Tribes Create Their Own Food Laws to Stop USDA From Killing Native Food Economies Jacob Butler checks on grapes in the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community garden. YES! photo by Tristan Ahtone. SALT RIVER PIMA-MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY, Ariz. – Jacob Butler eyed a lemon tree—its bright yellow fruit nestled among thick green leaves and set against the blue Arizona sky—then checked on the tiny pomegranates and grapes in the garden as a black-striped lizard darted into the shade of a mesquite tree. “We try to grow what’s been here for hundreds, if not thousands, of years,” says Butler, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community garden coordinator, as he surveyed the land and the plants growing on it. Traditionally, Pima and Maricopa tribal members grew lima beans, squash, corn, and other vegetables; used mesquite trees for food, medicine, and other practical purposes; and relied on wild game for food. “What are the stories that go along with this tree? According to Butler, tribal members once cultivated myriad varieties of beans, squash, and melons.
Climate change 'impacts women more than men' Image copyright Getty Images Women are more likely than men to be affected by climate change, studies show. UN figures indicate that 80% of people displaced by climate change are women. Roles as primary caregivers and providers of food and fuel make them more vulnerable when flooding and drought occur. The 2015 Paris Agreement has made specific provision for the empowerment of women, recognising that they are disproportionately impacted. In central Africa, where up to 90% of Lake Chad has disappeared, nomadic indigenous groups are particularly at risk. "In the dry season, men go to the towns... leaving women to look after the community," explains Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, coordinator of the Association of Indigenous Women and People of Chad (AFPAT). With dry seasons now becoming longer, women are working harder to feed and care for their families without support. A global problem It is not just women in rural areas who are affected. 'Natural' disasters? Half the world Image copyright AFP
Climate disasters displaced twice as many people as violence in 2019 Seven million people were displaced between January and June of this year due to climate and weather crises.That's nearly double the number of people (3.8 million) who were displaced by violence in the same period.People in India and Bangladesh have been especially affected by climate-related disasters this year.Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. This year has already been a record-breaker for weather-related highs: July was the hottest month ever recorded globally, Australia shattered its record for the hottest summer ever, and Angola experienced the world's warmest recorded February temperature. According to a report by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, which compiles data on diaspora from governments, the United Nations, and media reports, a record number of disasters displaced people from their homes and communities in the first half of 2019. The report gives some reason for optimism.
Oil And Gas Giants Spend Millions Lobbying To Block Climate Change Policies [Infographic] Every year, the world's five largest publicly owned oil and gas companies spend approximately $200 million on lobbying designed to control, delay or block binding climate-motivated policy. This has caused problems for governments seeking to implement policies in the wake of the Paris Agreement which are vital in meeting climate change targets. Companies are generally reluctant to disclose such lobbying expenditure and late last week, a report from InfluenceMap used a methodology focusing on the best available records along with intensive research of corporate messaging to gauge their level of influence on initiatives to halt climate change. BP has the highest annual expenditure on climate lobbying at $53 million, followed by Shell with $49 million and ExxonMobil with $41 million. Chevron and Total each spend around $29 million every year. *Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista) *Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)
Wir sind die Veränderung Von Isabelle Krötsch, aufbauend auf der Zuschrift von Carmen Glandien Was kann ich tun, um die Erde zu einem besseren Ort zu machen? Vielleicht, so beschleicht mich ein Gefühl, ist es nur mein Versuch, durch Aktivismus der innerlichen Verzweiflung zu entkommen, die sich aus dem Ohnmachtsgefühl ergibt. Aber gleichzeitig spüre ich, dass steter Tropfen den Stein höhlt und jeder Tropfen derjenige sein kann, der ein Fass zum Überlaufen bringen kann, also auch im positiven Sinne. Jeder Gedanke, jedes Gefühl, das sich der friedfertigen Metamorphose widmet und sich nicht verrückt machen lässt von den immer wieder proklamierten Katastrophen und dem manipulativen Angstschüren, ist eine gewonnene Vision für die Zukunft. Es treibt mich die Erkenntnis an, dass eine sehr große Macht und Verantwortung tagtäglich in meinem Bewusstsein und den eigenen Händen liegt und es nicht egal ist, was ich persönlich denke, fühle und handle und dass es da ein großes Ganzes gibt, in das wir alle eingebettet sind.
Every Country Has Its Own Climate Risks. What’s Yours? President Biden has wasted no time in moving to repudiate his predecessor’s regressive climate policies. That’s good news. This map shows which areas could be at high risk unless greenhouse-gas emissions are cut drastically. We’ve colored the map to identify the top risks across the globe, using a model by Four Twenty Seven, a company that analyzes climate risks. Tell us where you live and see how your country compares. In the United States, for instance, nearly 80 percent of the population, the economy and agriculture will be exposed to at least one high-risk climate hazard. Worldwide, roughly 90 percent of the population will be exposed to one or more threats. From 2000 to 2019, floods upended the lives of at least 1.65 billion people — the highest number in any disaster category. In the past 20 years, hurricanes, typhoons and other storms were the deadliest weather-related disasters, killing nearly 200,000 people worldwide. Then there is climate inequality. Consider the Philippines.
The Nation-State: The Common Root of Our Failure to Deal with High Global Inequality and Climate Change - Inequality and climate change are both global problems that cannot be solved by a single country. Yet we are stuck with the political limitations of the nation-state. There are obvious and (to some people) surprising similarities between climate change and inequality. First, both are obviously global problems. Neither can be solved by a single country, group or individual. But there are also significant differences. The issue of global poverty is an ethical issue for all those who are not poor, but does not otherwise affect those who are not poor in their daily lives. Migration is thus the only concrete manifestation of global inequality that affects people in rich countries. Global climate change is different, in the sense that its effects are mostly more remote in time and uncertain—its not clear who the winners and losers will be. Nation-states are not the best units to combat climate change, because the emitters who should be targeted are the rich, regardless of where they live.
Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Exec. Summary and Full Report Strategies for Transforming Neoliberal Finance Through Commons-Based Alternatives By David Bollier and Pat Conaty. A Report on a Commons Strategies Group Workshop in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Berlin, Germany / September 8-10, 2015 Download this Executive Summary as a PDF. “Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Strategies for Transforming Neoliberal Finance Through Commons-Based Alternatives,” Download the full 54 page report here (PDF) Executive Summary The logic of neoliberal capitalism is responsible for at least three interrelated, systemic problems that urgently need to be addressed – the destruction of ecosystems, market enclosures of commons, and assaults on equality, social justice and the capacity of society to provide social care to its citizens. Fortunately, new opportunities to pursue systemic change are arising. I. II. The conventional financial system is dedicated to an economy of exploitation and extraction. III. But we need not start from zero.
Forests worldwide threatened by drought Forests around the world are at risk of death due to widespread drought, University of Stirling researchers have found. An analysis, published in the journal Ecology Letters, suggests that forests are at risk globally from the increased frequency and severity of droughts. The study found a similar response in trees across the world, where death increases consistently with increases in drought severity. Dr Sarah Greenwood, Postdoctoral Researcher in Stirling's Faculty of Natural Sciences, said: "We can see that the death of trees caused by drought is consistent across different environments around the world. The biological and environmental scientists did find specific, varying features in different tree types can alter their resistance to drought. "As the temperature of the planet continues to climb, mass tree mortality will hit more forests than ever before. "This has very significant implications for fully understanding the impact of climate change on our planet."
Jóvenes en Huelga Climática piden a AMLO cancelar Dos Bocas y Tren Maya Los jóvenes que participan este viernes en la llamada Huelga Climática pidieron al presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador que cancele las obras de la refinería de Dos Bocas y el Tren Maya, al considerar que estos proyectos emblemáticos del gobierno mexicano están “acabando con los recursos naturales de México”. Reunidos en el Ángel de la Independencia y con destino al Zócalo, los manifestantes reunión por la convocatoria de la activista sueca Greta Thunberg -que desde hace más de un año promueve la causa ambientalista bajo el lema Fridays for Future (Viernes para el Futuro)-, más de 40 colectivos exigen acciones urgentes que eviten una catástrofe medioambiental a los jefes de Estado que se reunirán para una cumbre sobre el cambio climático de la ONU. Lee: ‘Salven nuestro futuro’: jóvenes protestan en el mundo en la Huelga Climática Con información de Proceso.
Taxing the Rich. Imposing A "Pigou Wealth Tax" in the Time of COVID-19 Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959), a British economist, is well known for his contributions to welfare economics. One of the most prolific writers of his time, Pigou wrote over a dozen books and more than 100 articles and pamphlets dealing with both theoretical and practical aspects of welfare economics. His writings cover a wide range of human welfare issues from unemployment to housing to taxation. Some of his most famous books include Wealth and Welfare (1912), The Economics of Welfare (1920), A Capital Levy and a Levy on War Wealth (1920), The Political Economy of War (1921), and The Theory of Unemployment (1933). The Pigouvian Taxes In the 1920s, Pigou gave an analytical solution to the concept of externalities that occur when external costs and benefits spill over to third parties. On the other hand, a positive externality occurs when benefits spill over to third parties. A Levy on Capital The four years of the First World War (1914-18) left Britain mired in debt. Taxing the Rich
This Changes Everything - ScreeningsThe Film – This Changes Everything This Changes Everything will be showing at the Toronto International Film Festival and the Camden International Film Festival in September, 2015. This Changes Everything will be available for theatrical and community screenings this Fall. If you or your organization are interested in hosting an event around the film, please contact: Theatrical ScreeningsCindy Banachcindy@abramorama.com Community ScreeningsKaela Bamberger kaela@thischangeseverything.org Theatrical ScreeningsKerry Kupecz kerry@laffstock.com Community Screenings Bianca Mugyenyi bianca@thischangeseverything.org Alex Kelly contact@thischangeseverything.org You will receive a follow-up and be added to our mailing list for more information.
Las "otras Gretas": líderes indígenas que reclaman luchar por la Madre Tierra En primera línea de la marcha contra la crisis climática de este viernes en Nueva York es reconocible el rostro de la niña sueca Greta Thunberg, pero junto a ella hay "otras Gretas": líderes indígenas llegadas de todo el mundo para reclamar que la humanidad se una en defensa de la Madre Tierra. "Necesitamos ayuda urgente, no dejar que por temas empresariales y políticos se pierdan la naturaleza y las personas indígenas", exhortó a Efe la joven boliviana María José Bejarano de Oliveira, de 18 años, seleccionada por su comunidad para representar a la Confederación de Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia. "Los Pueblos Indígenas Chiquitanos de Bolivia están en una situación devastadora, van cuatro millones de hectáreas quemándose y el Gobierno no declara desastre nacional", explicó Bejarano, que considera un privilegio tanto como una "responsabilidad" llevar su voz a la huelga. "Es un apoyo tremendo que los jóvenes se hayan sumado a la lucha contra el cambio climático. Nora Quintanilla
The Death of Neoliberalism Is an Opportunity to Birth a New System President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn prior to his departure from the White House May 4, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images) Today in the US, as well as globally, we find ourselves in multiple reinforcing crises. There is a crisis of legitimacy in established institutions ranging from Congress, the presidency and the Supreme Court, to the media, the criminal legal system, organized religion, Wall Street banks and corporations. Along with this, there is a loss of belief in social mobility and fairness. The neoliberal ideology that has dominated public discourse for four decades has failed, and we are set adrift with no vision to replace it. We are in the midst of a great interregnum, a period when the old order can no longer hold and a new one cannot be born. These intersecting crises place us in a period of extreme indeterminacy. Let us look at the historical sweep of the last century, starting with a familiar story. The Making of Global Capitalism