a designer to prove how detail-oriented they are than by compiling a detail-dense style guide for their own personal branding. 03. A brand manual is a really great chance for a brand’s design team to explain the specific choices made for a brand. 04. 05. 06.
Skype Technologies Skype was acquired by United States-based Microsoft Corporation on 13 October 2011,[3] and the Skype business and companies Skype Technologies S.A., Skype Software S.A., Skype Communications S.A., Skype Inc. and Skype Limited are now controlled by Microsoft as a part of its Applications and Services Group. The Skype Technologies group within Microsoft develops the Skype Service, Skype Applications / Clients and the Microsoft Lync Server and Microsoft Lync clients for businesses. Skype was released as a simple computer-to-computer, or computer-to-telephone program. Support for paid services such as SkypeOut, SkypeIn, and voice mail allows the company to generate its revenue as well as making local and international telephone calls easier to perform via the user's computer, sometimes cheaper than other companies' rates for similar services. History[edit] One of the initial names for the project was "Sky peer-to-peer", which was then abbreviated to "Skyper". eBay sells 70%[edit]
The new Adobe CS6 branding CS6 has just shipped & just like we did in 2010 we'll take a closer look at the design goals of this Creative Suite release. An inside look at how it is to do design work for a big company like Adobe. Each Creative Suite release starts with a list of technical requirements and design goals. Our host is Shawn Cheris, he will guide us through the process just as he did with the CS5 branding. Goals & Requirements Below you'll find what Adobe wanted to accomplish from an experience standpoint: Expressive. Shawn Cheris explains further: Our work is functional and must be optimized for the contexts in which it will be consumed. Legible. Start With Color Below I'll let Shawn Cheris take us through the process of the creation of the new Creative Suite release. Whenever we start thinking about a new Creative Suite release, we like to start with the colors—and by extension—the icons. In terms of value and saturation, prior vintages varied quite a bit. We finally landed on the forms you see below.
Story contest | Skype Stay Together in memoriam with may daddy nino N I want to make a difference Peter W It’s like a puzzle, and can’t be ruined. Kaylee L My Long Distance Relationship Ryan R 8 likes I am Roland A son of God is Great my story is like of the Isreal but Today I very happy I love my children DD and mary. 2 likes Distance doesn`t ruine relationship, people do! Anna K 1 like the worst best friend departure Maddie P Buildind A School For Children Sisu H Quadriplegic Finds Love and Bridges Distances with Skype Faitth B 6 likes Dad stays close to home with Skype Christopher M International Best Friends Kyrie T the friendship that no one thought whold last Katie M Friends Far Far away Yet so close Lindz B
mazeon : pixel art Skype Skype /ˈskaɪp/ is a freemium voice-over-IP service and instant messaging client, currently developed by the Microsoft Skype Division. The name was derived from "sky" and "peer".[15] Skype was first released in August 2003. It was created by Janus Friis (Denmark) and Niklas Zennström (Sweden) in cooperation with Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn (Estonia), who supplied the backend which was also used in Kazaa.[16] Skype had 663 million registered users as of the end of 2010.[17] It was bought by Microsoft in 2011 for $8.5 billion. Microsoft's Skype division headquarters is in Luxembourg, but most of the development team and 44% of the overall employees of the division are still situated in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia.[18][19][20] The service allows users to communicate with peers by voice using a microphone, video by using a webcam, and instant messaging over the Internet. Unlike most other VoIP services, Skype is a hybrid peer-to-peer and client–server system. History[edit]
excites - the Portfolio of Simon C. Page Cette infographie décortique avec humour et réalisme différents métiers De quoi est faite la journée d'un ingénieur ? D'un trader ou encore d'un espion ? Cette question a semble-t-il taraudé l'équipe du site Merci Alfred pendant un moment ! En effet, le site vient de livrer une série d'infographies très amusantes et un peu réalistes concernants différents métiers. Merci qui ? Adam Flynn • Graphic Designer • Online Portfolio Digital Art Set of seven prints. Colourful pixels are distorted through pixel sorting algorithms to create a unique effect. Available here. © Adam Flynn | 2014 Thank you. Adobe CS for Nintendo - Michael Kempen It seems like only yesterday when I'd spend my summer vacations camped out in the basement of my childhood home, munching on frozen pizzas and busting vectors on my NES. While I don't miss having to blow in to the cartridge to get it to work and the utter lack of shortcuts allowed by a five button controller, there's something to be said for the way a couple hours staring at those 8-bit graphics could just about make your eyes bleed. I'll always have fond memories (or delusions?) of Adobe Creative Suit for Nintendo.
Norvège : du Pixel Art sur les billets de banque Les nouveaux billets de banque Norvégiens sont surprenants. En effet, si une face de ces billet se montre classique, l’autre donne la part belle au pixel art. Au printemps dernier, la banque nationale Norvégienne a décidé de donner un coup de jeune à sa monnaie, la Couronne. Et pour redesigner les billets, elle a organisé un concours. Plutôt sympa comme initiative, déjà. Mais encore plus sympa, c’est le projet de l’agence de design Snøhetta qui vient d’être choisi. A quand la même chose pour les Euros ? article Norvège : du Pixel Art sur les billets de banque Les nouveaux billets de banque Norvégiens sont surprenants.